More CSI:NY Spoilers: Start Spreading the News!

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Ok, I was thinking about Angell last night (get your minds out of the gutter! :lol:), and this is the conclusion I came to: Flack is involved with Mac's 'trial' in episode 23, so maybe he's not able to work a case. In that situation, it makes sense for another detective to be there. Since we're at the very end of the season, introducing a total stranger into the episode would be a bit jarring. So, the best choice is to use someone that we're familiar with. Hence, having Angell back. :)

That could be wrong, but it makes sense to me at least. :lol: Whether it's just Emmanuelle having one last fling with the show before her final goodbye, or a sign that we might see her from time to time when her schedule permits it next season, I'm crossing my fingers that is right and we'll see her again. :D

(Adam isn't in episode 23, apparently, which airs the same night as the episode of "Bones" that AJ is in. So obviously, TPTB are willing to have characters whose actors can't always be available for filming. ;))
Why is Stella a murder suspect? We all know she could never do something as bad as murder. Good thing is that we will get to know more about her past.
She's a murder suspect because they apparently find her DNA in connection with a cold case in Philly--and until they prove that she didn't do it, Det. Valens is going to pursue her as a suspect. ;)
Oooh, lots of good spoilers. Fay, what you say about Angell makes a lot of sense. If Flack is wrapped up with testifying, someone else has to be working whatever case is going on.

I don't really see a way to fit Reed into the last few eps given what we know of the spoilers, but I do hope he's back next season. Like audrina said, it's so refreshing that he's not a brat or malcontent like Lindsey Willows or Ray Caine, Jr.

As for the Danny/Lindsay stuff...I hate to burst any bubbles (you know I love you guys!) but I think it's abundantly clear why she's in his apartment, and the spoiler about the kiss definitely reinforces my suspicion that we're going to see an actual love scene between the two in this episode. Yes, a love scene in a CSI show. :rolleyes:

That said, I think the higher they climb, the harder they fall, and I maintain that if they hook up, dramatically there's nowhere for them to go but down--and I mean crash and burn down. A happy couple does not good drama make.

So I guess there's something for both people that like the pairing and for people that don't.
definitely reinforces my suspicion that we're going to see an actual love scene between the two in this episode. Yes, a love scene in a CSI show.

But, like we always say, spoilers are subject to change, right. So, they may have filmed it, or said it was going to happen, might not necessarily make the episode though.
I still hope that they refer with the kiss to another couple, like Mac and Peyton in front of the team or - even better in my world - between Mac and Stella for whatever reason.

I still can't believe that TPTB is really going to show D/L in/close to bed. This is rather stupid and I so agree with you Top41: It will grow worse and worse from there on. Wish they wouldn't have started that whole waste of time of D/L and give Flack, Angell and Hawkes more screentime instead. But that's just my 2cts, back to spoilers... ;)
Wasn't there supposed to be a love scene last year between Danny and Lindsay?? So maybe they will have to cut it again. Who knows?

One thing I don't get is you guys all sound like you hate couples on the CSI shows, but you want Mac with Stella and Danny with Flack. So you don't hate romance on the show as along as it’s between the people you want. What is that about?? I mean who cares if Lindsay biggest role on the show is dating Danny. What the big deal?? Does it really affect the show, I don't think so. I think it would REALLY mess the show up if Mac were to date Stella. I just think it would sucks. And remember the show is only in its 3rd season we have (hopefully) many many more season to go I doubt Danny and Lindsay will ever get married so there is bound to be a break up (eventually).

I know this season hasn’t been the greatest but you have to have faith that TPTB have a general sense as to where they are going next. So just enjoy the show, and look at it this way a love scene between Danny and Lindsay means a shirtless Carmine so you got to look at the sliver lining.
You're assuming everyone supports romance on the show, and that isn't the case. I would be happy if I never saw any characters on any CSI show doing the bump 'n' grind in any permutation. I watch forensics dramas for the whodunnit, not the who's doin' it. Inserting a soppy, adolescent romance into a nominal procedural smacks of sloppy writing and desperate pandering. It's insulting, frankly, to the characters and viewers.

And no, I don't have to have faith in writers who have consistently sacrificed potentially riveting plotlines to advance the Dindsay debacle.
yeah railynn that's the way I like it, I am for a little romance on the show, especially Lindsay and Danny, plus on other boards most people approve of the romance, well I do, I would not approve of a romance between danny and flack people aren't ready for a homosexual romance yet.
The problem most people have with Lindsay Danny is it has been very badly handled. Chemistry...what chemistry.....I don't mind a BACKGROUND romance if it comes across as even remotely well written and trust me the whole Danny Lindsay story line has been badly handled and rammed down fans throats.

I really do feel that it has damaged both characters in the process. Danny deserves better story lines than mooning after Lindsay.

And I was quite interested in Lindsay's character to begin with then it just fizzled out into this pathetic femail making goo goo eyes at Danny, and if they do have her sleeping with Danny in the final ep I will be massively disappointed in both characters.

It has been rushed and trust me it comes across that it has been rushed.
Fruitbat said:
The problem most people have with Lindsay Danny is it has been very badly handled. Chemistry...what chemistry.....I don't mind a BACKGROUND romance if it comes across as even remotely well written and trust me the whole Danny Lindsay story line has been badly handled and rammed down fans throats.

I really do feel that it has damaged both characters in the process. Danny deserves better story lines than mooning after Lindsay.

And I was quite interested in Lindsay's character to begin with then it just fizzled out into this pathetic femail making goo goo eyes at Danny, and if they do have her sleeping with Danny in the final ep I will be massively disappointed in both characters.

It has been rushed and trust me it comes across that it has been rushed.

Amen to that! I couldn't have said it better.
In addition, I don't wanna see any couples (main character wise)on the show. I rather enjoy watching them flirting (in case there IS chemistry between the actors like between Gary and Melina) but getting together. I like the UST which they implying, but any explicit dating or bed stories... Heaven forbid - is an absolutely no go on the show.
Railynn said:
One thing I don't get is you guys all sound like you hate couples on the CSI shows, but you want Mac with Stella and Danny with Flack. So you don't hate romance on the show as along as it’s between the people you want.
You're making assumptions, which is never good.

I'm as big of a Danny/Flack fan as you can find, but I have said, time and again, and will say it one more time, where nobody can possibly miss it: I DO NOT WANT THE RELATIONSHIP ON THE SHOW. I think that was pretty easy to understand. Yes, I like the relationship, and there's a certain part of every shipper deep down that wants their favorite pairing on the show, but logically and realistically, I just don't see it ever being something that I would actually enjoy watching. And if you (general you) read any discussion on the matter, you'd see that most fans agree with me. Joking around in this forum, or commenting on the chemistry between the characters, doesn't equal wanting a canon relationship. So don't assume.

I mean who cares if Lindsay biggest role on the show is dating Danny. What the big deal??
The big deal is that Lindsay is supposed to be a main character, she's supposed to be more than just a love interest. I don't even like her, and I want more than that for her. :rolleyes:

Does it really affect the show, I don't think so.
Well, it might not affect the show for you, but it obviously affects the show for other people. A look around the threads here proves that.

I think it would REALLY mess the show up if Mac were to date Stella.
Canon D/L and canon M/S are the same thing--canon. And as LaGuera pointed out, it's not just D/L that people don't necessarily want, it's a canon romance between main characters. If there was a hint that Mac/Stella was going to happen on the show, you'd see a lot more people against it in this forum. But since they aren't going to be dating according to anything that we've seen so far, people aren't going to spend time talking about it specifically. D/L, on the other hand...

I doubt Danny and Lindsay will ever get married so there is bound to be a break up (eventually).
The up-and-down, on-and-off thing is part of the reason that I despise the idea of a relationship between main characters who have to work together on a regular basis. Anybody who watches "House" has seen the (IMO) clusterf**k between Cameron and Chase on there. Yeah, I don't look forward to that kind of crap on CSI:NY, thanks. :rolleyes:

a love scene between Danny and Lindsay means a shirtless Carmine so you got to look at the sliver lining.
Carmine might be a very attractive man, but seeing him without a shirt on isn't going to make me look forward to a love scene between him and anybody, sorry.

Nadcus said:
plus on other boards most people approve of the romance
Which means...? On other message boards, I can't find a lot of decent discussion. Does that mean something too? :rolleyes: My opinion is the same no matter how many other people on a message board agree with me.

I would not approve of a romance between danny and flack people aren't ready for a homosexual romance yet.
Well, in my opinion, people need to get with the program. But that's not specific to this relationship or this show. The network wouldn't go there, the viewers would be divided, blah blah blah--D/F might be popular with the fans (here or wherever else), and we might talk about it, but we're not delusional. We know it's not going to happen. D/L, however, is going to happen, and therefore we have every right to discuss whether we like it or not.

People are more than welcome to just adore Danny/Lindsay, but dear God, I'm sick of being told that it's happening so I should like it, or other people like it so I should too, etc. I'll decide what I like and don't like, thanks. I'll also decide what I do or don't want to see on the show. For example: I don't like D/L and I don't want to see it on the show. Also, I like D/F but I don't want to see it on the show. Yay for individual opinions!

Now, can we please get back to discussion of spoilers?
*changing subject* Are there any other spoiler for the seasons finale besides that mysterious kiss and the hostage info yet?
Do we have more info on Mac and his personal trouble? I kinda lost track.
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