Mac & Stella #5: Tie Me To The Hood, Baby

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:lol: To save time I have made videos as well.

OT: Reading your & my post has made me think that Mac and Stella are the kind that love karoke. Stella has no problem belting a tune whether it be a power ballad or a catchy pop tune. Mac, on the older hand, needs some booze in his system before he sing on stage :lol:. Seeing him get all embarrassed would be a turn-on for Stella :devil:.
mac!!! on stage singing!!!
that would make my life!!
but to be honest with operation iraqy children he goes on stage all the time so i dont think hell be embarrested!
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The homeless guy down the street might not. Because he doesn't know what it is. =0

*claws things* Holy Crap, am I going through withdrawls. I really should write some fanfiction. But I need ideas.... because without a plot, I die. And Mac hits me while Stella yells "The Shins! Go for the Shins!"
Okay, maybe it's not THEM who hit me, but iheartnickcath will! ;___;
Of course I'll hit you.. Nice of you to already know. *whacks you* Get an idea yet? You could always steal J's dirrty fic idea ;)

If you want to see what makes Mac hit, try my fics....if I can get the stupid plot bunnies down on paper! I'm sure if Mac could talk to me, between cancer, toying with his sight, all the pain he's currently experiencing in one of the RPs (too bad it got moved to Jess's board), he'd probably wanna shoot me lol.

Although I bet he'd love the RPs, right Lynn and Jess? *ggl* I always have him thinking naughty things about Stella *eg*
:lol: Oh my... I'm sure he would! Cancer... Loss of Sight.. Pain. I bet he's sitting in his office right now going:

Mac:.... It's just a Fanfic. I don't really have loss of sight. But these Naughty Stella thoughts....
[Insert Danny]
Danny: Hey, Mac-
Mac: OUT!
Danny: ;____; Jeez.
Mac: I can't have naked Stella thoughts with you in here! [sees Dannys look] Oops.

Mel, you are so bad as Mac in the RP's!
I just hope I can get the fics written now that I'm online at home again...had worked on a couple fics then got sidetracked for a few weeks.

(Lynn, the cancer is A New Fight, I forgot if you're in that one. the sight one's the problem fanfic and the general pain was the Blood/Water one that got moved to Jess's site)
I only read parts of the General Pain one, but I'm in the New Fight one ;) You rule as Mac.. and don't forget the whole "we're chasing Zombies one" You have some nice Smacked going on in there! :D

Hey J, I think you should post us another song and/or Cap. :D
totally....those two can't keep their hands off each other in that one lol. Or their lips. Confrontation was the same way, but it's been moved too, so's the other cancer LV one. But it's that way all over, they can't keep their hands and lips off each other lol)
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