More CSI:NY Spoilers: Start Spreading the News!

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Okay guys, here's finally some info about the finale, "Snow Day". :D

- There's a drug bust like it's been speculated in a warehouse in Brooklyn.

- Lindsay's wakes up in Danny's apt (uhm... *clings to the "dashed" hope...*) Apparently he's working, she isn't.

- Something happens at said warehouse and later in the episode we find Danny and Adam trapped there at the hands of some bad guys. And to answer what I know is your first question yeah, they're both roughed up.

- There's a gas leak at the lab so the building is evacuated. Peyton and Sid are outside, Mac and Stella are inside (and I think Hawkes is too)

That's what I've been able to gather right now, I'll update if there's more. It sounds like an action-packed episode, and I totally can't wait for it!
^^Thanks Orison! Sounds like a great episode. Poor Danny and Adam are in trouble...can't wait to see what happens :)
Something happens at said warehouse and later in the episode we find Danny and Adam trapped there at the hands of some bad guys. And to answer what I know is your first question yeah, they're both roughed up.

It all sounds exciting, but...why in the hell would Adam be with Danny in the warehouse? If he was there as backup, I don't buy, and if the situation is known to be dangerous, wouldn't it be sensible to send armed backup, like Stella? Or how about Flack? Hey, he's a cop; that'd work.

Where is Flack anyway? Oh, that's right. He's at his proctologist's, seeking treatment for the reaming he's taken this season.

I love Adam as a lab tech a la Greg Sanders on Vegas, and I'm sure A.J. Buckley is a dear, but I'm confused by the sudden, inexplicable upsurge in Adam development. They don't need another field CSI; Zuiker has already admitted that moving Hawkes and Lindsay into the field was a mistake, and there are too many characters and too little writing talent to sustain them as it is.

If the Adam development has always been in the works, that's one thing, but if it's yet another instance of TPTB pandering to what's hot at the moment, I'm very disappointed.
From what I've been able to read Adam's there at the beginning because they're examining the scene after the drug bust. Sure, he's out in the field but I'm not sure this is heading to a promotion for him. I do like the idea that the two of them are stuck together though...

As for Flack don't worry, he's in the episode. ;)
Damn, this ep sounds GOOD!!! Exciting, kind of like last season's finale.

I'm not really sure where "destiny dashed" comes from, though, because it looks like Danny and Lindsay are together, and unless he's so upset by this that he breaks up with her, it doesn't make sense. It looks like he takes her shift to be sweet, but since he does it of his own accord, I don't seem him blaming her afterwards, though I guess it's possible. It sounds like he gets pretty badly traumatized/terrorized during the episode.

As for Adam, it was bound to be either him or Hawkes. Everyone else has had enough going on this season, and I guess after the murder rap, you could say Hawkes has too. I think Adam is mostly there so it's not just Danny, but I think it's good to see him get more screentime and also be in a more serious situation.

And from what I can tell, Flack is plenty involved. He's the one doing the hostage negotiating, and as you can imagine, is pretty upset. ;) He even offers to trade himself for Danny and Adam at one point!
Orison said:
From what I've been able to read Adam's there at the beginning because they're examining the scene after the drug bust. Sure, he's out in the field but I'm not sure this is heading to a promotion for him. I do like the idea that the two of them are stuck together though...

As for Flack don't worry, he's in the episode. ;)

Let me guess...Flack arrives on seen, gives Mac/Stella/Hawkes a brief run down of the situation--just long enough for the viewers to take stock of his fugly tie--then makes with a snarky one-liner before disappearing for the rest of the episode. I'm so tired of this formula....

With all Adam's character development and screen time, I wonder if this means Flack will be downgraded to occasional recurring character status next season?
^Flack is more involved than that, as I said above.

Thinking more about "destiny dashed"--it sounds like we just aren't going to find out what that means until the finale, if it means anything at all and hasn't been changed. There are nothing in the spoilers that indicate anything about destiny being dashed one way or another.
^^I still hold out hope that the "destiny dashed" thing will still happen. So, Flack offers to trade places with Danny and Adam. Maybe Danny finally wakes up and decides it's Flack he wants to be with and therefore Danny and Lindsay's destiny is dashed.

Yes, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. :p
1CSIMfan said:
^^I still hold out hope that the "destiny dashed" thing will still happen. So, Flack offers to trade places with Danny and Adam. Maybe Danny finally wakes up and decides it's Flack he wants to be with and therefore Danny and Lindsay's destiny is dashed.

Yes, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. :p

Danny really should. Flack's willing to trade himself for Danny--yeah, I'm going out on a limb here and saying it's Danny and not Adam that's his primary concern ;) . If that isn't love, I don't know what is. ;)

Well, we don't know how it ends, so who knows? I think it's going to be a great episode. It makes sense for Danny to be the one in danger--he's the one with the strongest emotional ties to the whole team. As I've said before, he's the heart of the show--he cares about all the others deeply, and in turn they really care about him. Everyone has a strong bond with Danny, and he's really the only character that's really true of. He's cultivated friendships with pretty much all of them, so it'll be interesting to see how this affects each of the characters. I can't wait to see how it all plays out!
The thing about Adam is that he doesn't seem to be a big part of those scenes, it's all about Danny--so Adam is still a background character, even in this situation. I expect that him being at the scene is just like in "Obsession" (I think that's it, the 'Cupcake' episode), where he's collecting evidence. *shrug*

TPTB pandering to what's hot at the moment
Yeah, they're doing that, but not with Adam. :lol: They seem to be milking Danny for all that he's worth in this one. :p
Well, I think I may have just found my deal breaker about whether socializing wins out over CSI:NY with this spoiler news. Socializing wins. I may as well network rather than make it home in time for this mess. Waking up in his bed? Gag me with a spoon.

On the other hand, Flack is playing noble? Are we supposed to draw parallels between this season's finale where Flack sticks by Danny, and last season's where Danny seemingly ran out on Flack in the hospital?
- Lindsay's wakes up in Danny's apt (uhm... *clings to the "dashed" hope...*) Apparently he's working, she isn't.
*eye twitch*

But as for the rest of the episode, it sounds like it'll be exciting to watch. Poor Adam, he needs to stay in the lab. He either freezes his little Irish buns off in the cold or gets roughed up trying to help Danny out.

Needless to say, I'm rather looking forward to the season finale. ;)
But what about the gas leak and Mac and Stella (and Hawkes, maybe)still inside - that could turn bad in a hurry. But, another explosion? Would they do that?

Ok, destiny dashed = simple (well, maybe not so simple) explanation - Lindsay and Danny were both at his apt. - he gets the call to go to the warehouse. Thinking it will be a relatively quick scene, he asks Lindsay to wait. She falls asleep, wakes up next a.m., no Danny. Danny, in going through the hostage situation with Adam and Flack, comes to realize that he cannot pursue a relationship with Lindsay. Whadda ya think?
Ya know what. I'm not going to even think about the major spoilers until the episode airs, not after what they did to the Danny/Angell spoilers. Which was ... nada. :p For all we know, the finale will come out completely different from what Zuiker said and the spoilers we get.

But having said that, Flack as a hostage negotiator for Danny and asking to be traded in the guy's place? Talk about excellent material for D/F! :D And Danny and Adam get roughed up? Awwww, the poor boys. Well, poor Danny, more like. He's been seesawing through hell and back since the first season. :lol: I'm amazed he isn't already a PTSD nutcase already.

Oh. Is that how they're going to do the 'destiny dashed' thing? Turn Danny into a PTSD wreck who has a nervous breakdown and pushes everybody away? Interesting.
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