My First CSI story. CSI: Own Risk

In the labs all the people where all busy working on cases and testing DNA results and comparing them to others. Grissom however was busy in computer room. He had taken both the fingerprints from the back door handle at the Major's crime scene and the finger print that Nick found at David Dacson's apartment on the glass. He had put them in the computer and was running them through the fingerprint database. Grissom had been staring at the screen for the last 10 minutes but nothing. As the fingerprint was tested along side 1000's of others no matches so far. The 7 points of refence that the computer had made on the two finger prints was not helping so far.

Meanwhile across the lab Nick Stokes was getting the map of the tunnel area checked out with Qd. Qd was about the same size as Nick and a big more chubbery than Nick. He had short black hair and was the paper expert. He was just covering the paper in a thin layer of clingfilm. He wraps the edges round and moves it over and places it under the U.V light machine.

QD: Now what am doing is shineing different U.V lights on the map at different frequancies to see if any lines have been drawn in. Cause as you know different inks show up under different frequancies. So hopeful it might give us something.

NICK: So anything showing?
QD: Not yet.

keeps pressing the button trying different U.V lights on it. As the light colour changes from red to green to yellow. He keeps looking through the scope.

QD: Am sorry to hear about Sara, Greg and the team. Me Greg and Sara was quite close.

Nick just nods as he looks round the room. Nick had noticed in the past how some of the staff members liked Sara and thought they were close like David from the Morgue used to at first.

QD: Wait a minute!
NICK: You got something there for me?
QD: There are a bunch of lines showing up under the U.V blue light. 7 lines in all have been drawn in. Take a look.

Nick walks over and looks through the scope. He see's 7 lines throughout the map had been drawn in making certain parts of the tunnels look like they dead ended. Nick looks over at and smiles taking the map.

NICK: Thanks .

Meanwhile across the lab in another room Calleigh is carefully taking the wadded ball of paper out of the bag and places it on the small piece of metal. She then carefully takes two pairs of tweezers and slowly but softy begins to open the piece of paper. Just as she gets the piece of paper flat she notices someone standing near the door. She glances up seeing Hodges standing there watching her through the glass. She takes the piece of paper and walks over to the freezer drying unit and opens the door. She carefully places the piece of paper down on the stand and shuts the door over and begins to press a couple of buttons on the lid of the unit. The freezing process begins. She pulls her chair over to the computer screen and waits as the paper freezes. She looks back over as Hodges is still watching her through the glass. She turns placing her arm on the chair looking at him.

CALLEIGH: Can i help you?

Hodges steps round to the door pointing at himself then looking round.

CALLEIGH: Yes you considing you have been watching me since i walked in through reception.

Hodges walks inside the room and right up to where Calleigh is forcing Calleigh to look at him from the chair.

HODGES: I was just impressed with your skill on opening the wad of paper.
CALLEIGH: Does your supervisor know your taking time off?
HODGES: Grissom and i share a mutural understanding.
CALLEIGH: I'll remember to tell him that.
HODGES: Maybe i should head back to work.

Hodges turns round and heads out as Calleigh relaxes and smiles. She turns back to the screen and the paper is now ready to test. She begins pressing buttons and different lights begin getting tested on the paper wad. Blue then green then yellow and so far nothing. Red shows up a set of four numbers and two letters. As Calleigh looks at the paper, the paper looks like this:
24 8
18 3

Horatio is standing out in the corridor outside nearby the room where Grissom is in. He pulls out his phone and speed dials Eric Delko in Miami. Eric is a young late 20's cuban CSI. He is a level 3 CSI. He has short black hair and tanned brown skin. Eric picks up his phone as it rings.

HORATIO: What have you got for me?
DELKO: Not much H. When David Dacson left Miami he emptyed his entire house. However he did leave something behind his furniture.
HORATIO: Becuase it was too big to take with him.
DELKO: Right. Well we managed to pull a couple of hair fibres from the sofa. They are running through DNA now.
HORATIO: Anything else?
DELKO: Yeah we found his address book. It has over 15 pages of addresses inside. So we are trying to match any of them to the hair fibres.
HORATIO: Nice going. Keep me posted.

Horatio shuts over his phone as Grissom comes out into the corridor. Grissom begins to head over to Horatio. Horatio turns to face Grissom as Nick is coming out the lab room heading over to them.

HORATIO: Anything?
GRISSOM: So far the finger prints have gave us nothing.
NICK: Grissom, Horatio!

Both Grissom and Horatio turn to see Nick coming over. He has a large sheet of paper in his hands.

HORATIO: What have you got there?
NICK: We found this in David Dacson's apartment. It's the entire tunnel system for Las Vegas. I just ran it through all the tests and there are some lines added to this map in pen to make some of these tunnels look like dead ends.
HORATIO: Where are these lines added?

Nick Stokes holds the map out and points to a 7 points on the map.

GRISSOM: Ok Nick. Now lets get some patrols sent out to them areas.
NICK: Already done it. They sent off 5 minutes ago.
HORATIO: Nice going Nicky.

Nick Stokes, Horatio Caine and Gil Grissom all begin to head over to where Calleigh is in the other lab area.
A long wait, but worthwile. You never cease to keep things moving and set in the right frame of mind. Can't wait for the next update!
Very much worth the wait, keeping with the suspense and adding in the dual show characters. Lets see where the leads they have take them. :)
It's great to see the next chapter up, and it was really worth waiting for. Wonderful dialogue between Hodges and Calleigh, it's great to see both teams mingling. - Quite a rare sight. ;)

Keep up the excellent work! You're doing phenominally. :)
They are all in the Lab room with Calleigh Duquesne. She is sitting on the computer showing them what she has found. Nick Stokes, Gil Grissom and Horatio Caine are all standing behind her checking out the piece of paper on the scene. Grissom carefully looks at it taking off his glasses. Nick stokes is trying to wokr the numbers out in his head. As Horatio puts his hands on his hips looking closely at the numbers.

HORATIO: Some kind of code?
CALLEIGH: The numbers had all but disappered with the ink but the U.V imaging managed to bring this back up. Any ideas?
STOKES: Maybe grid numbers?
GRISSOM: No. It's not that. There are to many digits.
HORATIO: It's not a locker number or combo!

Behind them Ecklie is coming down the corridor. He is looking through each of the the lab windows looking for someone. As he gets further down the corridor he spots Grissom and begins to march over towards the doors. He opens them as the whole group turns round. Ecklie looks over at Horatio and Calleigh and steps forward. Grissom turns round looking at Ecklie.

GRISSOM: Conrad Ecklie. I would like you to meet Horatio Caine Miami Dae Crime Scene Supervisor and Miami CSI Calleigh Duquesne.
CALLEIGH: Hey. Please to meet you.
ECKLIE: How do you do? Grissom can i have a word please?
GRISSOM: Were right in the middle of something Ecklie.
ECKLIE: This can't wait Grissom.

Ecklie turns and walks out side Grissom turns and follows him outside into the corridor. As soon as Grissom shuts the door Ecklie turns round facing him.

ECKLIE: When were you going to inform the CSI's families who have gone missing. I just had to deal with a phone call from Catherine's mom. She was wondering where Catherine was. Grissom you haven't infromed the families yet.
GRISSOM: I don't have time to inform the family. I have to find my CSI's.
ECKLIE: For your information Grissom. It's your job to......
GRISSOM: Ecklie. I have 4 CSI's missing. I don't know where they are and i have a job to do.
ECKLIE: Fine I'll tell them. Any new leads on the case?
GRISSOM: Me and Horatio checked the mayor's house and found a fingerprint but we haven't matched it to anyone. Nick and Calleigh managed to find a map of the storm drains for the whole of Las Vegas from the suspects aparment and were still following it up.

Horatio looks over through the glass doors and see's Ecklie getting annoyed at Grissom. He glances back at Nick and Calleigh.

HORATIO: Nice work Calleigh.

Horatio turns and walks over towards the doors as Nick leans over and puts his hand on the back of Calleigh's chair.

ECKLIE: When did you plan on telling me that you called Miami to assist us on this case?
GRISSOM: I didn't realise i had to inform you of everything i do on this case Ecklie.
ECKLIE: Well when you decide to bring in CSI's from Miami it makes this lab and me look incompatent of doing our jobs.
GRISSOM: They offered to assist us in finding the others. So i welcomed their assistance.

Suddenly the door next to them comes open and out steps Horatio. He turns looking over at Grissom then turning to Ecklie.

HORATIO: Is there a problem here Conrad Ecklie?
ECKLIE: No. Me and Grissom were just discussing something.
HORATIO: I understand that but Grissom is needed back in the room.
GRISSOM: Is that all Conrad?
ECKLIE: I'll have to inform the families then. Keep me updated.
HORATIO: Oh you'll be the first to know.

Ecklie turns and heads off down the corridor back towards his office. Grissom turns looking at Horatio as Horatio watches Ecklie walk away. Once Ecklie goes into his office and shuts his door Horatio smiles and head's back into the lab with Grissom right behind him to continue processing the evidence.
Very nice and detailed along with the fact that you put in the little problems that they can run into. Keep up the good work, even though I know its been awhile.
(Hi. Sorry for taking so long but it's been very busy and writer's block has not helped. However i have been watching CSI New York now. So i may be able to do a story on the New York characters once i finish this one. Anyway if you can think back it was a while ago. Sara, Greg, Warrick and Catherine have all been kidnapped by a unknown suspect who may have even killed the mayor. He tried to kidnap Nick Stokes but Nick managed to escape. However the suspect has ties to Maimi and Maimi have sent over Horatio Caine and Calleigh Duquesne to help out in the case. If you need to think back reading some of the scenes might help. Thank you for waiting for the next scene and here it is.)

A disused part of town on the outskirts of Las Vegas. The rain is beginning to lightly come down. The light sound of the rain is not the only sound to be heard as a old man and his dog turn onto the street and begin to walk down. The old man is wearing a long raincoat that covers most of his body as his old grey beard blows lightly in the wind. His cream coloured Labrador merrily walking along side him on the lead. As the rain lightly drops down on both of the travellers heading down the street past old woren out buildings. They old man gets about halfway down the street when he leans down and begins to let the dog cover over to him. The Labrador quickly comes over to him and begins trying to lick his face as the old man turns the dog round slightly to get at his collar. He carefully unclips the collar and wraps up the lead in his hand as the Labrador bounds off down the street and begins sniffing through some of the garbage on the side of the street. The old man quickly lifts his fingers to his lips and whistles testing his dog's training. The dog quickly lifts it's head out the trash and charges back to it's owner lifting it's front paws onto the man's thighs. The owner throws his hand out in a push away montion and the dog turns round and begins walking back down the street at a casual jog. Suddenly the dog hears a high pitched whistle and runs for the source of the sound. The dog runs for the grate at the side of the road. As soon as he gets to it he begins barking down at the grate. The old man begins walking over to dog and whistles again. The dog hearing this lifts his head and begins to turn to look at his master but again it hears another whistle and turns back looking down the grate and barks again. The old man gets over to the grate and leans down rubbing his dog's head. The dog's head shakes from side to side as the old man glances down the grate and see's nothing. He turns looking at his dog.

OLD MAN: What did you hear down there boy?

The man looks down there as the dog barks again. All he can see is the water splashing down on a small puddle which is a few inches high. He goes to stand up when he hears a faint voice call out. He listens again for a couple of seconds it's silent then the voices comes again. The old man looks down into the sewer through the grate and moves round to the other side. As the moon light pours through the grate he spots a woman with blonde hair down to her shoulders looking straight up at the grate. The relief in the woman's face is obvious. She is wearing a red jacket with a white blouse with black pants parts of her hair are wet and beginning to stick to her face. The old man notices the water in the sewer is up to the young woman's knees and is slowly raising.

OLD MAN: You ok down there young lady?
WILLOWS: I am fine. Sir by any chance do you have a cell phone?
OLD MAN: No. Not me i don't believe in those. Awful things they give you cancer you.......
WILLOWS: It's ok sir. I understand. Do you know where the nearest phone is?
OLD MAN: There's a pay phone just on the corner of the street.
WILLOWS: Great. I need you to call the Las Vegas police department. Tell them you have found CSI's Catherine Willows and Warrick Brown then tell them what street you are on.
OLD MAN: Ok young lady.
WILLOWS: Thankyou sir. Oh and sir please tell them to hurry.

As the old man turns round and jogs over to the phone Catherine feels the warmth of blood on the back of her neck coming from Warrick. The Labrador barks down the grate twice more then takes off running after his owner. The dog makes it to his owner just as the old man dials 911.
Nicely done and leaving the suspense, you can't even tell that you had any block. Keep up the good work.