Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

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*Hugs CathStokes* Yay evil! I'm glad the strike is over. I can STRIKE it off my list of worries (that was dry...v.dry. I aplogise) April is a while away...Febuary...March...***APRIL*** All of March but at least Febuary is a short month

*hugs back* -- haha. Consider both of us 'striking' that off our lists. We're so mean. Can't ya tell we're smackers?! -- I'm glad Feb is a short month and almost over. We just gotta get through March. Hopefully, knowing us, we can make it. :D
Come on guys, we're at page 2 :eek: Where is al the Smacked love?

Okay, question: What do you want to see in the first new episode? Describe a scene between Mac and Stella :D I'm still for Axa's little story line :lol:
I'm here! What did I miss?

I actually made a music video! The quality sucks and all, but I'm just glad I made it. If you type in 'SMacked- Say OK,' in the Youtube search engine, it should be the first one to pop up if you guys wanna check it out.

I am soooooooo happy that the strike is finally over. I was so scared that I would have to wait til September for new episodes. *wipes sweat from forehead* We can all 'strike' the strike from our lists. *head-palm at joke*

Time's Up was on Wednesday. I looooooved the looks she was giving him while he was describing about taking the plunge. She actually gave him the 'up-and-down' glance when he was finished. I was like 'Girl, you're getting dirty!' *tries to retrieve mind from gutter* I might need some help.
CathStokes said:
*Hugs CathStokes* Yay evil! I'm glad the strike is over. I can STRIKE it off my list of worries (that was dry...v.dry. I aplogise) April is a while away...Febuary...March...***APRIL*** All of March but at least Febuary is a short month

*hugs back* -- haha. Consider both of us 'striking' that off our lists. We're so mean. Can't ya tell we're smackers?! -- I'm glad Feb is a short month and almost over. We just gotta get through March. Hopefully, knowing us, we can make it. :D

We can do it! We are strong independant people! And everyone can soooo tell we are SMACkers! :D!

Haha one thing I have noticed is there is this tagger in Auckland who tags SM on everything...maybe he is a shipper too!

Vave! Cool video! I made a vid too! Look up Mac and Stella Never leave your heart alone on youtube it should be there!
God bless the gutter. I love it so much that I've built a monorail and speed on the bullet train that runs on the gutter monorail track.
I have to say that Stella/Mac is becoming one of my favorite CSI ships. They are friends who know each other very well. They can say things to each other without having to say a word, and they work well together.

Now, since I haven't been watching NY very long, I hope one of you fellow Smacked Fans can answer me this...
How old is Stella? and how old is Mac?
^I'm working on a Stella/Mac fic and I want to get the info right ;)
magicmunchies- Saw the comment. I love you for that!:) And I shall go and find that video!

hhunter- I couldn't agree more! They are best friends, who need to get stuck in an elevator!!!!!!!! I don't remember how old they are though. Go to wikipedia. I betch'ya $10 it's there. (I have ten bucks, but I can't guarantee you'll get it.)

Kiss, Kiss, KISS!!!!!!! If we're still doin' that.
VaveAma92 I saw you smacked video on youtube the sayOk it was good can't remember if i commented. I'm practicallyperfect06 on there :D

hhunter All i know is that Stella is a few years younger than Mac sorry I know that proberly doesn't help.

I've made a few Smacked Video's on youtube if you guys ever want to see them. lol

oh Kiss Kiss Kiss :p
HHunter Hey! HHunter I'm not sure how old they are exactly but Melina is 40 and Gary is 53/53 (sorry going off memory. But I think Mac is probably meant to be about mid 40's .
Thanks everyone for the info. That actaully does help.
I'm also ready for some new episodes. I can't wait to see them work together.

So, do you think they are already a couple (sort of like Gris and Sara on CSI LV) or they haven't gotten that far yet? They just haven't given in to each other yet ;)
hhunter *poke* nice to see ya here too :p (well, i bet you can't remember me but i lurk in the other thread you go to XD) but about your question... I know it was somehow mentioned somewhere (i think it was one of the books but we know that books aren't exactly canon) *shrugs* i can look into it when i have a chance to.and i think mmunchies is near to the answer.

...wait, who's on youtube? please do add me in your friends! (mjzerosixtwentyone) :D

*hugs everybody* missed the thread... strike's over and I heard new eppies are coming first week of april? wonder what they got for us smackers? :p
hhunter- I don't think they are an actual like romantic couple. (I say I don't think because in real life they arewn't but in my mind they aren't) but they are a couple. They have the kind of friendship that every person wants. But they will get there one day. Either by hoping the writers come to their senses... or us pointing guns to their heads.Not literally but some form of blackmail may be needed.:p

They are just two lovely people... who desperately need to be stuck in an elevator! (like I have said before.)

And yes to the lovely person who did watch my video, you did comment. I do appreciate it.
I like that idea of them getting stuck in an elevator together. Some interesting scenes could come out of that ;)

I'm pretty sure they aren't a couple yet either, but we can only hope that the writers at least alude to their attration for each other and what a great couple they would be.
I know! Seriously!!!! I watched the pilot last night on SPIKE, (the most heart breaking opener to a series ever) and even though I've ready seen it, I never watched it through the eyes of SMacker. I found it sweet when you first find Stella and Mac together ion his office. Ya know the scene where she's like 'When did you last get sleep?" and he's like "what's sleep?" After being a little cranky towards her and after a little of her calmly taking it he turned to leave and she called after him in the kindest and sweetest voice ever--- "A good morning would be nice." And then she gave him this beautiful soft grin and he kind of gave her his "I'm sorry" guilty face and mumbled "Good morning."

It made warm a little. But then her grin disappeared because you know that she was worried about him. NY was so cold back in that day. But you have to admit, we got some great Stella and Mac moments. Besides, NY is known for being a harsh place. We need some more dinner dates!!!!!
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