Megan Donner Appreciation Forum(Bring her back!!!)

Dunno how to fit the word 'struggling' into that sentence to make it sound better lol. I'm sayin it was a 'shame' that they got rid of her, not what she went through. Kim is a good actress, (she also acted alongside Gary Sinise in mission to mars the lucky woman)
All I'm saying is that on screen it just looked a little too much, like Caruso was making her more distressed on set lol!
I didn't experience 911, but I know what it's like to lose someone.
Anyway they should bring her back for an ep or two, from what I've read on these forums the latest seaosn of Miami hasn't been too great, so maybe she could shake things up a bit. Can't see it happening though can you?
Sorry for my mistake~~AND do feel comfortable to know you wanna Megan back...:) I don't want everyone to love, as it might be impossible, we all have our own taste...But at least wish people who could read more from her to love her...She is so goooooood~~

And she is so kind to kids...

No worries.
They never quite gave her enough time to develop her character, they concentrated on Horatio a lot more, which of corse they need to aswell as the first season is vital to develop all the characters, but I remember one episode she was having a hard time with one of the cases because someone lost their husband, but instead of showing her turmoil and maybe using it to have some chemistry with Horatio, they just gave it a back seat and let it become Horatio's episode. It was the one about the bomb squad and one of H's friends dies. It was sad for him aswell, but they could have maybe used it to gain some true chemistry with the 'then' main leads of the show. It you understand I tend to babble..
Megan Donner is so damn fine!


I never like it when a character is booted off a hit series, but when Megan Donner was written off, it didn't hurt the show in any way. I guess there was just no room for her on the show, being Horatio's counterpart and all..I guess the writers just didn't see her being a great addition to the cast.

Kim Delaney is an excellent actress and she did do very well on CSI:Miami, but I just didn't prefer her character and she didn't really seem to fit in as Megan Donner.
I never like it when a character is booted off a hit series, but when Megan Donner was written off, it didn't hurt the show in any way. I guess there was just no room for her on the show, being Horatio's counterpart and all..I guess the writers just didn't see her being a great addition to the cast.

Kim Delaney is an excellent actress and she did do very well on CSI:Miami, but I just didn't prefer her character and she didn't really seem to fit in as Megan Donner.

I know she was in charge of the lab before her husband died but when she came back she was still trying to be the boss. It was hard for her to have Horatio being her boss. It was like they were always competing against each other.

I agree with speed_cochrane . Her leaving didn't hurt the show at all. They carried on just fine without her.
Competing against each other?
They are trying to make their work much better than before...They are trying to do better than themselves before...They are focusing on the case so much that they won't negelect even one evidence...
"Don't bother yourself to be better than others, just to be better than yourself in the past..."
Anyway, I love her...:)

I never said I didn't like her character. I just said the show didn't hurt any when she left. And yes, I thought there was competition between Megan and Horatio.

In Golden Parachute, she was giving orders at the same time he was. He had to remind her that he didn't want the job but that they made him LT and in charge when she left. She was always pulling Speedle off projects that Horatio had given him to do something for her.

In one of the episodes, (I can't remember exactly which one) she pulled Speedle off analyzing a letter or something that Horatio had him doing to watching hours of video. At least she took the blame for it when he didn't have it finished. She always questioned Horatio even though he was the boss and he knew what he was doing.

That doesn't mean I didn't like her but obviously the writers didn't see the need for the character and nobody seemed to raise a fuss over her departure.
In Golden Parachute, she was giving orders at the same time he was. He had to remind her that he didn't want the job but that they made him LT and in charge when she left. She was always pulling Speedle off projects that Horatio had given him to do something for her.

In one of the episodes, (I can't remember exactly which one) she pulled Speedle off analyzing a letter or something that Horatio had him doing to watching hours of video. At least she took the blame for it when he didn't have it finished.

:lol: :lol: :lol: I know what you care now...Maybe we have different standponit...Yeah, she questioned Speedle when he didn't finish what she wanted...She was running with the time, she cannot do everything by herself if she wanna solve cases as soon as possible, if she got the truth that what really happened to every victim...I know she might overact, she might just think about the case the victim but not the authority...I understand her action. It's not wrong at least I think so...They are in a team, all of them wanna get the murder punished...As she was the head before, she knew what is important, and that won't be the authority...Yeah, she should take care about it sometime, anyway Horatio is her boss now... :lol: :lol: :lol:

She always questioned Horatio even though he was the boss and he knew what he was doing.

:lol: :lol: :lol: And you thought this kinda question is kinda competion? :lol: :lol: :lol: Okay. Socrates said: Question is the only way leading us to the truth...And that's is why Socrates was always questioning people he met in the street, and becos of his this kinda of UNRESPECT, he was sued for abetting youth to be evils, but in fact he is just a person who approaching truth closer than other Sophists...To be honest, I like her COMPETING(if you insist on calling it this way :)) with Horatio, it stimulates their brain to work effective...
Oh, btw, is it the time that the writer began to thinking about quiting Megan away from the show? :lol:

You would like these pics~~~ :lol:

I know it must have been hard for Megan to accept the fact that Horatio took over as head of CSI and she had to come back and answer to him. Technically, it was a step down for her. That could have been part of the reason she left. Horatio did tell her if she wanted the job back she could have it and she told him that it wasn't up to her. I would find it difficult to come back after that.

Personally, I don't think they should have replaced her so quickly. They could have had somebody fill in for her until she came back but the writers more or less built this show around Horatio so it wouldn't make sense to have her come back as the head of the lab.

In Golden Parachute when Speedle told her "Welcome back Megan", she downplayed it and didn't even respond. I never did understand why she did that.

Getting back to the thread topic...With Ann D and her pen of destruction :lol: :lol: she'll never bring her back.