Mac/Stella #9: Her Greekness Is His Weakness

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I saw SD's first scene and when i saw the post i was like 'Oh no way i'm watching this now.' :p

AH! don't even get me started on THAT topic. I really really think it's over BUT i also think there is gonna be a twist. a big twist that includes M/P. I didn't want to think that it's about getting back together. i mean i don't mind them but cliches are too much. now, i just want my SMacked (smex? :lol: that can wait). I'm trying to forget that MP thing and focus on this Mr. Eerie. He has something to hide and Mac or Stella better find out what it is before either of 'em get hurt. :( imma stop ranting now.

buddy Moie I think i need to curl up in teh bubble again. *sniffs*
After watching the finale last night I have a though about Mac/Peyton..

He hugged Stella after coming out of the building then after Peyton runs to him, he says, and this is JMO, "I'll go to London with you." That's why she's shaking her head yes yes

But, It was Stella in the building the whole time with Mac, It was Stella he trusted to carry out the plan, it was Stella he knew he could count on, see where I'm going with this :D ;)

One more week until the premiere :)
hhunter said:
After watching the finale last night I have a though about Mac/Peyton..

He hugged Stella after coming out of the building then after Peyton runs to him, he says, and this is JMO, "I'll go to London with you." That's why she's shaking her head yes yes

But, It was Stella in the building the whole time with Mac, It was Stella he trusted to carry out the plan, it was Stella he knew he could count on, see where I'm going with this :D ;)

One more week until the premiere :)

Very true. He trusts Stella with his life, and Stella trusts Mac with hers. I don't think that Mac and Peyton have that kind of trust with each other which, in order to truly love someone, you have to trust a person with your life and with your heart. Peyton and Mac don't trust each other like that.

EEE!!! ONe more week til the season premiere. SO HAPPY! ALL THE TIME! IT'S GREAT! (A cookie to whoever knows that that quote is from Invader Zim)
*Mo pats her bubble and makes a comfy spot available...* Climb on up Mj0 darlin! There's always room in the fluffy bubble! ;)

hunter yeah that's a great point about the finale, it was Stella who Mac worked with, protected and trusted with his life that day...Stella he clung to and hugged's love people, LOVE! :D

Oh hey by the way, have y'all seen the new promo pic for NY?? There isn't an HQ version yet that I can find...but still it's pretty cute! :D
CSI:NY Season 4 promo pic!
OMG, MO! *runs like a mad man* I always love the original photo, 'Friends' did it also and now CSI:NY :D Great choice from the photographer :) And Mac and Stella are sitting together *squee* :lol: Thank you so much :D
I love that CSI picture. That's great Moriel

And look who is not in the picture ... unless I'm missing something... and who is sitting next to who???

Can't wait for the Season Premiere :D
Lol, I know Sor!! I was so excited when I saw that pic too! I loved the "Friends" version, and now that "NY" did it again I am so excited! And yeah I LOVE that Mac and Stella are sitting next to eachother and not only that but they're sitting close and leaning toward eachother!

Yeah hunter I can't wait until our premiere! :D For sure!! :D
guys and gals! OMG! :eek:
i learned about this when i was in the macky thread... O_O...

OMG Linky!

What is that suppose to mean?! Teh ME's coming back and would come between Macky and Stella?! O_O OMG! Now THIS is killing me! :eek:

* :( curls up near her fluffy buddy Mo*

ETA: i wish the promo pic was a bit bigger. i wanted to see some hints on the new season... *sniff* :(
A guess about the linky

It could mean a love triangle or sth because of Big Ben, the three's and mac and stella. i don't know just a guess...
OMG!!! This had me directly on the edge of my seat!! We heard about Mac and his 13 eppies long taking secret and we know about the surprising turn in his relationship w/ Peyton!! Probably this is connected after all!!?!?! :eek: :eek: :eek:

Just another 4 days left til we hopefully find out. :p

I have here a little SMACK wall to keep you on track til then.

And one representing the possible triangle.

Hope you like it! :D :D :D
Stella has probably learnt by now that nothing, no location & especially any woman, will not stand in the way of her being Mac. She's dealt with enough crap in the past but I'm sure she's gonna go the extra mile to land Mac for herself. Peyton better watch herself :devil:.
Okay first things is a new bigger version of the promo pic (thanks to Catey & Natty in the D/L thread!)
New bigger promo pic

I don't know if the "3" thing is about Mac and Peyton and could be, a love triangle...I think also though, I wanna say I heard somewhere that it's something along the lines of Mac getting caught up in a serial killer case or something along those lines...or that someone is out to get him like he says in the promo...

Lol, yeah Mina Peyton had darn well better watch out...come between Stella and her man and it ain't gonna be pretty! Cuz dang it all...he is hers and hers alone! ;)
OMG! That promo pic is just AWESOME!!! I hope this one shows up in hires somewhere. I am sooo gonna plaster my kitchen with it as a poster! LOVE IT!!! :D :D :D
Oh no worries Bona it'll be showing up far as I've heard it's THE new promo pic CBS is going with to promote CSI:NY this season...and according to top dog producer A.Z....all the interesting "secrets" are in the tiny details of the pic! ;) :D
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