Marg/Catherine #6.0: Totally Thud Worthy

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I not yet see the interview in the Oprah...

And I am seeing now the interview in the Conan...

10 minutes later....

OMG!!! I laugh very much!!!It is therefore that I love this woman!!!

I'm so sad...Mr. Brooks will only go to open here in Brazil in December :(
AngelEyez said:
Is there any more interviews coming up for her?
Weebee! Nah there are no more interviews lined up for her, according to the talk show scheds on some websites. I want her to go to Jay Leno too, but Jay doesn't like CSI haha.
But she'll be appearing on the Tony Awards on June 10.
The logical choice would have been to present with Billy or Liev, but they had her presenting with (I haven't a clue) some director or something.

ETA: I swear, if I have to see that promo for the new Viva Laughlin series one more time during the commercial breaks, I'm going to throw something at my tv. It's been on during EVERY SINGLE commercial break so far. Do they not have anything else to promote on CBS?! You know they're just trying to use CSI's popularity in promoting that show.
Robert again, huh? I'm guessing Marg has been in NYC all week now, so someone had to stay home and make sure Hughie wasn't filming more videos in his room.

LOL! Anne - Viva Laughlin seems to be a new show coming this fall on CBS, and they're running the promo on EVERY commercial break during the Tonys so far. It looks like some drama/soap opera set in Laughlin, Nevada with their catch phrase "sin...has a new city" (or something like that) Basically, it looks like a glorified CSI with a soap opera theme instead of dead bodies. To be running on sundays this fall. Who the *bleep* cares about what's coming up this fall already? We're just finally getting close to summer. CBS seems desperate in pushing this one.
I just watched a clip and they never went back to Marg after they started introducing the nominees. :( How rude of them! lmao! Anyways it was a great week full of Marg loving. I hope she gets well-rested. She really deserves a very relaxing vacation. :)
If I could give Marg anything, I'd give her a week away with Alan, all by themselves and with no distractions from work, etc.
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