So now this episode has gotten really interesting, just based on the plotline and the video.
First, I'm with you guys who cannot wait for the Cath/Brass showdown. That is going to be good. The whole storyline with 'bloodshed' for Catherine has turned out to be more of a metaphor but, oooo it's a good one. I cannot wait to see how this turns out.
Second, if that is Vartann behind her in that scene, 1) if he's wearing a suit, money has it he's on the case. Which again based on what she says there about 'welding his cage shut.' The whole Brass/Cat showdown will get
even more interesting if Vartann is also on the case.
2) if he's in a suit, he and Catherine could have been on a date and she got called in (he could have dropped her off at the lab)... and again he's there to witness the showdown...OOOO did I say this already? That it's gonna be good. :thumbsup:
And for Nicky and or Greg. Yea promos are very misleading. They slice together scenes and different shots to put together a very streamlined teaser. That's why they are called teasers. But, it's almost too painful to try to figure out what happens.
I was a little pensive about this episode. All the action and bloodshed, CSI in peril stuff. Now it looks like it's gonna be very exciting. C A N N O T W A I T!