Marg/Catherine #5.0: She's Got It All

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New Marg in less than an hour for me. Anyone else on the east coast? I'm all sorts of giddy for this episode.
Two words:

blue jumpsuit.

Yep. I would def say she was hot. Seriously though? When is she not? ;)
omg MJ's in here. Nowheres safe, next Fay will come in here.
*pokes her* hey...

Thanks for sharing that photo, mj0621. Perhaps you could visit us in the Marg photo thread as well.
oh i will. :D thanks.

If you count florida as east coast... then im from east coast. :lol:
Has anyone seen the "VH1's 40 hotties over 40"??
I loved the fact that Marg was #16!! yay!! She could be easily at the top, and there was Mr Clooney...yum and Mrs Cross!!
Yup, I heard about that, I didn't know Clooney was also there.

I don't get why people got so worked up over the episode, lol. I was drooling over Catherine the entire time. When Cath's onscreen everything is all rosy. Mutiny? What's that? lol.
She was GREAT in Redrum. I think the script wasn't worked out enough... it had too many holes but I think it was pretty good drama. I can't say I'm entirely satisfied though. I can see Catherine's reasons... Plain and simple; she had no choice IF she wanted to keep her job.

If anybody thinks she could have kept her job if she refused, then they are foolish. Look at the Undersheriff, he was a major pain in the A. And absolutely disrespectful of the DA. He would have fired Catherine in a heartbeat.

I loved how she expressed more times that she didn't like it and also the scene where they told about it to the team.
See, I told you guys that no matter what Catherine does or doesn't do, she's damned. :D

Whatever. I love her and that's all I care. ;)

EDIT: Mr. Brooks official site.

There's nothing yet except for a flash movie. LOL. Hopefully they'll update the site with some real stuff really soon.
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