Mac #4: Sexy When Wet

Right guys we are getting close. Trolled through the suggestions and picked out five that people seemed to like.

Now if there is one that I have missed that you want included let me know and I will resubmit the pole..happy voting :D
There is no way Mac could ever flirt -- he's just to straight forward for that. Banter, that Mac could do. He could have a conversation about something, but it would have to be an actual conversation.

Of course, he had an audience for the flirting. As private as Mac is, I don't think having people watching was a good thing at all.
I voted for "Cuff Me". I mean, he is asking us to cuff him, right :devil: :devil:


And welcome Partly, great to have you aboard the Macky express. ;)
^^ Partly, I agree with you. Mac's just too straightforward a guy to flirt. He strikes me as the kind of guy who might simply directly ask a woman out rather than flirt. Welcome to the board, by the way.

I voted for 'Cuff Me'!
Well I voted for Back in Black because our boy looks SO good in black... *g* But the idea of cuffing Mac does appeal to me… :D

Err CSISenna yes I still have your cuffs…and Mac….err I will return them both in the morning …HONEST Hey I needed them both I have had a bad couple of weeks. I needed something to make me smile. :D
^^^ That's okay Fruitbat, glad Macky could cheer ya up. But I need him and me cuffs back real bad right now, so I'l be waiting for both of them in the morning since I had a rough day today :devil:

*Looks like "Back in Black" has it, what do you think Macky?


*Hmmm....sounds good to me, cause I love my Taylor Girls*
*LOL* I love it, LMH. Just watched 'You Only Die Once' and it was definitely very nice to see Mac Back in Black. As much as I do like that black shirt of his, though, I just wanna rip it off... :devil: *slides into GutterLand yet again*
Whoa love your lines with that expression Luving. Maybe we should send you to Bruckheimer while the writers are on strike. :lol: :lol:
Hey Fruitbat, tomorrow's here, where me cuffs? :devil:
FB I think Jools is waiting :lol:

'Back in Black' that was right :D

Edit: Linda I just scrolled up and noticed that I put #4 on my thread names! You corrected me but I missed it :lol: think I did it on every one lol:

Such a lovely gorgeous form, and sexy little butt, "Don't ya think" :devil:


Mmm....the hands, the fingertips, the caress. :devil:"Lucky keyboard" :devil:

Got some lovely almost life size Macky for us girls.

*Credit to CSIFanatic*

Is okay Natty, :D
Great pics, A yummy look and definetely one lucky keyboard *which I can't say for mine*. Gotta clean it up all over again. :devil: