Mac #4: Sexy When Wet

Fruitbat said:
Sloppy slip.....*splash*.....damn back in the gutter.... :devil:

er, scuse me? "damn?" you say? pish now FB, I don't buy a word of it; gutter's the only place to be, home away from home. Give it up, there's no escape for anyone here :lol: :p

Snow Day Wet in Black T Mac, very very very *very* nice, do so luv how the man handles his gun. Er.

One week. Hottie firsts, sloppy seconds, oh my, bring it on... Not to taunt anyone, understand. Just it's been a loooooooong long summer...

Mac in a rumpled pullover and jeans, in the premiere no less. Still want my stubbly!sideburnsie mac to make a return, but casual Mac will go a long way to assuage that.

damn the gutter indeed. :p
Have you watched the longer promo for season 4. There are some very nice casual shots of Mac....yum... :devil:

SIX days and counting......*bounce bounce bounce* :D :D


Oh yes1!! only 6 days, gets the junkfood ready, for our Macky party. :lol: :lol: :lol:
One week. Hottie firsts, sloppy seconds, oh my, bring it on... Not to taunt anyone, understand. Just it's been a loooooooong long summer...

ha ha ha saving the best for last more like. :devil: We all know he likes his women british!!!! :p:devil: lol joke. we all knw stellas his main women. :D
Mac's got good taste in women in general, hence alla us... :p

Yep, saw the longer promo, some nice extended shots of Cas!Mac, whet's one's... um... *snaps fingers a few times thinking* ... *appetite!* Right, that's what it whets. I mean. Really.


anyhoo. Gorgeous piccies LMH, as always, so very very nice. T minus five and counting...

(not gonna bounce right now, been a loooong week, and I'd spill me drink. :D )
Gaby said:
One week. Hottie firsts, sloppy seconds, oh my, bring it on... Not to taunt anyone, understand. Just it's been a loooooooong long summer...

ha ha ha saving the best for last more like. :devil: We all know he likes his women british!!!! :p:devil:
Gaby you're so right, we know Mac has a thing for British ladies, and that Britsh ladies, judgiing by Jane and Peyton and all of us UK Mac fans have a thing for him. :devil: Maybe it's the accent thing - Mac apparantly likes Brit accents, and I, for one, loooooove his sexy Chicago accent. *sigh*
Love it!?!?! Of course us brits love it- I went back to the abary last week andgot that audio book!!!!

Has anybody seen that new pic of Mac/Stella?!?! - Big Ben is in the background!


This poem was done with MacsLady picture she posted, I told her I'd do a poem out of it, but everytime I tried the ending came out funny, I think it has to do with that damn sexy wide grin smile on his face. Anyways, here you go MacsLady, hope you like it, along with all us other Taylor Girls
Awww, LMH, I LOVE your poem!!!! In it you described everything I love about Mac - not just that he's sexy, but those aspects of his personality which make him so appealing/lovable, and which definitely make all us Taylor Girls chase his ass. And the pic you chose is my fave out of those I posted. And you're right, that grin is sooooooooooo sexy. I REALLY wanna catch Macky now, I need very big net...any of you wicked Taylor Girls have one? :devil:
Has anybody seen that new pic of Mac/Stella?!?! - Big Ben is in the background!
*squints* say what? O_O where is this?! *drowns in drools*

egad, that piccy promo is killin' me..

fastfoodjunkie here ya go.. linky