Mac #4: Sexy When Wet



Lovely Eyes, in that bottom pic, He's so damn Sexy.

Special thanks again to Gary Sinise daily, who have provided these pics, for us girls to enjoy. Awesome bunch. :D
Thanks for those lovely-gutter tempting-thudable-drool worthy pics guys!!! His eyes... *thud*- oops sorry lost my footing there!!

El I love that little thing you did up there^^^ :lol:

We have a need to decorate our now homely gutter! Come to think of it I have seen a lot more hammocks down here lately :devil:
Gorgeous Macky pics, LMH. Macky in black, and Macky's eyes. God, I love his eyes. They have this way of looking right through you, and they're so expressive. When I'm watching my s1 dvd, I always pause it a few times in each ep, just to gaze into his eyes, then sit there gazing at the tv drooling and thinking wicked things. Here is a nice Macky eye pic from the episode 'Blood, Sweat and Tears'


and here is a very nice pic from Mrs Azrael:

Mac -" Sorry, Sid, can't join you for Thanksgiving, I'm spending it in the gutter with all my Taylor Girls." :D

Pics from CSI Caps.

Okay ladies, did a lovely poem, to go with those eyes. :devil:

MacsLady, you are so right, And your pics, show his sexy eyes too. Love them. :D :D
Wow, LMH, great poem to go with a gorgeous pic. I especially like the 'nibble' bit. Mac/Gary are very nibble-able. :devil:
Shaded Mac = HAWT!!!! Thanx for the pics, LMH. Nice neck-view as well. I do like him in ties in s1, but the open-shirt-collar is just so hot, because A) It gives a better view of ZE NECK, ZE NIBBLICIOUS-NECK and B) It invites wicked Taylor Girls to unbutton the shirt even more... :devil: :devil: :devil:
ha ha ha lol.

i actually laughed out loud.

i do love mac in glasses. im on a serious csi drought. were on the pigeon ep nxt. damn theres so long till more macky. arggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
I know, and we have to wait till early next year to get New Macky! Luckily, I have my season 1 dvd set to keep me going. I watch about 4 or 5 episdoes a week to get my Macky-fix.

I like the pigeon ep because we get Pissy!Mac (with that boy's stepdad) and cute/sweet Mac with Reed.

I love Mac in glasses too. Hell, I love him in anything...and in nothing, too. :devil:
You know we wewre saying that the wardrobe DP needs to take a hint about casual mac??? Well I think they should try and accomplish Naked Mac :devil:

>*Don't worry i'm diving already!!!*<
How about naked Mac in a shower? Maybe they could have something happen that requires Mac, Flack, and Danny to shower. Maybe we could see comedian Mac. He could have a funny side. Most people do.
Well, TPTB did put Mac under sprinklers in Snow Day, and even removed his buttoned shirt. Mebbe the water was cold. Mebbe, if they use warm water next time, a wee bit more can come off? Wardrobe is a bloody tease, but as a rule, you need to be very nice to the Wardrobe Dept., or you could find people wearing the damndest things...

^ Umm, sorry, whassat? Mac, Flack and Danno? Um, that could be pretty funny alright. What do we call that - a McKinkapoodle? DaLackMac? Flessac? I mean really, three does make things rather complicated, no? :p

And sorry again to you UKers and further afield, but Eleven days. E-lev-en. Don't know how much more of this I can take.

*shakes slightly, splishing quietly in the gutter*

Soon, my lovelies, very soon.
I can't wait until the new episodes. I am especially looking forward to anxious Mac, when he is being harassed. I really want Peyton to come back to Mac.
I want to see anxious Mac as well. Like the idea if this running for 13 episodes I like intriuge and suspense.

On a personal note I had hoped Peyton was staying in London because from Silent Night onwards she irritated the hell out of me. Plus from what I have read so far the only one not getting any this season is Sheldon...errr excuse me isnt this a crime show? Cause so far it sounds like the dating game. Much prefer they kept the relationships to a minimum or even better, off screen. Not that I am anti shipping of the characters, I would just rather see a decent crime script, than see who they are sleeping with.