Mac & Stella #5: Tie Me To The Hood, Baby

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You're absolutely right Lynn. Here are more photos :D:


Damn Stella, are you having some major dirty thoughts or what?!? Mac, on the other hand, is trying to act like he's thinking of something else besides Stella, olive oil & hardwood floors.


Awww...look how close they are! You can tell Mac is shy because he's looking down and also because his hand is shoved in his pocket. Stella, meanwhile, is trying not to jump him.


Hmmm...having some impure thoughts there eh? It's ok...act on 'em. We don't mind!

Whoa Mama!!!

I think this --->:devil: says it all!
I adore the way she's looking at him in the first one, she's like, "Come on over, baby"!, and yeah, I agree, he's trying to think of everything but her and olive oil andhardwood floors.

I agree with your second cap, that is def what is going on there.

No, we won't mind at all, but please ignore the camera and our screams :D

Yup that says it all, that is for sure. Uh huh..
Yep, that is definitely true love. The way Stella is gazing into Mac's eyes says that she's head over heels with the man. This photo says that too:


Stella's like, "I'm in LOVE with you Mac! Look at me." & Mac is all like, "Yeah, and this flashlight..."

What a goon :lol:. Just look at her man and figure it out! She wants you bad!
That reminds me of a Family Guy scene:

Lois: The infomercial said this tape will help us communicate beter as a couple.
Peter: Lois, when have we ever had trouble communicating?
[Flashback of Lois and Peter watching the sunset]
Lois: Oh, Peter, I love you.
Peter: [looks at watch] Uhh, about a quarter past five.

I do think Stella has a thing for Mac. Or at least that's how Melina plays her. Yeah, Mac is totally blind, though. Stella's gonna have to take matters into her own hands.
iheartnickcath said:
I only read parts of the General Pain one, but I'm in the New Fight one ;) You rule as Mac.. and don't forget the whole "we're chasing Zombies one" You have some nice Smacked going on in there! :D

Hey J, I think you should post us another song and/or Cap. :D

i did that exact same thing i wrote almost 5 chapters of a gsr fic and 2 of a SMACked and then i just lost my flow and now i aint touched it in weeks!! shocking
so now i thought id look at the talk csi "tie me to the hood"
to just get me back into the mood!!
thanks guys its worked!!!
fan fic here i come!!
You know, I just got finished with "Blood on the Sun" and What Jane says in the middle of the book totally leaves it open. Here it is, pg 206, fifth paragraph.(I'm quoting this book like the bible lol)

"The thought came to her fleetingly. She realized it wasn't the first time. What was the relationship between Mac and Stella? All business? Friends? Something more? It wasn't really Jane's business and normally she saved her curiosity for the secrets the microscope strands of DNA could reveal. Each day she learned something new. Each day she discovered something new."

So what do you guys think of that? It kind of confused me because there was no foreshadowing of the transcript. They weren't even wroking the same case. It kind of confused me.
LOL the same cap for both of them. "Will you just shut up and kiss me already? Or I'll tear your clothes off right here and now."
Cassie I like your avatar? 'broken but not beaten' Does Stella get hurt in any episode? Which one?

By the way wynter126, you have an avatar? where Stella is holding or kissing or telling a secret to Mac. What episode was that. You haven't written in ages. Well if someone else know that please tell me. It's on the first page of this thread.

Thanks a lot for the answers.
CalleighWolfe said:
By the way wynter126, you have an avatar? where Stella is holding or kissing or telling a secret to Mac. What episode was that.

Her icon is from the season one episode entitled 'Til Death Do We Part. That's one of our all-time favourite episodes and since I feel like it I'll post a bigger version of that icon...


No Stella, you're supposed to kiss him on the lips!


This is Mac's face after Stella left the room after the kiss and we all know his expression says it all...

Of course we also know that the camera didn't catch it when Mac showed his gratitude for the lab closet!

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