Movie Quote Game

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Hee...that's an easy one :p That's from QT's Reservoir Dogs (I am pleased you chose quote from Mr Blonde ;) :lol: ).

ETA: Actor is Michael Madsen? :confused:
^^^ Yup. You're up.

I was watching this site with 30 second movies as reenacted by bunnies and they have the Reservoire dogs one on there- although Mr. Blonde says, "Are you gonna bark all day little bunny?" Too funny! If you're interested in a funny and reasonably clean laugh, for the most part, head over to angry and watch some of their 30 second reenactments. They're hilarious! :lol:
Thanks Baba, I'll check that out some time :)

Ok, new quote (characters, actors and movie please)

CHR1: This is either madness... or brilliance.
CHR2: It's remarkable how often those two traits coincide.
No was has started a new quote in a while, so I'll start one. Movie and charectors please. If you know actors please add them too. :)

C1: Patience(sp?) is a virtue.
C2: Not right now it isn't!
:) Yeah it actually is The Mummy not the Mummy Returns even though you got everything else right speedmonkey2, because you both got at least some of it right, but since CSI_Junkie got the movie right they get to go sorry :( speedmonkey2.
Oh yay :) The Mummy is my favorite movie, i've seen it like 25 times :lol:

Anyways, heres the new quote. It should be easy :lol:

How about just the name of the movie and the character's name.

Character 1-A gun rack... a gun rack. I don't even own *a* gun, let alone many guns that would necessitate an entire rack. What am I gonna do... with a gun rack?
:lol: It was the only one in a while that I didn't have to look up. Alright, here's the new quote:

C1: [holding up a bowling ball] What the fu*k is this?
C2: Obviously you're not a golfer.

Characters and film please but you can metion the actors too :).
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