Mac #4: Sexy When Wet

Alrighty ladies, long hours, no fun... And when ya get off work, it's too damn quiet in this thread. Since I didn't find new pics at MDG... here's some more from last ep.


Did I miss something around here?


Yup, that should ease your hunger


While you examine this for me
vegaslights has posted a link to all the new promo pics for eps 8, 9 and 10 here

There are quite a few (15 in all) of our boy just scroll down. Mac and Flack are looking very nice in the pics from "The Thing About Heroes".
Mac and Flack in Chicago....*drool*
nattybatty55 said:
Jools im loving the second cap from the latest ep :devil:

Is it just me or can't ayone else wait for ep 10 :devil:
I certainly can't.
I can't either! I can't wait to see young Macky, and also angsty, probably guily-feeling, and probably also pissy grown up Macky. Hey, natty, and everyone else, you wanna join me in kicking drew's ass, (if it is him who's the stalker,) for calling our Macky a coward? Then we can take turns looking after Macky and making him feel better. :devil: Also, can't wait to see Macky in his hometown.
Im in with kicking some Drew ass! I really can't wait untill that ep ts going to be so good to see Mac back in his home town and Flack there with him (always a bonus) but also cant wait to see who they pick to play ourr young Macky

Ok about 19 posts left!!
Hiya all.

~> A happy belated birthday bumblebee :D

Loving all the caps here. I especially love the ones from Down the Rabbit Hole; he looks a little like in Mission To Mars with the earpiece. Also noticing his eyes are super green in some of those Commuted caps; and the last one posted by Senna there has me wishing I could examine *him* closely. My my my but some of those promo pics are pretty *gah* inducing aren't they.

Looking forward to seeing Mac in Chicago (and uh, I'm very good at ass kicking, if an extra boot is needed btw)

> "Waterfalls" didn't make the voting list??? Woulda got my vote. :lol: Ah well, Natsky. Gotta say I am partial to Mac with cuffs, what can I say. But Back In Black is always tasty too ;)

A random smattering of pics from seasons past? Anyone?

~ they took my sideburns, the bastards, and they haven't given them back yet.

~ see how adorable I am with sideburns?

~ but I'll find them.

hell, I'll drive all the way to Chicago if I hafta.

it's 106 miles to go, we got a full tank of gas and half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses... er, sorry. carried away. ya know. chicago and all.

~ at least they're letting me wear leather again. And black t-shirts. That *is* a start.

Looking forward to Wednesday's ep.

Awesome pics you got there El. HOT HOT al the way HOT. Whoa! it took me a while but yes, those eyes definetely look greenish. *Darn, I'm gonna need some new batteries for my flashlight here.* :devil: :lol:
We so need some mre Pics of Mac in here!

and i'm sorry but that first pic El posted, his hair looks gross all closely shaven like that *shudders* i love his hair at the moment, having let it grow a little

i want SIDEYS! :(

Gorgeous pics, everyone. i especially like yours, CSISenna, that blue shirt really brings out his eyes. They look so green! ^bumblebee, I reallly like his hair now, too. Just wanna run my hands through it... :devil: I prefer it now to the close shaved look too. I like that his hair seems thicker now, but is still quite short, I think that haircut looks great on Mac. I miss the sideburns, tho. Though I loved Gary's short slightly curly hair in Of Mice and Men too.
C'mon chickies,... I'm not hearing any complaint here, am I? Don't mind the short hair meself. :devil: My fingers will run through it anytime. Macky ya say? No complaints on this side.:devil: As for the pic with the greenish eyes, MacsLady, come to think of it, El's gotta take credit for that one, me I'm just drooling over here meselves.:lol:

BumbleBee wants more pics, here ya go girl! Unfortunately un-cut pics, since it's kinda of late here. Nah.. not in the mood on working them, but sharing... always. What's Macky gotta say? Ehr...


Change my looks? :lol:


Hell no... I'm ready for all of ya. I see one curly, one blonde, one red... Ehr... what's else is there? Hope I didn't forget about any of my Taylor girls :devil:
Gorgeous pics. So, Mac's ready for us, hmmm? Here we come, Macky baby. All your Marine training won't have prepared you for us...*begins charge towards Macky* :devil: