Maxine Valera #1 - Blonde Is The New Porn

Re: Maxine Valera #2 - I'm Not the Mole...I Swear!!!

Gotta laugh at that, Boa Vista v Valera is altimate cat fight action, I'm surprised she hsn't had her about the whole mole thing. Saying that you don't really see anyone but Ryans reacton to that.
Re: Maxine Valera #2 - I'm Not the Mole...I Swear!!!

Ohhhhh that sounds like an interesting storyline for her. But we can't just go and say that there's something wrong with Valera for going out with him. Maybe she doesn't know how he is. Or maybe she's doing it for other reasons then the obvious ones.

But hey I honestly don't care she's getting a storyline. FINALLY!
Re: Maxine Valera #2 - I'm Not the Mole...I Swear!!!

That's exactly what a friend and I agreed upon. Maybe tptb will give us a reason to justify her actions. My point is that it's about time that she's gotten an actual storyline. No more will we only see her for approx. 3.5 seconds. While it may not be the greatest storyline, it's a storyline. And an intriguing one at that. Hooray for the limelight on Valera! :)
Re: Maxine Valera #2 - I'm Not the Mole...I Swear!!!

:) Valera storyline? It's about time. *hands out cookies to everyone* I'm so excited :D
Re: Maxine Valera #2 - I'm Not the Mole...I Swear!!!

Poor Valera, he better not do anythng bad to her. I do reckon Boa Vista is gonna say something
Re: Maxine Valera #2 - I'm Not the Mole...I Swear!!!

I'm glad about Valera's upcoming storyline too. Boti actually said this was her favorite episode when she attended the London Expo in October. When asked which other character she would like to play, she replied "I'd like to play Rex as he's so cool." Of all the characters, she choose Frank which I think is great!

I had the opportunity to speak with her one on one and she was so polite and posed for two photos for me. Check out the links below! I did get a photo with her, but I won't be showing that as I look like a complete idiot standing next her, lol. And the blond hair actually looks fantastic in person. She was very friendly and very cuddly towards me which was great. You could tell she really loves working on the show.

Boti Posed Photo 1

Boti Posed Photo 2
Re: Maxine Valera #2 - I'm Not the Mole...I Swear!!!

She does look great. I really love the wy she looks here. \she sounds like she's a great person, I'm so jealious.
Re: Maxine Valera #2 - I'm Not the Mole...I Swear!!!

Aww you got to meet Boti. That is so unfair! lol. And I think its really cute that she chose to be Frank. Most people would have probably said Horatio so that that'd be the main character but no she chose Frank. Awww.

Thanks for those piccies!
Re: Maxine Valera #2 - I'm Not the Mole...I Swear!!!

Saying that Frank has got alot better lines this season, he rocks.
Re: Maxine Valera #2 - I'm Not the Mole...I Swear!!!

I'm not sure if you guys know this but Boti's name is actually pronounced as "Boat-tee" not "Bot-tee".

I'm glad you like the pics!
Re: Maxine Valera #2 - I'm Not the Mole...I Swear!!!

Thanks! I've always wondered how you pronounce it. :lol:

***Possible Spoilers***

now I do have a very bad feeling about this date with Nick though. Very bad feeling. The guy is a creep!
I sure hope nothing bad is going to happen, but I do have this very sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach................ :mad:

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Re: Maxine Valera #2 - I'm Not the Mole...I Swear!!!

***Possible Spoilers***

Maybe the thing with Nick won't be that bad. Perhaps there is more to him than we think? Maybe he's not as bad as Boa makes out, or there could be a twist and he turns violent towards Valera. I hope that DOESN'T happen though! But it's great that Valera is getting more airtime.

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Re: Maxine Valera #2 - I'm Not the Mole...I Swear!!!

***Possible Spoilers***

I'm betting on the violence themed episode. Since we all ( at least I did) where expecting a Horatio saves Natalia's life from evil hubby.

Then for all those reasons we got Horatio saves baby sister from evil serial killer instead.

So now, maybe the Horatio saves N story would be overkill, don't you think.

And Valera hasn't had all that much screen time, so we might be getting a Horatio saves Maxine from evil boyfriend ep.

If that makes sense. :rolleyes:

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Re: Maxine Valera #2 - I'm Not the Mole...I Swear!!!

***Possible Spoilers***

I'm betting that maybe Natalia tried to warn Valera off and that she gets told to mind her own buisness, and maybe there wi;ll be violence.

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Re: Maxine Valera #2 - I'm Not the Mole...I Swear!!!

***Possible Spoilers***

Yeah, Maxine will def tell Natalia that she can date whomever she wants. And I mean, in theory she can, cause they're divorced, right? ;)
It's still a really bad idea though. :devil:
Any way , something tells me there is a really cool storyline coming for Maxine! :lol:

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