Marg/Catherine #5.0: She's Got It All

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Um...not to sound stupid...but who's Alan? *blushes at the stupid question I just asked*

Marg may have perfected the "What? Me HOT? Nah" look, but somehow, she acts/looks hot all the time anyway!
Alan would be Alan Rosenberg - Marg's husband of 17 years.
He played the character of public defender Adam Novak in the Weeping Willows and Leaving Las Vegas episodes. He's also current president of the Screen Actors Guild.
^ Yes that's true. And a lot of Marg fans believe the fact that Marg and Alan are loving husband and wife helped produce a lot of chemistry between Catherine and Adam. ;)
I see...when they were making out at Catherine's car it was kinda...well...heated. :p

I wonder how Alan Rosenberg felt when Marg was pointing that gun at him... :eek:
I've been a bad fan. -_- But yet, you have to live real life sometimes. :D

Oh, we're on the Weeping Willows discussion? Good, 'cause that's one of my fave scenes ever.
I think Alan has had another reason to never disappoint her, since that scene.
The first is that he would have all of us looking for him in every corner of the globe.
Dardeile: So true...if real life didn't get in the way, I would be watching CSI all day!

LOL. "What? Alan disappointed Marg?"

*Starts a search party to hunt him down*

Hehe, that was a VERY heated scene. And as I pointed out to Erica one time - watch their lips and see if you can guess how any times they rehearsed/retook that scene ;)
Methinks Marg also did numerous takes on the scene where she pulled the gun on him too. I can just see her doing that again and again and cracking up every time. Can you see her going to the prop guys and asking for one of those guns that shoots the little flag out that says 'gotcha' or 'bang' or squirts water or something as a joke.
I can TOTALLY see that kaylyne! Marg almost makes it through the "You came to my house!" line, and then just...LAUGHS! (BTW, Marg is very pretty when she laughs...)

And as for the make-out scene? Haha, I bet they INSISTED on re-taking that scene...

Marg: You know what? I think we should do that wasn't...good enough.
Alan: *nods* Oh yeah, I agree. :devil:
lmao. That must be really funny. I think same thing might have happened when they were shooting that interrogation thing. :D

Alan: Ask the redhead.

Marg: *glares*
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