Marg/Catherine #6.0: Totally Thud Worthy

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Indeed it is. Erica, that is a VERY hot icon :D

And Syd, glad we can help. We're all looking forward to your fic :D
LOL thanks Purejoylove and Anne. My thanks go to the WPAP for the cap. It was really hot. :D And I think the text goes with the cap really well. ;) Marg was so funny and so gorgeous in that clip!
Its an excellent icon. I love that image.

I haven't been around the Marg thread lately. Any news on what she's doing this summer?
LOL I think kay posted a scan from a recent mag (People?) saying that Marg is redecorating her house. Boy, that's going to be SOME work. :lol:
I thought it said she was Renovating A house. As in, I think someone on the board said, buying a house- fixing it up and re selling. Either way that is ALOT of work.
i just found out that Marg's realy name is Mary Margaret. i wonder why she doesnt go by that. it is a really pretty name. but Marg seems so suit her :)
Actually, it's not "Margaret" - It's Mary Marg. I think she mentioned only her mom still calls her that. (don't moms always call you your full name when they're really mad at you?) Mine usually does!
I remember when she was on Rosie's show, Rosie asked the question about her name, and Marg said officially it was "Mary Marg".
unfortunately, a lot of stuff on imdb, wiki, etc.. are just posted by members like us. Sometimes the stuff people post is incorrect. As in this case.

And to stay OT:

Marg is hot!
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