More CSI:NY Spoilers: Start Spreading the News!

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You're welcome, guys! *g* I was as excited as you are so of course I had to share! :D

Stella said:
But what do you mean with Stella and Flack have a few scenes together..some good ones?
Just what I said. They work together in this one so they have a few scenes together. Good scenes? Yeah, but not because something particular happens. It's just good to see the two of them interact.

And where's Peyton?

That I don't know. Stella tries to ask in episode #1 but Mac shrugs her off so there might be a problem (which would explain his uncharacteristic behaviour)
I thought it was rather unrealistic that Peyton would be leaving for a conference in London and Mac wouldn't know about it. It would make more sense that Peyton had just found out about the conference and bought the tickets for the trip later that summer. Mac gets to go to London, Danny's hand has time to heal, Adam gets some nookie and the CSI's get a new lab.

Ok, I really want Peyton back, but given that Claire Forlani might not what to stay on a TV show, maybe Peyton was offered a job while she was at the conference. She's staying to check it out and Mac is all wound up because she might not come back to New York. Long distance relationships don't usually work out too well.
So, for a man who lost his wife in 9-11, you would wish his girlfriend dead too? Nice, really nice.

Edit: Sorry midnight, I was a bit rude. In my humble opinion, wishing someone dead is creepy. The proverbial goose walking over a grave. Or whatever that saying is.
OK, so first and foremost, while there's a few tidbits out there, but still not much, there's still nothing to take as gospel.

What comes to mind to me is that while Peyton isn't mentioned it does not mean she is not on the show, or will not remain a figure in Mac's life, even if only thru allusions in conversation. Personally, I choose to believe she'll be back if only because of the work they put into evolving a relationship for him in S3, and because he chose to go with her to London in the end.

Next thing that comes to mind is the interview with Claire Forlani wherein she is said to have taken a movie role, which may overlap in filming with the early-season episodes. She may not have been available to shoot the first shows for S4.

It may also be that they are only leaking what they perceive to be major plot bits, instead of continuity ones (like injuries and lab clean up).

It's still early days yet, but I'm glad to hear that Stella, Hawkes and Danny are getting what sound to be juicy bits to tackle. Glad Sid and Adam are returning. I hope they bring Peyton back too. I like her and what she brings to the show.

As I said, there's still no mention of how Danny and Adam have healed up... so we'll see how the continuity fairies are doing, as with the rebuilding of the lab. How I feel about Mac losing it on a suspect depends on the context in which it happens, and I guess there's no dirt on that yet.

So, while I love spoilers, they only give me more questions, they don't really answer a whole lot. Thanks for everything so far, I'm looking forward to more... :D
If they haven't started filming yet, they could be just testing the waters. Sometimes I wonder if CBS is actually behind the leaks. It would be a great way to gauge the fans reaction to some ideas. Fans are more interested if they think it was leaked than if it came from an official source.
there's still no mention of how Danny and Adam have healed up...
^^I'm pretty sure they'll be perfect ok on the 1º ep next season as it happened with Flack,it's a pity because I'd love to see the healing.
midnight_tiptoes said:
Maybe Peyton died.


:p Just for that, I hope Danny whines his way through the first five episodes about his hand and then has a dramatic breakdown in episode six. ;)

I wonder if Peyton gets offered a teaching position or job in London, and that's why she doesn't come back with Mac. I really want her to come back--I think she's been great--but if Claire Forlani has taken other work, that could explain her absence for a while. Of course, it could be a one-semester teaching course, and she could return midseason (after Claire finishes the movie). I don't know, but I hope we haven't seen the last of her!
I am a little bit disappointed that there's no mention of Peyton at all. I really enjoyed her appearance in the show. Mac needs some social life beside his work.
Any more news re Flack? I know it's very early days but I have to ask! :D

I hate to say this, but no mention (so far) of Peyton reminds me of what I said a while ago - it's just too neat to have an English character go back to London at the end of the season. It strongly suggests (only suggests, mind ;)) that the Mac/Peyton ship has been gotten out of the way for Dindsay - God, I sssooooo hope I'm wrong :rolleyes:
Given that some of the writers check out the site, if we don't ask maybe they'll get the hint and drop D/L *is hoping*
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