Ohh thanks for his name and the transcript. Yeah it makes me wonder if he had a previous relationship with Cath.. or maybe he's just flirting with her? I hope he comes back though.. Damn we need some more guy hotness on the show.. lol.
and what's with the teenage boys names of the detects and csi? tony, drew, sam, jim? :lol: i always thought detects would have names like bruno or rocky.
erin bronkovich--i also love the make up in that movie. everybody looks pale and sickly except for julia roberts.
and what's with the teenage boys names of the detects and csi? tony, drew, sam, jim? :lol: i always thought detects would have names like bruno or rocky.
erin bronkovich--i also love the make up in that movie. everybody looks pale and sickly except for julia roberts.