This season finale left me a bit perplexed and confused, I saw George Eads last night earlier on ET, and he said on the Dr. Jekyll that "he's always been right under our noses" but the thing is we've never ever seen this Charlie guy, show apparently it was him

only Nate Haskall, who was for sure the star of this episode.
The beginning, with the hugh police escort bringing him down from Ely, NV. to talk to them Brass "A limo for him, like's he's Paul friggin' McCartney":lol: Brass has been a bit snarky as of late. Cath and him arguing and Ray just listening Cath saying Ray should talk to him, with Brass saying "are you saying I'm not doing my job" Ray shrugs, Cath:If he doesn't have any news, will ship him back to Ely"
What a psycho, the cop putting a laser on his waist, he marches down the hall like he's a celebrity, he's so creepy:cardie: Cath 'Well Ray he's all yours, you the one he wants to talk to" Brass: NO one is going in there without me"
Ray: "I thought you wanted to talk to me, but you hung up on me" Haskall: Ah, are your feelings hurt"?

He plays cat and mouse and says nothing relieable at all. Ray is so 'beguiling' so good in this role:bolian: Brass :"You were brought here because you said you had info. on Jekyll murders, so start talking" Haskall : What is it, start talking, or shut up, I don't think I like you" Ray: "You said you had info. about him, Haskall dances all around the topic. he's so creepy

He states there's evidence in the top drawer of his dresser. Cath calls Nick the team gets and brings it to the lab. Sara finds a little box with a piece of pasta tied into a bow tie. Nick is baffled, and has a photo of the tied intestines of one of the victims.
The tender moment between Cath and Vartann, so they're sleeping together? Nick "why am I always the last to know"
On Dr. Jekyll Haskall says "relating to the Robert Louis Stevenson novel that Dr. Jekyll was the good guy Mr. Hyde was the freak~
Ray : "How do you know Jekyll"? met them at a resturant. and begins rambling again, and Ray keeps his cool he wants a steak dinner Ray :"If you want to get something, you've got to give something" Haskall: "You need me, I don't need you, I'm going to have some fun and if you don't like it, send me back to Ely"

The team discussing it and Ray goes"'He's very smart and likes to mix the truth with lies"
Cath with her old friend of sorts [Marty Engles] by the pool and he shows her on her GPS where this old Italian resturant is.
VENETTIS. The team goes there and Nick kicks in the door

ALL of the victims all over the walls> sara finds the menu w/ the bow tie pasta on it~
Henry and Cath find a list of former employees Henry says "so one of them has to be Jekyll"~
A police artist draws a photo, and she draws Ray, so spooky, still playing his little cat and mouse games. The stripper part which I didn't get at all, what was the pont of that?

Ray "I need a name" Carlo Pereni he says~
Henry tells Ray he's got a package from his dad Ray "He's been dead for 10 years"

No bomb, but weird wires and tubes wraped in jerky:shifty: with the letters
NAYL which interpreted as navel. Ray explains~
Haskall in his cell annoying the crap out of the officer "Shut up"
The morgue with all the corpses & Doc and Super Dave examining them so repulsive and sickening
Sara and Greg find blood on the table in the resturant Greg "This was Jekyll's operating table"
Dimasa's resturant with the dad and son Joe Bologna, wow haven't seen him in a while. This to me was strange because we've never seen or heard of them it kinda of didn't fit into the whole scene. Nick and Ray talking to the dad and Nick ansty and suspicious, especially when the son Charile goes supposedly in the kitchen to get wine So Nick tells the cop to go check on him the guy shoots the cop and Nick runs in and on this part I screamed, NICK GETS SHOT I was going NO NOT NICK:scream:.. So he was another crazy cop killer and I guess Dr. Jekyll

while Nick is lying on the floor bleeding Ray is talking to the dad and Charlie while Nick slowly reaches for the gun. Suspensful at this point.. chews nails..
Back in the jail cell Haskall the cop tazzes him cause he said "your mother is the killer and she slept with all the victims before she killed them:vulcan:
Ray talks about his dad a big drunk and tries to relate to Charlie so he'll put the gun down He starts to stand up and Charlie goes to shoot him and Nick grabs the gun and shoots hm
GO NICKY:thumbsup: YIPEE HE'S ALIVE:angel:
Hospital, and the gang gathering around Nick so sweet and so relieved he's gong to be OK. Nick asks Ray if that story about leaving his dad in the snow to die was true. Ray "NO, I did leave him there, but he died 2 years later of lung cancer" then they do the fist knock guy thing. Nick: "I play dead good" Ray: You should have been an actor" There so great together:lol: great camraderie~ Everyone is so happy that Nick is OK, and I know all George Eads fans as well~
Brass offers to buy Ray a drink, Ray "I'll catch up with you, give me a minute" and he goes to see Haskall one more time and them He goes "Goodbye Nate" and starts to walk away and he pulls him through the bars and starts stabbing him

what was that weapon a stint, made with what? I was freaking out, didn't expect this at all,

dear gawd, what a gripping, unbeliveable ending:brickwall: I love Dr. Langston, he's incredible and I'm so glad they choose him and that he accepted, and obviously he doesn't die, cause he's in S/11. So Nick gets shot and survives and Ray gets stabbed, but I think they'll both be back next season. As a season finale, it was suspensful and intriguing, but not like I thought it would be..I guess I'd give it a high