Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

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Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

i was in New York with my mum and dad as it was my 21st birthday and we had a walk around looking at the buildings when i saw Gary and Melinda coming out of a building and i got all exicted and run over to see them and got chatting to them about Swimming :confused:( don't ask!!!) then i ask them as it was my birthday could i have a picture with them, and then
Gary said oh is you birthday how old?, i said yeah 21 today then he said "Hang on mintue Emma i just need to speak to someone" then he disspeared in the building for 10 mins then he came out with the produer( sorry can not remeber his name) then he said to me, As it's your brithday would you like to be an extra in one of the scenes!?!

i said yes of course!!! and Gary said that i would be in one of the scenes where i would a lab techienc be shocked to see Mac and Stella making out!!( boy it was good scene:drool:)and i was soo happy i was squealing and everything, soo i did my scene and i was shocked lol, the gary took me on a tour of the set and he told me all about what would be happing in the following season with SMacked!! he even knew the shippers name lol and he said that Mac and Stella would face the angst of sperate for a while while Stella goes undercover and it's ends in a way that noone would expected and i got to meet everyone, and then i got a kiss from Gary!! and then my mum woke me up GRRR:(:(

It's official, SMACK dreams are back with a vengeance yet again! I had one where Mac was facing off against Gerrard and Mini Mac, who was standing beside him, squawked after Mac made each argument... I'm thinking the penguin was there for support :guffaw:!

*side note* By the way Debbie, I love your icon... methinks Stella does too :devil:!
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Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

Season 3. Heart of Glass is the one where stell cuts herself on the glass...and then like, 3 eps later doesnt she tell Mac? yeaaah. i'm glad she cut her self. look what it gave us :p
awww this is one of my favourite screenshots of season 3 :D

me and Anj will have to go into buisness together :p she'll make the banners and i'll make the avvies :lol:
if you want to...;):guffaw::angel:
:devil::devil:**being evil**

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Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

originally posted by debbie
Gio,while i was watching S3 i thought it was a nightmare:vulcan: but now, far the distance, i think it wasn't as bad...maybe because now i know the final result:lol: It was heart breaking after Heart of Glass because everyone knew they were dating and Stell felt so alone she didn't tell Mac about the accident , poor soul! Thanks God they could talk later and despite the last 30 secs of Snow Day, we had more enjoyable Smacked scenes
Debbie--- when saw the first eppy off s3 (when mac and P were in the bed)(i don't like it, don't like it! it's P im talking about!) i were almost crying, seriously i got grumpy (for the rest off the week) because from the first time i watched CSI:Ny, i always saw Mac and Stella as a couple because the way they are around each other, they understand each other, they can read each other like a open book, they fit together perfectly:D (but i got a bit happy because it were some SMACKed scenes in s3) And the Heart of glass eppy, i felt sorry for stella she wouldn't go to mac (because off P:scream:) and in the the end she talk to him and they hugged:)

originally posted by CSIsPuddingCup
in the end, the whole P this is all worth it.

P goes out with Mac.
P and Mac go to London
Mac comes back W/O P
P breaks up with Mac
Stella finds the letter
Stella goes to the jazz club.
with the most fitting song there was played.

see. it wasn't all bad :p
Pudding--- you're right, it wasn't all that bad:D *runs to stella, shake her and tells her to get her bum out off the hole and kiss mac!:D* LOL

originally posted by karu_mila
It's official, SMACK dreams are back with a vengeance yet again! I had one where Mac was facing off against Gerrard and Mini Mac, who was standing beside him, squawked after Mac made each argument... I'm thinking the penguin was there for support :guffaw:!
karu--- LoL that would have been soo funny to see Mini Mac stand beside (Big) Mac and support him when he's having a fight with Gerrard:lol:
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Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

I love smack dreams. In my free period at school today I was really tired so I was on the grass with 2 of my friends and I fell asleep and I just started having a smacked dream when the deputy principal found me lying asleep in the grass and got angry. Apparently my friends didn't have time to wake me before they ran lol. It was pretty funny.

giovinazzo, is the quote at the bottom of all your posts from a real ep? i squealed so much just then because I only just noticed it.

Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

giovinazzo, is the quote at the bottom of all your posts from a real ep? i squealed so much just then because I only just noticed it.
I think it's from eppie was so sweet

I just had a Smacked-dream :drool:; Stel and Mac were in a cinema (I think it was Sex and the City :D) They were eating popcorn and so...Stel got tired and fell asleep on Mac's shoulder. (Do you know those "Cuple-Seats" in cinemas?? They sat in one) When the movie was over and Carrie married, Mac carried the sleeping Stel out of the cinema to his home:drool:...
And then our damn doorbell woke me:scream::scream::scream:.

Have SMACked day everyone...
Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

I had the funniest English lesson on school today :p

When my lesson started my teacher said that we would make the excerice on page 25. So I flipped through my book and saw on page 25 a text about penguins :lol: I bursted out in laughing and my friends were looking at me and saying: What's so funny about penguins?

I said to them that it's quite a long story... :D
Have a nice day everyone! :p
Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

CSI_Willows Ok that's weird...almost the same thing happened to me yesterday...My family and I were watching the football championship. In the halftime we switched to a documentation channel ( I have no idea why) and what was on it?! A penguin documentation where a guy who looked very similar to Mac ws running after a penguin..OMG that was so funny I couldn't help but laughing...:guffaw:
Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

Jen-- yeah it's from the eppy Oedipus Hex in s3, after that scene i were happy:D

Anjella--- Nice dream:D and of course stella know that mac's shoulder is a good pillow:D:D

CSI_Willows---LOL:lol: i would have started too laugh too:D, it's like when i went too the aquarium and i saw penguins and i started too laugh and people looked at me:D:lol:

i asked one off my friends (she watch CSI:Ny)if she tought mac and stella were a couple and she answered yes and she hope they are gonna start too date in s5:D:D
Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

Ok. It's written on stone :D

Dear Peter Lenkov: if you are reading this you can tell all this gang is totally insane :D , Smacked in the cinema,Smacked-interruptus, Smex in the lab,squawked penguins, football player penguins, Smacked, Smacked, Smacked (ah i forgot Smacked-evilicious :D

So i guess it's there just ONE thing you can do: give us Smacked. (we are suffering Smacked-depriving syndrome:lol:

Please keep giving us the wonderful moments you gave us at the end of S4;)

Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

originally posted by debbie
Ok. It's written on stone :D

Dear Peter Lenkov: if you are reading this you can tell all this gang is totally insane :D , Smacked in the cinema,Smacked-interruptus, Smex in the lab,squawked penguins, football player penguins, Smacked, Smacked, Smacked (ah i forgot Smacked-evilicious :D

So i guess it's there just ONE thing you can do: give us Smacked. (we are suffering Smacked-depriving syndrome:lol:

Please keep giving us the wonderful moments you gave us at the end of S4;)

debbie--- LOL:guffaw: :vulcan:we aren't that insane?? are we??:guffaw: (well i don't know about you guys but im insane when it comes too Mac and Stella:D:guffaw:)
we are suffering Smacked-depriving syndrome
*rising my hand carefuly in the air* i think i got that syndrome:D:lol:
Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

we all did, Gio :D

I have this question for this crazy and adorable gang :D

Imagine "the times comes" to get our ship canon.
Imagine it happens :D

Imagine ONE and only ONE person discovers their relationship.
The question is WHO? who is going to be the first to know??????

Flack, Danny, Lindsay, Adam, Sheldon, Sid, Angell

Debbie :D

ps: Ah! of course this "first" will need to keep the secret of course :D
Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

Kels, you are a sunshine as i told you one! you are our Optimist Smacked :D

debbie - why thank you.

again. i try to stay positive. =p i see it affected everyone =p ((gio n deb =p))

nice letter btw =p dont forget minimac!

Anj - hahaha. alright. we'll call it the Anjella and Kelsey Smack Penguins INC:lol: hahaha.

nice banner btw. thank you for the caps =p

Do you know those "Cuple-Seats" in cinemas?? They sat in one

seriously, cuple-seats? maaan. we dont have those in our theater..what do they look like? haha.

when saw the first eppy off s3 (when mac and P were in the bed)

see, i dont recall seeing that ep =p
i think i missed it by accident and found out what was in it. hahah. so then i didnt watch it =p o wells. :lol:

wow. see what i got myself into with this penguin ep? =p now everyone here will burst out laughing whenver they see penguins!

:alienblush:whoops :D

debbies ?...

Sid. TECHNICALLY he found out about D/L... "he calls you that cuz hes got a crush on you" hmm...
Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

originally posted by Debbie
I have this question for this crazy and adorable gang :D

Imagine "the times comes" to get our ship canon.
Imagine it happens :D

Imagine ONE and only ONE person discovers their relationship.
The question is WHO? who is going to be the first to know??????

Flack, Danny, Lindsay, Adam, Sheldon, Sid, Angell
Debbie--- hmm i don't think danny would be the first one to know,(don't like saying what's coming next:mad:) but he was kinda slow to know that mac and P date:scream:
I think it would either be sid or sheldon that would be the first one too know that they're together:) *but we SMACKer's know that they're dating:D*

Pudding--- *mumbles* i wish i didn't se that eppy, but i did *mumbles*
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Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

when saw the first eppy off s3 (when mac and P were in the bed)

see, i dont recall seeing that ep =p
i think i missed it by accident and found out what was in it. hahah. so then i didnt watch it =p o wells. :lol:

You missed the season premiere of season 3? OMW! When I watched that episode, I was like "WHAT THE HECK IS MAC DOING IN BED WITH PEYTON??????". Yeah, it was a little odd... especially when I don't think we had seen Peyton ever before, (I've never seen season 1. So sue me), and it's the beginning of a season. HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN?

And how does Adam and Kendall sleep together in the season premiere of season 4 (Can You Hear Me Now?), and we've never heard of Kendall before (or have we? Uh Oh..), and she works in the lab? And Adam is sleeping with her? I thought that was just hilarious! I don't like Kendall though... Adam is so for Spencer (My OC... it's a girl, yes). Lindsay in that episode... okay, I enjoyed the whole epsidoe. Lindsay yelling at Adam in a playful way. Nice swear words, Lindsay.

SMacked... I don't think I've dreamed of them yet. Maybe GIl and Cath, but no SMacked yet. I hope to soon... they run through my head before bed a whole lot these days. SMacked is just perfect... Why they aren't together, I don't know. Someone go bug the producers! The Writers! ANYBODY!

Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

Claire--- i were not happy when mac were in bed with P,i can't believe that they put mac and P in the season premiere of s3 like you said we had never seen her before.
i got to say that mac and stella have always fit together, i had been more happy if mac and stella were in bed in the season premiere of s3:D
Someone go bug the producers! The Writers! ANYBODY!
*rising my hand eagerly in the air* I'll go and bug the producers and the writers:D i'll be happy to do that:D:lol:
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