Marg/Catherine #6.0: Totally Thud Worthy

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Ya! T-Shirts! <3

"I am a Marg Fan" (Aviable with "Marg Freak", too)
"Marg is love"
"*thud*" (+ a picture of Marg on it *gg*)

Marg alarms, Marg pencils, Marg glues..

Edit: Lol, I never wake up with my alarm clock. If the clock would say: "Helllooo.. Sexy" :devil: I would jump out of my bed saying: What? Marg? Where? :lol:
Speaking of alarms, my current ringtone is Marg singing Stand by Me. :lol: One of my firends always tells me "hey, Marg is singing to you" whenever she hears my cellphone ring. :lol:

Hmmm probably a T-shirt with "Marg stalker" written on it? I also have another idea that's plain evil and I don't think it's proper to be mentioned on a PG-13 board. Anne knows I've been wanting it for years, though. :devil:
*snicker* I don't think it's too bad to mention on a PG-13 board. It would only be improper if you mentioned what you were going to do with it ;)

And how did you get Marg singing onto your mobile phone? I want that :D
Remember her singing that song on ET while practicing for her What A Pair! performance? Rissa ripped the sound from the clip and I imported it to my cellphone. :)
how about Marg yoga attire since she is does yoga. I'd buy some of that :D

and a keychain with her smiling face would be totally cool :)
Yoga attire sounds like a great idea! I know I'd buy some, too. :) How about sweat shirts and shorts/pants? ;)

Gee, it sounds like we're really starting this business. :lol:
Lizzy_004 said:
How about a pic of Marg on your mouse mat? Or on your bed sheets? :devil:

I've seen Marg picture pillowcases on eBay. The thought that the back of my head would be on Marg's face doesn't appeal to me. Now if I could shape the pillow to the contours of Tom and Bob.... :devil:
mat -> pad :lol: didn't know the right word.

Okay, the back of your head, maybe not, but if you just try to sleep on your side, or your tummy? :p Your faces will touch!
Lookie whos' back! :eek: Lizzy! *hugs*

Well, bed sheets are good, but I still think my idea is better. Just ask Anne. It has something to do with snuggling among other things. :devil:

Oops Walter, forgot to tell you that we're not supposed to mention the names of Marg's boobies in the LV forum. Psssst! :D
Yep its in page one post one of the thread. ;)
The mods' special demand: let's try to stay under the PG-13 line (yes, it's hard), and not to discuss any of her bodyparts (even harder).
Marg the SnuggleBear.

Yes Erica, I love your idea.

Damn that PG-13 rule. *salutes Destiny* As you wish, oh modilicious one.
Hey Erica, I think you're a little confused. I've been posting here again for a couple days already ;) I think it's the Margness that's distracting you :p

Soo, we don't get to name them, but we do get to look at them? :D *runs to the Eye-Candy thread*
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