More CSI:NY Spoilers: Start Spreading the News!

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Maybe Mac acts up because something happened in London or he feels like he is cheating on his dead wife. He may feel guilty about his new relationship with Peyton. It ironic that Danny is the one to stop Mac. Then there is always the possibility that his anger is related to an old case.
holy c-

:eek: OMG spoilers!
way JUICY spoilers!

*yay to Adam getting a tech ;) (finally!)
* :( what do ya mean by some Stella Flack scenes?!
* Macky's back... and he's not with Peyton?! O_O :eek:
*Im surprised no DL mentions... hm...
*bad Macky you say?! What's happening here!? *screams* -sounds like a fanfic O_O

ETA: Thanks for sharing btw.
Interesting spoilers. I love the rambo Stella and Danny and Hawkes working together. And yay! Sid!

Peyton's thingy in London was supposed to be ten days, so if they stay with that time frame and pick right up I'm not optimistic about any continuity with Adam's and Danny's injuries. Especially if Adam is getting action in the first episode and Danny is diving with Hawkes in the second.
Oh well, if they are miraculously healed at least it will be consistent with how they treated Flack getting all blowed up. :rolleyes:

I know this doesn't mean she won't be in the episodes or that there won't be any of the SS Dindsay crap, but I just gotta say it - Spoilers for two episodes and not one mention of Lindsay - Wheeee! :D :lol:
Lindsay is there, but not having read the spoilers myself, I can't elaborate. I don't think she has anything major from what I've heard, though. Spoilers, of course, aren't an indication of the entire episode, so she could definitely have big stuff we don't know about.

I'm curious about what happened with the Peyton situation...

I'm also wondering about the lab--same lab, magically repaired? New lab?...
Faylinn said:
Lindsay is there. . . I don't think she has anything major from what I've heard, though . . . she could definitely have big stuff we don't know about.

You just had to go and rain on my parade, didn't you Fay? And right before the 4th of July, my favorite parade day. :p ;) :lol:

I'm curious about what happened with the Peyton situation...

Yeah. Hopefully she'll be back, but the London thingy is a good way to write her out of the show. :confused: :(

I'm also wondering about the lab--same lab, magically repaired? New lab?...

It'll be interesting to see the lab, especially if they stay with the the 1st ep. being 10 days after "Snow Day." We all know how well TPTB are able to stick with an already established time frame. :rolleyes:
First episode:
-Adam is "getting some". I love Adam, but I can't handle another "thing/romance/hookup" anymore. :(
-Stella goes rambo! Whoohoo! I love it when she does! :D
-YAY! Sid's around.
-Oooh, Mac's back... Hmmm, I wonder what happened between Mac and Peyton... Mmmm.
Episode Two:
-Yes, Stella/Flack. They have amazing, underrated chemistry and they always seem to work so well together. :D

-Danny does diving? *Kicks continuity fairy*

-Mac plays superbad cop? That's sort of out of character.

Danny goes diving and Adam gets some action... *Continues to kick continuity fairy*
I wonder if Danny will be sporting a cast in episode one. After two weeks, those broken fingers shouldn't be completely healed. That'll be one easy way to spot whether or not the show is paying attention to continuity.

I hope Peyton is back!!!
*Adds my "Yay for spoilers!!1!"* There seem to be a lot of bombs about. Maybe Mac is experiencing flashbacks due to the incident in "Snow Day" and has started sleep-bombing. No? Well, probably not.

Always nice to see Rambo Stella. She does badass so well. Do you think maybe they've abandoned the mandatory two-story structure? It would be nice to see more stories where the team can all work together. It might well provide for more character development opportunities too.
YUSS!!!! Spoilers....hehe my best friend:rolleyes:!!!! Thanks Orison! Season 3 hasn't even finished in NZ and I already can't wait for Season 4!!! hehe :lol:
WOW, spoilers, yeah!! Thanks, Orison, you totally made my day with that informations about the next season.

Rambo!Stella sounds wonderful for me. :D Stella with a gun is always a very good idea.. ;)
But what do you mean with Stella and Flack have a few scenes together..some good ones? And I think they have a great chemistry, too, but not in a shippy :rolleyes:, they're friends and that's cool. ;)

And where's Peyton? I hope she comes back from London together with Mac.. But like others say it would be a easy way to write her off the show.. Hope it's not true.

And bad Macky? Did I miss something? :eek: What's happening with him? OMG, he don't break up with Peyton, right? :eek: That's not the reason why he's bad, or? Hopefully not.. :(
Yippee!! Spoilers at last! Thank-you soooo much Orison :D

Danny trying to stop superbad Mac eh? Sounds as though Carmine might be getting the material he's been hoping for...
Maybe Peyton isn't written out out of the script. She may make an appearance in the episode and it just wasn't written about. I don't think Peyton was in all of last years episode. Maybe Mac had to come back before Peyton. No sex might make Mac very unhappy.
I just thought of something. Maybe the suspect Mac roughed up has kidnapped Peyton or is stalking her :eek:. That would make a great episode. He could be an exboyfriend of Peyton, but I can't see her going for the bad boy type.
There might still be some room for the continuity fairy to make an appearance, re: Danny and Adam. Mac said at the end of Snow Day that he was going to London and we all assumed that the trip was going to be immediately, but what if the conference wasn't until later in the summer? That would give both Danny and Adam enough time to heal up at least somewhat, and the lab could theoretically be rebuilt in that time.
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