MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Hi "Pac-Meyton" fans all!! *waves* (I'm pretty new myself. I just found I couldn't hold back any more :lol: My etiquette is much poorer - I just kinda jumped in. Guess I was too shy to introduce myself and say hi). I have no excuse at all for my english... :lol:

I'm glad to hear good things being said - for a while I felt a little out of sorts with all the Bashing on some other threads. Meh *shrugs*. Onwards!


(I'm especially liking the one of them walking away together at the end.)

Peyton's had lots of good moments this season, some with her sparkling good humour, some when she's standing up for what she thinks is right. I like her interaction with everyone, with Danny teasing her about her and Mac having grand-kids in Heart of Glass, not quite breaking Sheldon's record in Comes Around, making a nice "liver pate" for her staff, coin tossing with Sid in the lab, and not least all her moments with Mr. Mac...

I hope they keep giving her good writing and keep having parts where she can be a more full member of the investigating team/process, getting to work with EVERYBODY as well as Mac. And Mac is also even better with her around.

They really ARE adorable together...

Pac-Fans? Meyton? Pac-Meyton? Best Couple In Black? :cool:

PS whoever started the crossword thing was brilliant. :lol:

Peyton: Clue 14 down, three letters, stewed beverage?
Sid: Hmmm? tetrachlorodibenzoparadioxin? Where are my glasses?
Peyton: They're on your head, Sid.
Sid: Right. Um... methylethylketone?
Peyton: *sigh* Lovely hat btw...Heading to the race-track to meet your bookie?
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Look what I started!!!!

Here's my go...

Peyton: Sid have you seen mac??
Sid: What??
Peyton: Mac??
Sid: Nooo thats not right, right number of letters (Peyton is not paying attention because she is looking for Mac) but look it says: It is an english beverage which can be many flavours!! Peyton I thought that you'd.....
Peyton: Sid STOP what the hell are you on about??
Sid: My crossword i decided to bring it out with me I only had time to grab it along with my hat, do you like my hat?? My daughter bought it me fro...
Peyton: SID (sid stops slightly offended), the answers TEA for god's sake!!
Sid: Ohhh
Peyton: Speaking of tea go fetch me one would you i'm partched!!! OH and ring Mac while your at it!!
Sid: Yes miss!!
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

you're a genius!
:p thanks

stella! *hugs you* glad you agree :lol:

let's enjoy the captioning:

Sid: *thinking*
Peyton: ...then he said he'd be here...
Sid: What's a six letter word that bites?
Peyton: *can't believe he's not listening to her* it's insect, if you don't help me find Mac, it'll be Peyton.
Sid: ...okay... here's my phone. -_-;

:lol: my randomness is taking over me. :p
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Going back to their first scene together, the whole "Shitfuck, were we supposed to do something?" face of Mac cracked me up no end as well. They looked like any other ordinary couple that time :lol:

And his whole body language when he was putting up his jacket and putting his piece inside the drawer and his saying of "Oh?" had me puddling my chair. I dunno why but I thought he was the absolute sex in that scene. Heh.

But I digress.

I didn't find Peyton's actions entirely manipulative but I didn't find it pleasant either. I thought it was rather, pathetic, actually. They've purportedly gone out for two years(?) now and she's still hesitant to ask him out for a break. Yeah, yeah, Mac's the ultimate workaholic and there are other factors involved in his overall reticence. However, I still think those complications are what makes their relationship real so it's an interesting dynamic for me to watch.

Besides, I get all gooey inside whenever I think about Mac getting some action outside the office. So, yay!

And yeah, *waves to all the M/P fans* :D
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Yeah, I do know what you mean. I guess her awkwardness, and the notion that she truly felt that way, is what made me uncomfortable. Ah well. I did like the "you DO adore me" bit tho.

My other frowning moment was about when the conference was to take place; ummmmm, if your honey is going not only out of town but out of country, wouldn't you know ahead of time? When you go on a trip of some sort, don't you mention it awhile before it happens? Especially if you want them to join you? That's why I wondered if it was down the road a bit and she was trying to get him to agree by having a ticket, so it would be more difficult to beg off with work later? (sheesh Mac :lol:)

I know the back story says they've been together for a year, but even if I didn't know that, them getting together shortly before People With Money would still have worked for context. What I'm trying to say is there were some moments, as their relationship evolved this season, that made it feel like they were/could be a pretty new couple, and not one that's been together awhile. The hesitation with the plane ticket was one of them I guess.
*Evs* (=oh well/whateva)

The "oh SHIT whatdidIforget" look can happen ANY time... :lol:

ranma said:

Besides, I get all gooey inside whenever I think about Mac getting some action outside the office. So, yay! :D

Ha ha ha :lol: ooey-gooey goodness!! Action Mac on sooo many levels :lol:
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Besides, I get all gooey inside whenever I think about Mac getting some action outside the office.

Hehe, you would never have thought about Mac in that way in season 1, would you!!! :lol:
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

nattybatty55 said:
Besides, I get all gooey inside whenever I think about Mac getting some action outside the office.

Hehe, you would never have thought about Mac in that way in season 1, would you!!! :lol:

:devil: Mac's just a three-year tease! Talk about an evolution. He's gone from suits/ties/button-down shirts, to open shirts and blazers, to shirts, to rolling up those sleeves (*nice arms*), to t-shirts, to, eh, what??? to pretty much Nuthin at all and in bed? Mackie??? :eek:

OK - You gotta love Mac in finales. Tell me if this is mostly right:

S1 - A shoot out in a diner; Mac strips off his hoodie to a white T, and gets a dinner date with a woman who tracks his oatmeal eating habits. Stella steals his tie and pushes him out the door to go meet his date. The man has to start somewheres.

S2 - A building blows up; he loses his jacket, his shirt, and, briefly, his t-shirt. Sadly there is no woman involved, and he gets clean clothes. One step forward, two steps back. HOWEVER, somewhere in the off season, Mac takes up with Peyton, a woman with a simple, elegant, very pragmatic solution to those pesky wardrobe issues: no t-shirt, no nuthin at all. Hello season three, People with Money. Welcome Peyton.

S3 - A drug mob invades the lab; he strips down to a black t-shirt, THE SPRINKLERS COME ON *thank yooouuu production designers* the lab blows up, Mac goes on a romantic getaway overseas with Peyton.

:lol: :lol: :lol: The more action the man sees, the more action he gets!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Eer, who knew a pathologist convention was a romantic getaway? Well, OK, it does involve the study of *gooey* things on a microchemical level... :p

(BTW, wardrobe wise, didn't Mac look mighty fine this season?)

Which episode is it where this exchange at a crime scene takes place?
Stella: There's some sort of gooey substance over there...
Mac: ...Gooey? ...Gooey. That's a good forensic word. Gooey. Huh. I'll have to use that more often....
Stella: *gives him that indulgent slightly exasperated raised eyebrow smile-combo-f*off look...*

:cool: :cool: :cool:
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

:lol: :lol: Elwood, you owe me a Vodka Cranberry, because your entire post made me spew mine on my monitor! :D
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

...but...but...Mac did get action out of the office in S1...with me! :devil:

Yeah, his evolution is quite unforgettable :p I'm hoping something equally, or more, uhh, compelling, happens in the later seasons. Heeh.

^That gooey convo was from "Rain". Not one of their good eps but still memorable because of that line.

So what are your favorite M/P scenes now that S3 is over?

I'll start. I really like all their scenes in Murder Sings.... From the opera to the (alright, cheesy!) ending where they celebrated Mac's birthday. I still chuckle over the way Mac said "big spender" :lol:

MBGris: Bet you'd never imagined I'd be here :p
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Hee hee MB

Gee it's always a pleasure to know that I induce projectile spewing of one's favoured alcoholic brew... next round's on me (well, not ON me, I hope...) :lol:

Hmmm, Favourite Moments? I'll need a sec to mentally review all those Pac encounters this season (wish the season was on DVD), and I just know I'll drift there for awhile before I can pick just one...
First whims :p:
-People W/ Money - the hand-tug/kiss at the end was sweet
-Murder Sings - "but you'll miss all the *fun* things I had planned for your birthday..." " what...?" "nice try *detective*" -- was that the ep where he also said something like "feisty looks good on you?" Is that a McFlirt? :lol:
-Silent Night - who wasn't moved by the Door Lurk Mac pulled?
-Comes Around - the whole Liver Pate bit was great
-Snow Day - absolutely the office moment of "WTF did I forget now?"
OK. I'm pretty sure I'm not making sense anymore. :D G'night all.
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

I just like all of the scenes. I pull up my itunes and zip from one Pac scene to the next, dreamy expression on my face the whole time.

But do have to say, Mac's hands in Peyton's hair at the end of Silent Night is to die for.
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

I know it goes quiet over the summer, but this is ridiculous. :lol: Any one read the Claire Forlani interview in the news items section? I can't decide if I should be worried or not. I'm very good at seeing things from both sides, so I can read that article as past tense and I can read that article as not revealing anything, i.e. deliberately not saying if she's going to be back. I can only express my hope that she does come back.
I liked the interview - she was funny and sweet in what she said. Like the bit about People with Money.