My statement on Virginia Tech shootings.........

Re: My statement on Virginia Tech shootings...

Here are some interesting statistics...

Britain's 46 homicides involving firearms last year was the lowest since the late 1980s. New York City, with 8 million people compared to 53 million in England and Wales, recorded 590 homicides last year.

How are americans ok with this??? If there is one shooting in Canada, everyone is mad, and demands answers from our government. It just seems that americans just don't care about each other... :confused:
Re: My statement on Virginia Tech shootings...

It does not have so much to do with the gun laws as it has with the availability of guns. In Japan, the mayor of Nagasaki was shot to death on Tuesday by an organized crime chief. From the Associated Press article, "The shooting was rare in a country where handguns are strictly banned."
Re: My statement on Virginia Tech shootings...

Showtime said:
But why a semi-automatic? Surely, if the gun is for protecting yourself a pistol would do? Military weapons should not be available to the public under any circumstances.

It was a semi-automatic handgun. It wasn't a military-style weapon; it was like a beefed up 9 mm. It actually looked like a taser gun to me.
Re: My statement on Virginia Tech shootings...

xfcanadian said:
Here are some interesting statistics...

Britain's 46 homicides involving firearms last year was the lowest since the late 1980s. New York City, with 8 million people compared to 53 million in England and Wales, recorded 590 homicides last year.

How are americans ok with this??? If there is one shooting in Canada, everyone is mad, and demands answers from our government. It just seems that americans just don't care about each other... :confused:

Those statistics speak volumes. I do wonder how it seems to sit with alot of Americans.

In my 21 Years and 10 months of life I've never seen a real gun with my own eyes up close and I will probably got the rest of my life the same way. Its amazing how two Western countries like The US and the UK are so alike in so many ways and are probably closest allies can have such an apposing tollerence and acceptance of firearms
Re: My statement on Virginia Tech shootings...

allstar12 said:
Showtime said:
But why a semi-automatic? Surely, if the gun is for protecting yourself a pistol would do? Military weapons should not be available to the public under any circumstances.

It was a semi-automatic handgun. It wasn't a military-style weapon; it was like a beefed up 9 mm. It actually looked like a taser gun to me.

i think the point was that they are available, not that this guy had one. some of the guns that regular people can buy are very scary, theres no need. and the semi-automatic part, why would any civilian require firing off hundreds of bullets in a short amount of time? the fact that these are available for purchase is just asking for trouble.

and not living in the states i am not aware of gun laws, but you only need id to get a gun? there is no background check to identify a high risk individual? from what they are discovering it sounds like this guy was violent and depressed, not someone who should have a gun in my opinion. but like its been said, if someone wants a gun they are going to get one.

its incredibly sad that people feel the need to do this, and take so many innocent people down with them. but this doesnt seem to happen outside of north america if i am correct. so we are obviously doing something wrong but i dont think there is one simple answer to fix it.
Re: My statement on Virginia Tech shootings...

I've just read an article from a newspaper and I can't believe what people is saying about this. Colectives from weapons asociations say that the problem isn't the weapons used in the killing, the problem was the guy that used them to kill. Can't they see how wrong they are?

If it wasn't as easy to get a gun as it really is in the USA, I don't really think we would be here in this thread. And I checked, it's true, if you live there you just need an ID, fill a sheet of paper and your fingerprints to get a new shinny gun. You can be a professed sociopath, don't worry, you can have you gun.

I can say, and happy, that all the guns I saw in my whole life were in hands of policemen. Here our laws don't allow us to have a gun unless you can justify the need of that weapon (self defense in a case of abuse, for example), but before, you have to pass a psico test to confirm you are mentally health to have a gun.
Re: My statement on Virginia Tech shootings...

You actually need three forms of ID, and the gun shop calls the police department to do a background check. I don't care what anyone says, if you are willing to kill other people and yourself, you can stop somebody. It doesn't matter how easy or hard it is to get a gun, this guy would have found a way to get one. It wasn't the gun that killed people, it was this jackass. This sort of thing can happen anywhere, whether it is a police station, hosptial, church, school, it doesn't matter, it can happen anywhere at any time. And saying Americans don't care about each other is just an ignorant comment, you have seen how this has brought people together and you learn about the heroes that stepped up in a time like this. Some people are just dumb.
Re: My statement on Virginia Tech shootings...

At the risk of NOT turning this into a gun-control debate....

I read this morning that this young man was EXTREMELY disturbed. He barely spoke, he hardly participated in class and was rude to others. He obviously felt this was his only way out. Let me say now.. BY NO MEANS TO I APPROVE OF WHAT HE DID! This person felt this was his only chance to 'say something'. He targeted 'rich kids' and religion I read.

He would have found a gun no matter what. People usually do when they want to commit a crime like this.

I feel sorry for all those who were affected by this, including this young mans family.
Re: My statement on Virginia Tech shootings...

Plain horrible. All I need to say. And sad on multiple ways.

As for guns, we don't get so many shootings here even tho many have hunting rifles and shot guns (we have 6 I think) and to get permissions and renew the license is... hard and takes time. You actually have to go to the police station with your guns so they check those.

My brother got pistol when one relative died (he got all the money and stuff) and there was no way he got license for that and he had to make ..deactivation? So it cannot be used anymore but he could keep it as a "colletor's item"

So yeah, many things have affect to these cases. Gun law and how easy it is to get a gun.
Re: My statement on Virginia Tech shootings...

I've been watching all of the news I can on this. and it's just really depressing. but so many people deserve praise in staying so calm and heroic during this time. I know I couldn't be like that. Aww but these poor kid's have to return to Norris Hall for classes and back to there dorm.

I just hope they get all the help they need and I'll keep them in my thoughts.
Re: My statement on Virginia Tech shootings...

i dont think anyone would disagree if someone wants a gun, theyre gonna get it. but the fact remains in america the only thing stopping you from legally obtaining a gun is a criminal record. if there was a mental health test to pass like other countries from what ive heard of the man responsible he likely would not have passed.

and yes people have come together over this, theres no denying that everyone cares. but the sad fact is, if those 32 victims were killed by 32 different murderers in 32 different cities it would just be like any other day. no one would care, no one would be on the news for this long. it is alarming how many people die in the us compared to other countries. and yes gun access is probably correlated and yes there are probably other factors. its just sad it takes something like this to wake everyone up, but in the end nothing is accomplished to help solve the problem.
Re: My statement on Virginia Tech shootings...

Actually, it is legal to buy a gun privately, or at gun shows, without any background checks or waiting times. And semi-automatic guns can easily be turned into automatic guns with $30 kits sold at these shows. That is really is just not good when its so easy to get guns like this.

The gun he used, was a semi-automatic 9mm, that could hold 30 rounds. Why does a civilian need a gun that can shoot 30 rounds?! That is overkill....and he bought the gun 36 days before the shootings. Isn't there waiting times?? Yikes..I was planning to move to the US after graduation, but I am way too scared.
Re: My statement on Virginia Tech shootings...

Mayte said:
I've just read an article from a newspaper and I can't believe what people is saying about this. Colectives from weapons asociations say that the problem isn't the weapons used in the killing, the problem was the guy that used them to kill. Can't they see how wrong they are?
Are they? Yes, I believe that it is made far too easy for anyone to own a gun and I do believe that the gun laws do need to be changed. I totally agree with everyone on that point, but it is a choice to use a gun to murder someone, obviously the responsibility lies with the killer, not the gun. However on a flip side, in cases of metal health, I can't apply the same opinion at all, in my opinion, in this respect, a change in gun laws would be of the most benefit.
Re: My statement on Virginia Tech shootings...

Man they just found the package that this loser sent out between the shootings, it was videos and pictures inside, but of what I wonder.
Re: My statement on Virginia Tech shootings...

mrb105 said:
You actually need three forms of ID, and the gun shop calls the police department to do a background check. I don't care what anyone says, if you are willing to kill other people and yourself, you can stop somebody. It doesn't matter how easy or hard it is to get a gun, this guy would have found a way to get one. It wasn't the gun that killed people, it was this jackass. This sort of thing can happen anywhere, whether it is a police station, hosptial, church, school, it doesn't matter, it can happen anywhere at any time. And saying Americans don't care about each other is just an ignorant comment, you have seen how this has brought people together and you learn about the heroes that stepped up in a time like this. Some people are just dumb.

HERE-HERE big applause ;)... I so agree with you.. on all points. and all "Americans' are deeply disturbed, devastated and mourning this selfish cowardly act.. and we all LOVE one another and are bonded TOGETHER over this tragic event.. "nonsense makes no sense" symapathies and condolences go out to all the families.. and there are nut cases in all parts of the world!