Mac & Stella #5: Tie Me To The Hood, Baby

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Mel23 said:
iheartnickcath said:
I don't think Mac will refuse, especially if she wears something sexy towards him, and talk in a sexy way. Oh no, Mac daddy will def give into her.

Or she could just wear nothing and he'd be even happier :devil:

That is a very good point, I don't think he'd refuse her for sure then!
As long as she was weaing nothing and had Olive Oil spread all over her, then that would seal the package for Mac right there... :devil: (I love gutterville!)
ranma said:
ilovegrissom1 said:
You know, I just got finished with "Blood on the Sun" and What Jane says in the middle of the book totally leaves it open. Here it is, pg 206, fifth paragraph.(I'm quoting this book like the bible lol)

"The thought came to her fleetingly. She realized it wasn't the first time. What was the relationship between Mac and Stella? All business? Friends? Something more? It wasn't really Jane's business and normally she saved her curiosity for the secrets the microscope strands of DNA could reveal. Each day she learned something new. Each day she discovered something new."

See, even the blonde thinks there's something there! :lol: So it's safe to get a copy of the novels? I heard there was an implied Jane/Mac :( so I've been avoiding getting them.

*sigh* yes, in the very end there is implied Mac/Jane, which I didn't like, but I still liked the novel. The "something more" option that Jane thought of tells me that they're not together. If they were together, then "something more" probably wouldn't have been mentioned on her part.
Radical618 said:
As long as she was weaing nothing and had Olive Oil spread all over her, then that would seal the package for Mac right there... :devil: (I love gutterville!)

Its a nice place to live, isn't it?.. Blame J for us all thinking this way. She made us.
Radical618 said:
As long as she was weaing nothing and had Olive Oil spread all over her, then that would seal the package for Mac right there... :devil: (I love gutterville!)

Speaking of "package", I'm sure that Stella loves it when Mac opens his just for her. I bet he has a nice barrel if ya know what I mean :devil:.

K Lynn, now you can say I affect you all :p.
-jaw drops- J! That is so guttersville. .. Yes, You totally affect each and every one of us. We love you for it!
*groud hug* Awww, I love all my gutterville neighbours and that includes you dirrrty girls :D.

Hey, I finally figured out why Stella wore all those low cut shirts in S2... Easy access for Mac :devil:!
jorja_fan86 said:
Radical618 said:
As long as she was weaing nothing and had Olive Oil spread all over her, then that would seal the package for Mac right there... :devil: (I love gutterville!)

Speaking of "package", I'm sure that Stella loves it when Mac opens his just for her. I bet he has a nice barrel if ya know what I mean :devil:.

::giggles:: Ya I bet she loves seeing his weapon and I don't mean the one in his holster....*giggle, snort*
K Lynn, now you can say I affect you all :p.

::giggles:: Ya I bet she loves seeing his weapon and I don't mean the one in his holster....*giggle, snort*
jorja_fan86 said:
*groud hug* Awww, I love all my gutterville neighbours and that includes you dirrrty girls :D.

*hugs* We love ya, J. If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't have those thoughts ;)

Hey, I finally figured out why Stella wore all those low cut shirts in S2... Easy access for Mac :devil:!

Of course, plus she liked teasing him at work. *nods*
*coughs* It better, or some writers legs are getting broken. *shift eyes* That's not a threat. It's a wish! A Wish!

But yeah. Mac & Stella can totally have a relationship on the show. If Danny can be all "LINDSAY! *attackle*" Then I'm sure Mac can be "Stella! *drag to lab closet*"
It's only fair D:
jorja_fan86 said:
Radical618 said:
As long as she was weaing nothing and had Olive Oil spread all over her, then that would seal the package for Mac right there... :devil: (I love gutterville!)

Speaking of "package", I'm sure that Stella loves it when Mac opens his just for her. I bet he has a nice barrel if ya know what I mean :devil:.

K Lynn, now you can say I affect you all :p.

J, that's freakin' raw right there. Im a firm beliver in his barrel. :p
Radical618 said:
jorja_fan86 said:
Radical618 said:
As long as she was weaing nothing and had Olive Oil spread all over her, then that would seal the package for Mac ;) ;)right there... :devil: (I love gutterville!)

Speaking of "package", I'm sure that Stella loves it when Mac opens his just for her. I bet he has a nice barrel if ya know what I mean :devil:.

K Lynn, now you can say I affect you all :p.

J, that's freakin' raw right there. Im a firm beliver in his barrel. :p

Palm said:
*coughs* It better, or some writers legs are getting broken. *shift eyes* That's not a threat. It's a wish! A Wish!

Actually, it really is a threat, we want our smacked!

But yeah. Mac & Stella can totally have a relationship on the show. If Danny can be all "LINDSAY! *attackle*" Then I'm sure Mac can be "Stella! *drag to lab closet*"
It's only fair D:

Don't forget dragging to the office after work hours, and house calls, and such.
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