Mac/Stella #9: Her Greekness Is His Weakness

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^Aw... you know me, buddy Mo. That's just a pinch of smex. You know what I'm capable of (with the help of Roselle that is hahahaha)

I just realized this line in a song is great to describe SMACked smex....

So close you can almost taste it
Release your inhibitions....


Okay, that's two lines hahaha.
Lol, yup I do know you babes... ;) I can't complain about your pinch of is Smacked smex after all! :devil: You with Roselle two definitely do make a good Smacked smex writing team! ;)

Yeah that's fitting for Smacked! :D
I gladly surrender in saying that I was one of the many who looked at Mac's ring finger the first time I saw him and was happy to see not even a glimmer of gold.... or silver... anyone else want to join the Anxious Lookers Club? We have cookies!!

I was actually staring at mac's black tee and jogging pants (i think it was..) :p but i was happy that she was the FIRST one to ask/talk/know (to) him about it. And.. the smirks/smiles are back baby! :devil: love stel's smile in teh end where he made her go home :devil: :D and... what else... i wonder what the threes mean (I HOPE it's someting SPaMmy :p *runs away frmo angry fans* LOL) hhmm.. yeah, a lot of SMacky scenes... eppy was too fast though.. i was still digesting the mac met peyton's parents part :p OH! about that.. i kinda had an idea since i saw it in the spoiler thread... you guys think Mac lied to Stella about the meeting Peyton's parents and her staying for two week there so he can avoid her questions?
Is it safe to not use the spoiler box?

Mac met Peyton's parents. Hmmm... wonder how that went.

TBTP, I demand to get paid! :lol:
omg i loove that promo pic with them on the beam.
bt hey did anyone else notice that peyton wasnt in that promo pic!!! i mean even adam and sid were! i seriously think were getting rid of peyton this season! and adam will become a major part. I cannot wait for that. smacked is definately in the air.

ps plse keep spoilering as season 4 doesnt come here til like after xmas i fink.

thanks for the pics there great.

to be honest i think that macs a part of new york and i rekon peyton would have wanted him to move to london which mac wouldnt do, I think mac needed to go back to the city he loved where his friends were... were stella was.
Kate you crack me up with the "Anxious Lookers Club" that's awesome! :lol: I'll join, why not! ;) Heehee! :D

Okay I don't have time for all the comments in my head :rolleyes: :lol: but I had to pop in here and say I really did love this premiere! Cate I was so desperately hoping we get to see Stell meet Mac at the airport! I had your ficcie in my head and I was almost convinced it would happen! :lol: But I have to say her smile when she saw it was him behind her on the S.o.L. was SOOO adorable! It was this "And now you're me" so cute! I giggled when I saw it, literally! And there were so many great Smacked scenes...I loved how Stel kept telling him to go home and her being able to read right away that something was wrong with him, that was awesome! And Stella at the end, totally kicking butt with the bad guy, that rocked! Okay I have to say soon as she stepped into that apartment at the end I KNEW he was the bad guy and I was literally begging her to realize it! :lol: She did great though...totally kicked butt! :D

Okay off to work I go...Season 4 is gonna be good y'all and "hurdles" aside...our couple's made for each other! It will happen! :D :D

OMG what happened yesterday?? I haven't watched the episode, maybe tomorrow, does anyone have caps??? My friend Katie told me about some good moments!!! :D
^ Yeah, I wanted to ask the same! Haven't watch it so far but would like to get some kind of SMACKed shippermoments summary (SSS ;) ). Anybody willing to help??? :p
I love Smacked but unfortunately in this season, Stella likes another hot bad guy, what is it with her and sexy bad guys, we dont need another Frankie.
*comes in with her opinions of Wednesdays episode*

I was SO excited to see Macky back. It sucks that Stella wasn't the one picked him up at the airport, BUT did yall see her jump? LMAO. He scared her, it was funny, she wasn't expecting him. It was a nice touch, and she called him, ha! *holds out hand to MJ* gimmie money, you owe me.

Stella's very good at reading Mac. Thats one of the things I love about this ship is their ways of reading each other.

See yall, I'm fluffy in CatNip & Smacked. Be happy. :D
ate cate nice! ate, i think they're a fan of your ffs XD

gals who are asking about teh moments im not good in memorizing but there were quite a few heee moments XD. imma try lookin' for cappys for us.

Lynny do you take credit cards? or check? LMAO why do i owe you anyway? :p

*tackles CW cause she misses her buddy*
ey up!
do we know why macs feeling iffy? is it a peyton thing i hope it is.

God damn stella with her bad guys. We all know she likes good guys eg cops.

stella to mac: 'Maybe i just go after the wrong type of guy.the bad boy criminals that set out to hurt me. Maybe to make me happy i need the opposite of that...' *stares longingly into macs eyes*

:devil: :devil: :devil:
Okay, I may not have watched the episode yet (prolly not for another year) but I come bearing caps (thanks, my D/F buddy Kimmy; do swing by our SMACkedville from time to time):


Oh yeah... orange is her color and he got his eyeful. Look at how lovingly he's staring at her....


Looking towards the future, Mac?


This is giving me :devil: ideas. *grins*
Eek, I just had an awful thought about what might happen in the new season....

We all read that Mac is gonna carry a secret for 13 episodes, right? And that his relationship with Peyton is gonna take an interesting turn.... What if they got married in London? Would be a huge secret and an interesting turn. No, no, no, can't be true. Or maybe I'm still worried about GSR.... I want SMacked....
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