Maxine Valera #1 - Blonde Is The New Porn

Re: Maxine Valera #2 - I'm Not the Mole...I Swear!!!

Well, I have this feeling that maybe Maxine is going out with Nick for another reason. Not exactly to get back at Natalia or anything. But maybe Nick's apart of something that we dont' know about yet so maybe the FBI or some other organzation asked Maxine to help bring him down or something to that effect. And yes I know 'But Nick asked her out'. I haven't quite figured that part out yet except for maybe the fact he's trying to get back at Natalia.

And yes I know that makes no sense. But its just my opinion.
Re: Maxine Valera #2 - I'm Not the Mole...I Swear!!!

:lol: I like that you have a theory. It might need a bit of... tweaking, but we can work on it. How cool would it be if Valera really was working for some agency to bring him down :lol: And you know, she only claimes that he asked her out. Maybe that's just what she wanted Natalia to think ;)
Re: Maxine Valera #2 - I'm Not the Mole...I Swear!!!

Does anyone else think that Jordana Spiro looks exactly like Boti Bliss?


Well, maybe not exactly, but she could totally play Valera's sister.
Re: Maxine Valera #2 - I'm Not the Mole...I Swear!!!

Hmm...she does resemble her a lot. I would love to see one of Valera's family members. I think that would give us some more back ground information on our beloved Valera.
Re: Maxine Valera #2 - I'm Not the Mole...I Swear!!!

I'm actually watching My Boys right now... I can definitely see the resemblence.

I do wish we knew more about Maxine though. She's such a great and intriguing character. Perhaps, this Nick storyline will shed some more light on her, but then again, I might be hoping for too much. We all know how tptb can well, be.
Re: Maxine Valera #2 - I'm Not the Mole...I Swear!!!

I can picture Valera's family as this big, loud, 'eat, eat, you're skin and bones!' Italian family. I bet they're all as crazy as Valera and just as hilarious. I'm actually writing a story about it and I'm having a lot of fun with them.

ps - My Boys is awesome.
Re: Maxine Valera #2 - I'm Not the Mole...I Swear!!!

Yes, I can definately see the resemblance! I would love to see some of her family. Or know anything about her at all... midnight, I'd love to read it when you're done :D
Re: Maxine Valera #2 - I'm Not the Mole...I Swear!!!

I love Valera and deserves something better than just the lab!


"What we gain by science is, after all, sadness." Thomas Hardy.
Re: Maxine Valera #2 - I'm Not the Mole...I Swear!!!

Aww thats a lovely pic of Boti. Thanks for sharing midnight! And ah the brown hair, I miss it.
Re: Maxine Valera #2 - I'm Not the Mole...I Swear!!!

I miss the brown hair too. Thanks for sharing midnight! It's a great pic :)
Re: Maxine Valera #2 - I'm Not the Mole...I Swear!!!

Yeah, she needs to go back to brown ASAP. The blonde really doesn't bring out her best features. Plus, Valera was more kick ass when she was a brunette. Now she's all submissive and shit.
Re: Maxine Valera #2 - I'm Not the Mole...I Swear!!!

Yeah, I'm just not digging the blonde. At first I was like "whoa what did she do?" and then I was like "Ok, well its new, its different, its her" and now i'm just like "UGh, go back to last season" I'm sorry but I liked what she had last season alot better.

Oh man Valera had more then 2 seconds of screen time last night. It was like...a whole minute I believe. lol. And how funny was she to "Seriously, Ryan get them out of here" The way she said that just cracked me up.
Re: Maxine Valera #2 - I'm Not the Mole...I Swear!!!

About the hair... those are about the same stages I went through.

And I was quite pleased with her appearance in the latest episode. I think it's cool of her to try to save Ryan from the embarassment of being told he screwed up on camera. Not her fault they didn't listen...
Re: Maxine Valera #2 - I'm Not the Mole...I Swear!!!

Well I didn't neccassarily think she was saving him. I just kinda thought she didn't want to be around the cameras. But that's just my opinion. Who knows maybe next episode she'll be in it for 2 minutes. It just seems the more cast memebers they add the less her screen time gets and it just frustrates me. I miss s2 when valera was all "The porn's the new martini. Nobody's hiding there vises anymore"