Multishippers Sanctuary.

I love Archie with any of the other guys

Well, who couldn't love Archie? ;)

Okay, okay, I would "defend his honor" from Ecklie...


Ok... You have a point. I would have to defend Archie's honor from Ecklie too... Just because he's an ass and Archie dosen't deserve someone like him. I might have to shield Arch from Brass too, but that's just because Brass is too cynical for my Asian. :D I'm very protective of my Asian.
Horatio/Megan, Horatio/Catherine, Horatio/Calleigh maybe.
Speed and Calleigh, Eric and Valera

I can see Stella with Mac, Danny and Flack.
I ship Flack/Aiden mostly, but can see Aiden and Danny.
Danny/Hawkes, Danny/Maka and Danny/Flack.

Sara and Vartan, Grissom/Catherine, Warrick/Tina, Nick/Sophia.
Multishipping! Amen! My place! *snuggle*

Lemme see... I ship... Gil/Cath, Nick/Sara, Greg/Sara, Horatio/Calleigh, Mac/Stella, Flack/Aiden, Danny/Aiden and *I will be whomped for this* Lindsay/Hawkes.

What? Hawkes needs some lovin!
im a hardcore snicker and yoblinger from LV, and im a hip hugger from miami, and a DnAer and mac/stella shipper from NY, lol.

im a shipper whore, haha :lol:
I ship Eric/Calleigh and Cath/Sara... don't see any hard thing about shipping those two cargos, never had any trouble, clashes etc :D I love my mates from both cargos.. though what could be hardest is keeping up with the E/C thread, cuz I post mostly in the C/S thread and when I head back to E/C I have to read like 100 new posts (and I have to read them all) and most of the time I get confused cuz I have no idea what's been talked about :( Though, still, Hip Hug Hurray!! It was my first ship..
Hi !!
I loved a lot of multi shipping :
In CSI L.V : Sara/Grissom, Sara/Warrick, Catherine/Nick et sometimes even Catherine/Greg
In CSI Miami : Horatio/Caleigh, Ryan/Caleigh...don't ask me why...
It's just when there's a great author we read the whole pairing even if the pairing can be disturbing at first ( Cath/Greg for example )
Another challenge is trying to keep up with the threads! When you're a part of a few different sites and a multi and they have hard core shippers AND they post like crazy... You can't keep up! Once I left for an hour to go to class and came back to over 100 posts in the Snickers thread and the GSR thread! The CSI:Thong thread had a huge comic run as well. It was nuts!

Oh hey I'm a lab technician. I didn't even notice. Cool!

Maybe I should just stick with the orgy... all your ships for the price of one thread... hehe rocking chair...
Oh wow yah! hmmm... how about Archie, Greg, AND Nick?


Seriously, I have a major thing for Nick/Archie right now. Ever since they introduced the whole tape thing in the season premiere, I've been watching the way they interact with each other. Even before that, in "Grave Danger," Archie was SO upset about Nick. :( :( (I'm this close to starting a Nick/Archie thread)

RE: Bobby. I am so bummed that they never told us about his partner. I would so ship them!
Oh wow yah! hmmm... how about Archie, Greg, AND Nick?

:eek: Hot! :D

Can't we just make an Archie thread? We all love him, and want to see him with someone, whether it be Nick, Greg, or Warrick... ;)

RE: Bobby. I am so bummed that they never told us about his partner. I would so ship them!

I would too... It's so sad that they never did. Damn TPTB and their inability to do the things that they want to/the things that are right because of the opinion of some close minded people. I'm a bit bitter about that, in case you can't tell.

Love Archie and Bobby!