Marg/Catherine #6.0: Totally Thud Worthy

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The View is aired at 11 am.

kaylyne I saw Demi Moore on Jay Leno and she didn't mention Marg. Jay Leno did talk in passing about how unbelievable CSI is lol.
I also saw Kevin Costner on Jay Leno last May and he only talked about the movie, he didn't mention Marg.
Dane Cook also guested on Conan no mention of Marg either.

Speaking of Conan O'brien Marg will also be on Conan on June 7.
Last night I watched Built to Kill prt 1 and 2 and Marg was sooo amazing in those episodes. I kept playing back to see some of those wonderfull yet hard scenes, like when she takes her own rape kit in the motel room or when Sam Braun slaps her in the face.

Marg is an amazingly talented actress. And that two part episode proofs it! :D
dude omg i have like 3 more hours 2 watch the view and im sooo sleepy...but i cant go 2 sleep now... its marg we are talkin bout i have 2 watch it. any wayz do any 1 knows wat time she is coming on 2night

thankz and a sleepy sam
The View comes on here at 10 am

I'm hoping to watch Marg :D

Maybe they will chat about her TWO new movies and CSI
Hottie, it doesn't surprise me that Demi didn't mention Marg. Marg said that Demi wasn't even on the set when she was shooting her scenes, because the two ladies had no scenes together. I'm guessing there would probably only be a Marg mention if they show one of the scenes with Marg in them.

As for The View... I normally don't watch the show unless there's a guest that I'm very interested in watching, but have to say - that was the fastest, most unorganized, everyone-talking-at-once interview I've ever seen. Marg's head was going back and forth from side to side constantly trying to talk to everybody at once. I ended up dizzy at the end of watching it. Barbara was the only one to seem relaxed. Who was the over-hyper guest host who couldn't pronounce her name? Good Grief! They really need a better set layout so the guest isn't in the middle and trying to look at both sides trying to talk to everyone at once.
dude i know i was like slow down, she was asked alot of stuff and she couldnt even finsh what she was saying cause they where askin at one time. and the not knowing how 2 pronounce her name, i was like wtf? anyway all in all it was great
Good to know that you got dizzy watching the View, kay, because I had difficulties understanding 100% what they were talking about. English isn't my first language after all, and not to mention that all of them were almost talking at the same time. :lol: Anne and I talked yesterday and we didn't really like talk shows with more than one host because the interviews often end up rushed or the guest gets ignored. Both of us weren't really impressed by the Regis & Kelly interview. We loved it, but there were things about it we didn't like, too.

Anyway, I loved Marg's outfit on the View. She looked absolutely stunning. I also loved that they mentioned her story as a weather girl again. I could never get tired of that. Oh they talked about the invitation from PlayBoy, too. lol. And Alan's reaction. It never ceases to make me laugh. :lol:
Oo, what was Alan's reaction? I've heard about the whole Playboy thing, but never what Alan thought about it... o_O

*is searching for clips of The View interview* Think it'd be on youtube yet? *goes and checks*
Alan's reaction - on the phone bragging to all of his buddies saying "guess what? my wife got asked to pose for Playboy!"
Well the interview was alright, Im used to the chatty hosts lol... the host of The View who pronounced Marg's surname wrong did make up for her mistake.. She said loved Mr. Brooks, and said she watched Marg in Erin Brokovich and in CSI Built to Kill and Marg was amazing on both.
Oh and Barbara Walters creeps me out... in Marg's earlier The View guesting she kept asking Catherine to strip and now she calls Catherine's BTK scene raunchy... haha :devil:
^ I agree, but strangely, I like those comments because Babara always manages to say them in a way I can accept and even think is kind of cool. :D If it was any other person, I'm not sure I'd appreciate the comments. lol. I remember once she talked with Julianne Moore about kissing a woman (Toni Collette) in The Hours and she got Julianne to kiss her. That was really cool. :lol:
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