Multishippers Sanctuary.

midnightsun - I just started giggling when I was reading all your ships. Kept thinking to myself that it would be so much easier just to list what you DON'T ship. :lol: ;)

i was thinking the same thing i was like :eek: and i thought i was a shipper whore, hahahaha :lol: btw i mean whore nicely, midnight knows that so no one yell at me please, lol.

the shipper whore is a snicker thing lol.
haha! true. But there’s another thread for that. This one is about positive reinforcement.

Did it come across as negative? If so that wasn't my intention. I just thought it was cute that there were so many. (Guess I should just learn to keep my humor to myself. Doesn't always come across very well online. :()
haha! true. But there’s another thread for that. This one is about positive reinforcement.
Did it come across as negative? If so that wasn't my intention. I just thought it was cute that there were so many. (Guess I should just learn to keep my humor to myself. Doesn't always come across very well online. :()
No no!
I got your humor. I was just teasing yah a bit in my post too. Sorry if it didn't come across right. *hugs*

Edit to Clarify a bit because I worded things weird before. :D
No no!
I got your humor. I was just teasing yah a bit in my post too. Sorry if it didn't come across right. *hugs*

Whew..I was worried.

I have a VERY sarcastic sense of humor a lot of the time, and usually try to be very careful that people know I'm kidding. (Thus I use LOTS of smilies :lol:)
I have a VERY sarcastic sense of humor a lot of the time, and usually try to be very careful that people know I'm kidding. (Thus I use LOTS of smilies :lol:)
I'm really saracastic too. It's hard sometime because I so want to say something funny but I'm never sure if it will come across right :confused:

And I'm a smilie addict too!
Athena - Yep, I can relate. :D

Cute cow! Sadly, a lot of my smilies, I can't use due to their so NOT PG-13 ratings. (And some would go really well in a couple other forums like the orgy or Lady Heather ones :devil:)

Okay, so back on topic! First ships! Up until earlier this year, I'd never had ANY ships. In fact I used to have some good natured kidding with some of my shipper friends in another fandom. (I liked the bad guy and could care less about the ship on the show :D) But I found myself becoming very shippy earlier this year, and started reading a lot of the fanfic. I went back and forth reading Nick/Greg and Greg/Sara. I think it's the chemistry between the characters/actors that really got to me.
I’ve always been a shipper- I’m a hopeless romantic. I have various ships over various fandoms, but only ever concentrate on one at a time. I never fall out of love with a ship even when it is long over (program or actual ship), but sometimes it may be replaced by another. The end of season 5 coincided with my former number 1 ship going downhill, so Sandle easily slipped in to replace them. I have shipped Sandle since season 1- yep, that’s before Greg’s crush became obvious, or even existed.

Non-CSI Ships:
Jackie/Hyde (Zenmasters)- That 70’s show (Former number 1 ship)
Fred/Wesley- Angel
Angel/Cordy- Angel
Bufffy/Spike- BTVS
Ray/Neela- ER
Charlie/Claire- Lost
Sadly, a lot of my smilies, I can't use due to their so NOT PG-13 ratings. (And some would go really well in a couple other forums like the orgy or Lady Heather ones :devil:)
:lol: can you pm me? I'd love to see them!

Ekk! :eek: I guess I should answer my own question!

Okay kids gather round for story time

Once upon a time… hehe just kidding.
Alright I was completely bored one evening and decided to watch TV because there was nothing else to do… I rarely ever watch television. That interesting show that a friend of mine at school kept pestering me about was on so I kept the channel on SpikeTV and figured I’d watch this CSI show, nothing else was on after all and I hate flicking through the channels. Needless to say I loved it and I immediately had a girly crush on Jorja Fox (the episode was “Sex, Lies, and Larva” can you blame me?)

The next day I was playing online and typed in 'Sara Sidle' as a search. Just to see what would pop up. In the listing was an interesting link called The Seduction of Sara Sidle curiosity got the best of me and I click on the link. "What the hell is this?!" (for those of you who know the page understand because the picture that is displayed is very... :eek: for first time visitors not expecting it) I quickly closed the window because I was at school and could have been in deep @#%$ if anyone saw that.

After returning home I had long since forgotten the site and just continued with my regular routine of studying, reading, and now watching reruns of CSI.

After several weeks of watching I became more aware of the Grissom/Sara relationship-non-relationship and watching the infamous 'pin me down' scene caused the picture from LSI's story to pop into my head.

The show ended and I ran to my computer and prayed that I could find her page again, because I didn’t know if that was just fan art or a spoiler or what! (I didn’t know those terms at the time but you get the idea) After finding and reading the page I discovered what fan fiction was. I was completely obsessed and read every story on her site in a matter of days (including her novels). From there I moved on to Cinoflex because at the time LSI was hosting her stories (and wow!).

After reading those I went on to find other good stories, that’s when I discovered the other ships out there. Each story and each couple had it’s own unique quality to it and I really liked figuring that out while I went deeper into the show as well.

Then one day while I was searching for more fan fiction I stumbled across this site. “What’s this Talk CSI? hmm…” after clicking on various links I discovered the shipper page. I lurked for a bit to get a little more familiar with the lingo, started the names thread to get a better idea of what all the titles meant, just started playing in other thread that I thought sounded fun, and you people got me! A Postal Multi! (get it postal… post… never mind :p)
Wow... I don't think I could trace my story like that. Mine started a looong time ago with a fun little anime show called "Gundam Wing". That's where the slash and the fanfiction came in, but of course. :D

And then my grandma, of all people, got me into CSI. She kept talking about this cute guy on this show she watches because it comes after Survivor. So, needless to say, I was intrigued, and have watched it (almost) religiously ever since. *cry* School sucks. Class 6-9 Thursdays. :(

Somehow I found the slash for CSI and then CSI Miami and then CSI New York...

I have no idea where Talk CSI came into the picture, but I'm here! And aren't you all running away in fear. :p
This one's for the DnA-er's and the Benzos/Burning Rubber (What do we call F/A???)

Could we start a DAF thread? Or am I alone in this trio?
it would be so much easier just to list what you DON'T ship. :lol:

i was thinking the same thing i was like and i thought i was a shipper whore, hahahaha

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I know, I'm such a slut :devil: ;) , ah, I <3 yous guys ... :D

Too true. :lol:

But, hey, that's why we're all here, so bask in the feeling of being around those who are exactly like you. Well, for me, I would bask and then run away because there being people just like me is a scary thought. ;) But a nice one, though.