May sorrow everlast - an Aiden-corner


Vanessa will go far in Hollywood. When I saw Vanessa in CSI:NY I was like "Eh? Since when was Angelina Jolie acting in CSI?"

Gotta admit, they do look alike. After all, Vanessa once mentioned that Jolie is her beauty icon.
^^^ she does look a bit like Angelina Jolie. Vanessa is unique in that she'll take those risque' roles that some actresses wont take, and shes not your typical hollywood blonde hair, blue eyes, big boobed bimbo (no offense to anyone with any of those I will confess to having some "blonde" moments someteimes - and I'm a brunette) but she has a unique look and a unique way of acting... I like her, shes fun, and shes gorgeous so that always helps
She does look alot like Angelina. ...haha she really should play like her sister or something in TR sequel. :p

I'd love to see Vanessa and Angelina in a movie together. They could play sisters; Angelina the older one and Vanessa the younger one.

I'd pay to watch that movie.
I think that Angelina would be far better at playing the evil sibling ... Angelina can pull practically anything off. I love her to death.

Seriously, if you're gonna follow one celebrity's gossip, follow Angelina's.
Angelina has a long gossip, :lol:

Vanessa as an evil sibbling? hmm... I'm not sure, but she could probably pull it off.
My laptop is to ancient... well not ancient, but stubborn is more the word. Basically he's teetering on thin ice with me, I'm about to lay 'im in the middle of the street and run my truck over 'im. lol.. eventually I'll get it downloaded and all. Anyone have a transcript or caps? Or at least tell me what goes on in the interview?
Its okay, yeah eventually I'll get my computer upgraded or fixed, or something and get it downloaded... probably by next year, lol, but eventually.