Maxine Valera #1 - Blonde Is The New Porn

Re: Maxine Valera #2 - I'm Not the Mole...I Swear!!!

Another cute one:


Bring back the brown hair! Blonde hair makes her look older, too. Brown hair makes her look young and edgy.
Re: Maxine Valera #2 - I'm Not the Mole...I Swear!!!

The blonde look is fine, but I prefer the darker hue... it gives her more of a fresh, natural, sexy look.

Thanks for the pic Caro, I hadn't seen that one before. :)
Re: Maxine Valera #2 - I'm Not the Mole...I Swear!!!

She's showing some leg in that picture. Fine, if Valera must date Nick, let's at least get a sexy dress out of it. I want Maxine to show us what she got.
Re: Maxine Valera #2 - I'm Not the Mole...I Swear!!!

midnight_tiptoes said: I want Maxine to show us what she got.

Seriously. The woman's a hottie with a body. If we have to be subjected to half naked women parading around on the show, then tptb should at least show us the goods underneath the lab coat. :devil:

Maybe then the guys around the lab would wake up a bit and see what's been under their nose the entire time.
Re: Maxine Valera #2 - I'm Not the Mole...I Swear!!!

I wonder if anything will come out of that storyline, or if they'll forget about it like all the other plots they half-develop and then drop like an unwanted step-child.
Re: Maxine Valera #2 - I'm Not the Mole...I Swear!!!

I am curious about that particular storyline as well. I missed half of season 4 so I wasn't aware that there was a problem between Valera and Boa Vista. Explains a lot hahaha.

I wonder if Valera is going out with Nick as sort of a payback? Although, she doesn't strike me as the vengeful type.
Re: Maxine Valera #2 - I'm Not the Mole...I Swear!!!

Ha, My first time in the Valera thread! I've really come to like Boti, ever since I first saw her as Prue Halliwell's crazy stalker in Charmed :lol:. Valera is such an awesome character, with so much potential. I hope they continue involving her in storylines more and more. She totally deserves to be added to the credits next season.

In case you haven't been keeping up to date with the spoilers, it looks as though Nick is going to be murdered and Natalia becomes major suspect. What (if any) involvement do you think Valera will have in this?
Re: Maxine Valera #2 - I'm Not the Mole...I Swear!!! for that spoiler I have no comment right now. But Miami writers never cease to amaze me.

I haven't seen Boti in that many things. I did see her in an episode of Nash Bridges though where she played Nash's daughters friend. Poor thing got killed in a car accident. But her hair was blonde at one point before. lol.
Re: Maxine Valera #2 - I'm Not the Mole...I Swear!!!

I used to watch Charmed way back when... I didn't realize that was Boti as Prue's stalker! She's such a great actress.

My friend and I made a bet concerning this spoiler. I say that chances are high that she'll get fingered as one of the suspects - they did it to her already when we first learned their was a mole. And not only that, but she went out with him too! I can totally see tptb doing this to her once more. Oh the drama!
Re: Maxine Valera #2 - I'm Not the Mole...I Swear!!!

Well, it seems that Valera's in the next episode. I'm hoping she'll get a bit more screentime than usual, considering the spoilers ;)
Re: Maxine Valera #2 - I'm Not the Mole...I Swear!!!

I figure this is best place to ask this question....Is Boti expecting a child? cuz when they do show her full profile, she looks like the lab coat is hiding a baby!! Good luck to her if she is!!
Re: Maxine Valera #2 - I'm Not the Mole...I Swear!!!

Hmm...I never really noticed that before and I have no idea if she really is expecting or not. But if she is going to have a baby, I wish her the best.
Re: Maxine Valera #2 - I'm Not the Mole...I Swear!!!

Okay, old post but midnight_tiptoes , THANKYOU for the picture! She looks so pretty. I prefer her with brown hair myself, too. More natural. ;)
Re: Maxine Valera #2 - I'm Not the Mole...I Swear!!!

I'd like to correct myself and say sorry for assuming the Boti was pregnant...although in my defense she did look it when they zoomed out on her. I just say a pic from "Internal Affairs" and they show her whole body and she is obviously not pregnant. So I'd like to apologize for my misconception.
Re: Maxine Valera #2 - I'm Not the Mole...I Swear!!!

No need to apologize. We all have our assumptions and theories and we are all allowed to be wrong every now and then.

I can't wait for Monday's episode. I hope we get to see a lot of Valera. Here's to hoping *crosses fingers*