Marg/Catherine #6.0: Totally Thud Worthy

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Marg definately deserves a break after the past few weeks. They might not get much time away though, isn't Alan starting a play or something this month?
^ If that's the case, there's probably no vacation this summer. lol. It will still be great if they are at least there for each other. :)
I'd like to think she does. Remember that she was murmuring Alan's speech along when he did he at the SAGs? That was really cute. :)
hey kaylyne, i saw that promo and i was like wtf?...i was talking to the tv when my mom walked in the room, she was looking at my with a wtf? on her face
There's another interview clip on My Video Daily. Marg talks about why she took the role Emma Brooks and how it was to work with Kevin Costner. She's so very cute in this clip. :D

But when will those reporters learn that her name isn't Marge, it's MARG?!
*runs to download* TY Erica!

You'd think they'd get it - even her production company is called Don't Call me MARGE!
hi i was wondering if someone could help me.

i was watching Lethal Vows last night but i fell asleep before it was over so i was wondering if someone could tell me what i missed. the last part i saw was when they were searching marg's characters house and a police woman found drugs in her coffee that her ex husband had put there.
You know what always bugged me about that whole name mix-up? It's basic English, is it not? Marge has an 'E' at the end, that's what makes it a soft 'G' not a hard one. It just always seems silly when grown adults get it wrong.
Thanks for the clip though, she is so adorable!
What I didn't like from the Regis&Kelly interview is when she starts talking about Hughie's hickeys.
I mean, poor boy, he has a life! :lol:
(And BTW, I don't want USA to know what I do to him...)
lol Fra, why do I have the idea that you're jealous? :devil:

And I agree with kc. It's not that hard to figure out how to pronounce MARG. I mean, English isn't my first language, but I knew it was a hard G the first time I saw her name. I think it's alright if it's just the viewers, but we're talking about news reporters here. Sigh.
The only way they could mix it up is if they thought it was marg like margarine, but still, it's a bit obvious which way to pronounce it.

mugs, you missed a lot! You need to watch the movie again - there's a lot more twists and turns before the end.
ME jealous? No way. Well maybe a little.

The problem is Mummy-Marg liked his date. -_- I had to be his date, and mummy-Marg had to like ME!

This being said, no I'm not jealous. :D
he he he Dardeile
I wonder if Hughie dates?? I mean besides you ^^^ he he he :)

I watched Built to Kill the other night while I was IM'ing with my sister. We were discussing the episode.
She thought Catherine's scenes were really powerful and I told her that Marg's name has been submitted for an Emmy for this preformance.
My sister agreed. :D

*Yes, Destiny I know this is not the Awards Discussion thread but I wanted to mention Marg's fantastic preformance in this episode
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