More CSI:NY Spoilers: Start Spreading the News!

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^^ I already hated the fact that TPTB got rid off this greyish, dark attitude NY had in its very beginning (which I personally loved WAY much more than this lighter side they are showing now!). And then I was really bugged that downtown/underdog stories kinda died as well over the seasons, but if they now start to get rid of the complete NY feeling as well for replacing it with "hip" youngster-stories could taking place anywhere in the world, I guess, then NY lost its very own character completely. It's running the risk of getting random... too random.

Unlike Vegas or Miami that keep their special character (LV: quirky, Miami: cool), TPTB is trying to alter NY's style and character from season 1 on for the sake of the viewers, but it kinda never turned out to be right, not for the viewers (see ratings of Lost) and not even for them!! So why not giving the show the chance to develop as the others got that chance as well??

I do love the show, but I just hate the fact that they do changes and changes and more changes to the actual character of the show all the time.
Maybe Carmine wants out. Maybe he's had enough of the crap storylines. Maybe he wants to move on to something in which he can actually demonstrate his talents as an actor as opposed to his talents as a doormat. Maybe it'll be Danny...
^ LoL! Yeah, maybe! ;) I just hop he isn't reading your post and coming to the wrong conclusions... ;)

NY w/o Danny I wouldn't wanna watch!!! He is soooo essential to the show... Hopefully this all really turns out to just be a rumor.
I do think it's a rumour do get people to look at the finale. And to make people wanting to watch S4. I think there will be a cliffhanger, Mac is lost in the lab and won't be found until september, ep 4x01. :D

And about the destiny dashed thing? Well, maybe something happens with Louie and Tanglewood and then Lindsay decides she doesn't want to be with someone whose relatives have a connection to a criminal gang.
In the promo, right after Adam shouts:'look out',it actually looks like Danny gets shot,(maybe te whole shift is going to be in pain) so Mac better dosen't get lost in that lab, cause he seems to have some seroious healing powers (CSI NY 224).
But, seroiusly, i don't think they're gonna kill somebody(they can't!!!), maybe just inflict a seroius injury...
To me the cliffie if there is one will either be

A. The ep ends with us not knowing whats happened to Mac and Stella in the lab. Cause we only see Hawkes running out in the promo which leaves Mac and Stella inside. But I dont see them ending season 3 on an explosion, its to close to last seasons storyline, but I could be wrong.


B. The Hostage situation will end with a gun shot and we wont know who gets shot until next season - this seems the most likely. I dont see them killing off Danny but Adam is another matter, they could have built his character up this season with a shoot out in the final ep in mind. I hope not cause I like him. :) The other option is Lindsay gets shot saving Danny but I hope they dont go that route either not after loosing Aiden the season before. Dont think Flack will be in danger cause again would be to close to last seasons ep.
Ugh!! I really hate cliffhangers they drive me crazy but..
If there is a cliffhanger (damn it!) then I think it'll probably involve Mac or Danny. I don't think anyone will die I think TPTB will make it appear that someone is dead or might die so we'll have to wait until next season to see if it's true or not but I don't see any cast or recurring cast member dying.
Here's hoping it kicks ass!
Top41 said:
^I think you're right to be worried. I feel like NY tries to be the "hip" CSI show. I don't think that quote is just a casual comment either, considering that Lost is handily beating NY in the younger demographic, 18-34.

To me the really ironic thing is that a demographic of 18-34 suggests a lot of diversity. Generally speaking, there's a whole lot of difference between what people in their late teens and twenties enjoy compared to what people approaching their mid thirties enjoy. Instead of trying to skew "younger," I'd think the way to get that demographic would be to have a variety of cases and a lot of diversity. But then again, I know nothing of the entertainment business so I'm probably dead wrong.

I also find it very curious that when the series started, everyone from Zuiker down to the actors were touting how this CSI would be distinctively different because it's set in NY. From what I remember they were all calling NY the "main character" of the show; S1 was like that but ever since, NY has been steadily reduced to a very minor role. So, where's the incentive to watch NY when there are two other shows in the franchise?

It'll be interesting to see if the finale gives me a feeling of excitement or indifference for S4.

ETA: I think the diversity issue could be a big part of why 'Lost' is winning the all important demographic. That show has such a wide span of characters with such varying backgrounds that it appeals to 18 year olds just as much as 34 year olds.
Top41 said:
I think the 'distraction' is Danny getting taken hostage. The 'destiny dashed' thing would be her death.
I believe the actual quote was something like: "...have their destiny dashed by Danny's season ending distracting". Maybe we're all reading too much into this, but to me that sounds like it has more to do with Danny than with Lindsay.
What is left to be explored about Lindsay? At this point, her past is behind her and she's Danny's girlfriend. That's flat, and without dramatic possibilities.
That's unfortunately true at the moment, but there will be plenty of drama if something happens to Danny or their relation, but I actually prefer that they come up with a new (dramatic) story line for her and this time for her alone with the romance kept in the background.

I do agree that the death of a main character would draw attention to the show, but I think and hope they decided to go with a huge cliff hanger; at this point I don't wanna see any of the characters go.
It would certainly draw the attention to the show, but wouldn't everyone be disappointed if all the characters stay alive then?

I don't think someone will die. There's been said "someone may die". If someone should die right now (It hurts to say it), it should be Lindsay indeed, 'cause her storyline is over, at least for this season. But I don't think they do that. Danny would then have a brother in coma, a close friend that got killed at the end of S2 (Aiden) and the woman he loves? That's too much for one character, so Lindsay stays alive and the whole killing-rumour isn't more than just a rumour.
Twinkletoes, I think if Carmine wanted out, they'd beg and plead to make him stay. After Sinise, he's probably the biggest draw on the show, and they definitely use him to pander to that key 18-34 demographic. I don't see Carmine really wanting to leave either, though I think if he's smart he got in there and told them to fix his character. :lol:

PerfectAnomaly, I remember that NY being central to the show being said as well. I think network pressure made them lighten up the show, and I notice they try to shoot in NY when they can, but yeah, that promise hasn't really been fulfilled. I wish they'd get back to that, because setting is used so well in Vegas and Miami, and it isn't quite as well in NY.

dutch_treat, if she got shot in the process of Danny's rescue, that would definitely tie in with his season ending distraction. ;) But, again, the possibility of a character getting killed off is pretty remote, because there's been almost no buzz about it. It would make for a huge surprise if it did happen, but usually these things are promoed a bit.
Well, you've probably all heard this already, but Mike Ausiello from TV Guide was asked for spoilers about CSI:NY and only said that he "cannot/will not confirm that someone gets killed, only that someone will wind up in some serious pain..."

Also (please take the following with a grain of salt):

Apparently: Danny and Lindsay traded their shifts at work. Therefore Danny goes into work, Lindsay has a day off; he leaves her a note in the morning telling her to enjoy her Snow Day, while he goes to work. The note is apparently handled thru voice-over narration.

(Apologies to shippers but I personally kinda hope it means that their down'n'dirty scenes are kept to a minimum and are used to open the show and that's it... :rolleyes:)

No confirmation one way or another what "dashed destiny" really means, only that it happens after things seem to be getting better/more promising.

Danny and Adam are held hostage in a separate location while the assault on the lab is underway. Mac, Hawkes and Stella get to play with big guns and do the Yippe-Kay-Yay Die Hard thing inside.

No mention of context for Flack shooting anybody, or whether the drug-bust is indicated via news story & flashbacks (likely) or actually using episode air-time to show it (less likely, with all they're trying to pack in).


I don't think anyone's gonna die. I don't think there will be an open ended cliff hangar, only a hint of what aftermath they'll start next season with, however horrible, scarring, or dashed it may be. However, I've gone from angsting to welcoming a really well-written curve/twist of some sort...

RE Season 4: I really hope that Pam Veasey and the other writers are only talking about sources/topics for subject matter when speaking about using the underground music scene and internet based crimes. Anyone overtly SEEKING to be cool/hip/young/current does *not* fill me with confidence. Hope the pressure of ratings doesn't make them desperate enough to seriously lose the identity and sensibilty of the show, and that they resist thinking primarily of ways to snag an audience as opposed to writing good shows.

:cool: I have no idea why Mac is using a sharpie on a dead guy or wtf a Bul is (maybe he's forgotten how to spell? I guess he hasn't found a radio or cell phone yet to taunt the drug dealers/mob? Or, dun-dun-duuuuh - is it a message to Flack and the SWAT team?). Cue music... :D

Find the Bul, people. Time will tell.
"put as many buls in them as you have" = maybe he means bullets? As in, shoot anything that moves and don't stop until you're out of ammo?
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