Fruitbat said:
Sloppy slip.....*splash*.....damn back in the gutter.... :devil:
er, scuse me? "damn?" you say? pish now FB, I don't buy a word of it; gutter's the only place to be, home away from home. Give it up, there's no escape for anyone here :lol:
Snow Day Wet in Black T Mac, very very very *very* nice, do so luv how the man handles his gun. Er.
One week. Hottie firsts, sloppy seconds, oh my, bring it on... Not to taunt anyone, understand. Just it's been a loooooooong long summer...
Mac in a rumpled pullover and jeans, in the premiere no less. Still want my stubbly!sideburnsie mac to make a return, but casual Mac will go a long way to assuage that.
damn the gutter indeed.