Modern Day Romeo and Juliet- RP

Cath leaned into him and rested her head on his chest. "Thank you Nick." she said, releived.
Dawn gasps and smiled at her, and got up and pushed Nick almost completely out of the way, and hugged her tight, "I'd be so honored, Catherine"
Catherine smiled and hugged her sister back. "Well, then the position is all yours Dawn." she said.
Nick laughed, "I'm getting out of here", and stood up.

Dawn looked at him, then back at Catherine and smiled, "Thank you so much"
Cath reached out for Nick. "Hey hey hey, get back here." she said before turning to Dawn again. "It's my pleasure sis."
Nick rubbed her hand for a minute, "Now why do I wanna do that for?" he said smirking at her.
Dawn smiled at her, and blew her a kiss.
Cath winked at Dawn before turning back to Nick. "Because you love me." she said with a laugh.