"Meet Market" Discussion *Spoilers*

I liked it
Last weeks was better to me but this was good

and Law and Order had an episode very similar with the tissue and bone donation and how they kept taking body parts from sick people etc.. some one said earlier that they thought it was disturbing.. it is!

I like Keppler.. ***please don't throw rocks at me*** coming from a HUGE Grissom fan I do look forward to when Grissom meets him

After last week I still think Nicky is due for a melt down I thought he was going to explode at the owner of the tissue bank
you could almost see the vein in his head popping out
and when did he all of a sudden get so 'chummy' with Keppler?
HHHMM something is up his sleeve methinks :rolleyes:

On a lighter note
and I have to say Jorja looked like she was going to crack up when she was at the host bar twice I thought the camera pulled from her
face because she was going to loose it :lol:

and about the note Grissom sent or was going to send
I think he will deliver it in person
Personally I think he just wrote down his feelings so he knew what they were, especially the I MISS YOU part, I don't think he was going to in the first place
I don't know I don't ship them so.. those are my thoughts on it
I liked it alot!! it was the best one so far with Keppler, but stiil not thrilled with him, he just doesn't seem to fit in, and he's snaky and weird, and secretive. Sofia was good, liked the dynamics between Keppler and Nick, and loved seeing Warrick and Sara work together, it's been a long time ;) Greg cute as usual, and Brass back to his sarcastic remarks :D enjoyed the scene between Sara & Jesse, she's very sexy and sensual with her low tones when speaking. Doc, YUCK, with the grossness cutting out those "things" EWWWW :( and the letter...I knew since he called Sara down from San Francisco, in the pilot, they had this bond. It's been like a tango, slow and enduring, reaching the pinnacle that is now. I always knew as well, he had a deep poetic romantic side, that was smouldering like a flame beneath the surface, and beautiful Sara brought it the place it is now. the Sonnet was lovely and so romantic, he misses her, of course he does, he LOVES her :p and as far as him fumbling on the address, that's Grissom, I remember one time when he couldn't find some stamps, that were right in front of his face, and Cath showed him, he probably forgot, or wasn't finished with it!!and his "new" look changing again, for the black beard, to the clean shaven face, to the we'll call it the "rugged" look, always evolving, and bet he'll shave it off, when he returns.. I love this show ;)
For a while now, in my secret, Supernatural-loving heart, I've quietly held to the belief that Frank is obviously a demon trying to sway twisted, battered Keppler into doing terrible, terrible things.

So that creepy-ass whisper at the end? I, um, laughed so hard.

Totally a demon.

Don't mind me, I'll just be drawing Devil's Traps on the ceiling of the interrogation room...

Nick/Catherine scene?

After watching the episode I just wondered if there was any Nick/Catherine scene? I can't remember having seen them together, so a confrontation was avoided. *hm*

Nick and Keppler were doing well together and the dynamics worked out - yak, I have to admit they make a good team. :lol:

As for the cases: Did anyone else wonder why the Gigolo actually killed the women/his mother? He said, he didn't believe here and thought she was going insane, but why kill her? Doesn't make sense to me at all. Plus, the bottle of champagne remained unbroken ...

The main case was such a classic. I loved it. Especially the scene where Keppler is asking how a guy like the suspect (don't remeber his name) can open up a business like that, and Nick responding: Fill out a form. :lol:

Even though I am a HUGH Grissom lover, I have actually liked these Keppler episodes. I thought while Grissom was gone it would be a big snooze-fest, but I find Kepplers presence intriguing. I cannot wait until he and Grissom meet next week...YAY!!! I kinda hope maybe that they keep Keppler as a recurring role *runs away*...
The ending was a little weird, is he being haunted by Amy?
brass_lives said:
This should put the "break up letter" theory to rest (unless you're just really determined). The entire letter (courtesy of a gal on YTDAW):


Our parting was awkward. I don't know
why I find it so difficult to express my
feelings for you... Even though we're far apart,
I can see you as vividly as if you were here
with me... I said I'll miss you, and I do.

Sonnet #47
LOL, these are two people, one 50 and the other well over 30 and they behave like teens, pining and writing letters? Isn't there a phone-line where Grissom went?

it is just ridicuous on so many levels. Our parting was awkward? And what should be said about this letter then? :lol: Would a geek even write such a letter? This man is highly logical, not prone to emotional outbrusts and his main ego-defense is rationalizing. Did Griss get a personality transplant between season 5 and 6? I don't know who this guy is anymore.

I must say, the only eppys Iäve really enjoyed, last year and this, were the ones with the young turks in any constellation. Cath and Griss don't cut it anymore for me.

I found the innuendos in the B-plot to be both amusing and lame, menopause, no more babies driving a woman insane. Yes, because that's all we are, baby-making maschines. :(

And the ending? Keppler-drama unrelated to cases already?

After last weeks wonderful Young turks eppy, this one was just mediocre. Nick and keppler interaction is interesting, I don't know what Nick is doing exactly? Pulling Keppy's leg? Damn, GE ca make sparks fly with anyone on the set.
MacsGirlMel said:
I'm sooo looking forward to next week!

Liked the bits of GSR...hey xfcanadian, just curious, why do you think it's OOC?

Keppler's studying the MCSK models kinda intrigued me and when he said Grissom fit the profile or whatever I wondered about that too.

When did Greg say his thing was postponed? Did he say why? I must've missed it.

Oh and yay for more Warrick screentime

er, what does OOC mean??
I really didn't like this episode as much as past ones. The show felt slow and the cases felt more like a way to open character's storylines more than a regular case that could have happened in Vegas.

Sara’s case is where my statement applies. It is too ironic that she and Warrick (who both have relationship issues0 investigated in an area where neglected women seek companionship from men who only seek to please (only for money but never the less). In my opinion Warrick was paired with Sara for this one to point out the weakness in his relationship with his soon to be (maybe) ex-wife.

The question was brought up why Jesse would kill his own mother. I have a couple theories on this, which of course can be mixed and matched together.

First motive theory I have is denial. Jesse had a rough life as we found out. It makes sense to me that he wouldn’t easily accept that he could be loved by a woman (hence why he’s in the business of having multiple perhaps as a way to fill the void) so he would never accept that the woman who abandoned him could love him.

Second theory is disgust...not with his mother but with himself. I can just imagine if Grissom were on this case we would have heard at the end him making a reference to the Greek tragedy Oedipus. For those who are not familiar Oedipus in the story accidentally murders his father, then marries and sleeps with his mother (neither of which he knew to be his parents). Upon discovering this for himself his mother commits suicide and he gorges his eyes out. Yeah its a small stretch but its possible that upon hearing he had been flirting etc with his own mother that he just plainly lost it.
OOC is out of character.

*did like that beginning scene with the umbrella, even with the ew factor*
S_Bright said:
LOL, these are two people, one 50 and the other well over 30 and they behave like teens, pining and writing letters? Isn't there a phone-line where Grissom went?

it is just ridicuous on so many levels. Our parting was awkward? And what should be said about this letter then? :lol: Would a geek even write such a letter? This man is highly logical, not prone to emotional outbrusts and his main ego-defense is rationalizing. Did Griss get a personality transplant between season 5 and 6? I don't know who this guy is anymore.

Last night, I had been trying to figure out how to express my feelings on the Grissom letter thing. I too had felt the whole thing to be a bit. . .immature. You basically summed up my feelings on the whole bit. The letter would be romantic if maybe the whole relationship wasn't as awkward as their goodbye. Okay, I'll concede that some moments were "cute". Still, I haven't really enjoyed watching this unfold.

I've really tried to tolerate the whole relationship. Sara is one of my favorite characters, but right now she is clingy, she needs attention. I have always felt she sought for that attention in the wrong person in the wrong way. *hides from tomatoes being thrown at her* I'm sorry, but I guess I have to mute the television from now on whenever GSR bits pop up on the screen.

As for the episode, it was okay. Sara bidding on the stripper with her ID made the episode for me. I wasn't really paying attention at first, so I actually thought she was holding up a 50 dollar bill. Her smirk was adorable. (And that, for me, has been the best Sara moment all year)

Again, CSI picked some great actors to play the suspects and such. From Cotton Candy to the mortuary doctor, they were all fairly colorful and full of life. Haha, the guy Sofia interviewed in the beginning had me laughing.

It was an okay episode, but overall, it was lacking something. Possibly the tempo was a tad slower than normal. It's hard to find a balance I suppose, because I thought last week was just a tad too fast.
S_Bright said:
LOL, these are two people, one 50 and the other well over 30 and they behave like teens, pining and writing letters?

This man is highly logical, not prone to emotional outbrusts and his main ego-defense is rationalizing.

You say 'tomato' I say 'in character' :lol: As you said (and as he said in his letter) Grissom is not good with the emotional stuff. He has never been able to say what he most wanted to say to Sara when she's right there in front of him. So yes, I do think a geek, this geek in particular, would (and obviously did) write such a letter. IMO, that is a very mature step forward for him.

Regarding the b-plot, I don't think the writers were trying to make the point you mentioned at all. The woman was full of regret for having given up her child. The realization that she would not have an opportunity to have another child, probably coupled with the fact that she was going through early menopause is what drove her to find and establish a relationship with her son. Gregrocks, I think it was a combination of the things you mentioned that drove him to kill her. If she had approached him differently, it probably would not have gone down that way.

Sara bidding on the stripper with her ID made the episode for me.

I loved that part. Perfect Sara moment and a nice little nod to some of Jorja's previous work.