Maxine Valera #1 - Blonde Is The New Porn

Re: Maxine Valera #2 - I'm Not the Mole...I Swear!!!

*points to above post* I had heard about this episode about two weeks back and I've been dying to see it. I am so thrilled that we'll actually get to see Valera for more than 2.5 seconds.

I just hope that this will be the start of an actual, serious storyline and not just a oneshot. However, knowing tptb, this will all just end up being a big tease and once again we'll have to suffer with just bits and pieces of our lovely Boti. :(

One would like to hope that tptb aren't that cruel but...I think we can all agree to disagree with that notion.
Re: Maxine Valera #2 - I'm Not the Mole...I Swear!!!

Cory Miller gives me hope. He spoke about an episode he wrote in the blog entry, and I won't say anything about it here, but, yeah, it gave me hope :)
Re: Maxine Valera #2 - I'm Not the Mole...I Swear!!!

Is anyone else ridiculously psyched for tonight's episode (Come As You Are) as I am? Oh Maxine/Natalia drama... I'm all for it! :D
Re: Maxine Valera #2 - I'm Not the Mole...I Swear!!!

Yep, me too :D Unfortunately, I won't be able to watch until tomorrow afternoon at the earliest... But I'm really excited about it!! Here's hoping it doesnt' disapoint.
Re: Maxine Valera #2 - I'm Not the Mole...I Swear!!!

Son of a bizzatch... They cheated Valera out of screen time yet again! I can't believe, even though she was mentioned in the ep description, she only got like 1 minute out of 40. Actually, I do believe it and it makes me sad. :(

Stupid HORatio the screentime hor. It's ridonkulous.
Re: Maxine Valera #2 - I'm Not the Mole...I Swear!!!

Oh my God, I can't believe that this is my first post here. :) Can I just say I love Maxine and am very angry that we bearly got to see her tonight!
Re: Maxine Valera #2 - I'm Not the Mole...I Swear!!!

I'm dissapointed with the amount of screen time she got, of course. But... the screentime that she did have was actual story line, leading up to something bigger, so I'm still holding hope. Soon, she'll have her episode soon.
Re: Maxine Valera #2 - I'm Not the Mole...I Swear!!!

I'd like to see an ep where Valera bitch-slaps the shit out of Boa Vista. Now, that would be good TV!
Re: Maxine Valera #2 - I'm Not the Mole...I Swear!!!

I will say that Natalia's reaction surprised me. I'm not sure why...perhaps I did expect more air time than had been given.

However, all in all, I will agree that it was still an actual storyline. I'm looking forward to see where tptb will take us. :)
Re: Maxine Valera #2 - I'm Not the Mole...I Swear!!!

Words could not even begin to describe the way I felt last night. Ugh, I was so mad. Not at the fact that Maxine still got less screen time (but that still does bother me). What made me angry was the way that Valera seemed so scared to talk to Natalia about her dating Nick. Ugh it made me so mad. "Are you mad?" Valera sweetie....who cares what she thinks. She's her own person and she shouldn't be threatned by the deciosions she makes herself.

I just really hope that the writers have something up there sleeve with this storyline because right off the bat I'm not liking the way its going.

But I will have to say even if she was acting all scared she did still look cute. Her voice went down like an ocatave or something, I dunno I thought it was cute.
Re: Maxine Valera #2 - I'm Not the Mole...I Swear!!!

I noticed that too, speedmonkey2. I couldn't understand or fathom really, why she would be so scared. She seemed to cower in front of Natalia and that really bugged me. I figured she'd give Natalia lip about she can date whomever she wants and that Natalia has no say in it.

I ended up replying to the TV, Maxine sweetie, if you're so scared of her reaction, why did you bother saying yes to Nick anway?

But that's just my two cents...
Re: Maxine Valera #2 - I'm Not the Mole...I Swear!!!

"Are you mad?" Valera sweetie....who cares what she thinks.
Ugh. I know. I was expecting her to be all, yeah, he asked me out, I said yes, get over it. That was so unlike her... but cute all the same.
And man, why aren't there more Valera fans in here? Seriously.
Re: Maxine Valera #2 - I'm Not the Mole...I Swear!!!

*pops in*

Hi everyone! :D Never posted here before, but I was just watching Come As You Are, and the upmentioned "Are you mad?" scene with Natalia just made me melt. I've always loved Valera, she's such a cutie... makes me want to hug and cuddle her. ^^

*pops out*
Re: Maxine Valera #2 - I'm Not the Mole...I Swear!!!

Like I mentioned in the discussion thread for the ep, maybe Natalia (off screen) told Maxine at some point and didn't feel the need to repeat it, or because of the gossip vine figured she heard about it. I can't blame Nat if Valera went out with Nick, while I think it was only a consideration thing that she asked Nat more or less if it was fine with her, the consertation beinging that they have to work together. Sort of like Ryan and Delko when it came to dating Natalia.

IF Maxine knows all about Nick and such then I would have to say there isn't much that Natalia could do to stop her, what would she say "No don't he will beat the heck out of you" whose to say that Maxine wouldn't look at it as Nat just being jealous. I don't know really it just seems to me that they just left out the plane metphor but recycled the Ryan/Delko lines for dating.
Re: Maxine Valera #2 - I'm Not the Mole...I Swear!!!

I haven't been watching much this season (I have a class that conflicts with Miami), but I hope that TPTB don't do anything to my Maxine. I don't think that it is such a good idea to put Maxine and Nick together...don't like where it MIGHT lead.