Mac #4: Sexy When Wet

GORGEOUS pics, LMH. Love him all in black in the first pic, yummy. And I love the second pic 'cause of his eyes and the blue shirt and the verrrrrrrry nice view of his neck.
I just watched Stealing Home - the episode where that woman slaps Mac. I think us Taylor Girls should kick her ass then go look after Macky. There's also a scene where Macky has a very nice smile - check out these pics:




Pics from CSI Caps.
Ohh!!!! those are so lovely, I love his hidden smile, in the first one, it's like he's teasing us with those lips. Then in the second, he's showing those pearly whites, and that huge smile, god!! he's so sexy and gorgeous, and that third one is my favorite, I love that crooked smile, such seductive and handsome smiles.

Thankies for sharing those, I'd like to snag a couple for some poems.

Glad you liked them, LMH. I love his crooked smile too, it is VERY seductive and handsome.
Can't wait to read your poems.
Gorgeous pics, LMH! I love his eyes in the first one. *swoons* I agree, we should go and hunt him together and then we can catch him sooner. :devil:
:O i needed this sexiness. ^_^
my week is now officially *squee* happy.

:devil: did someone say catch him?!
11 days omg thts so not fair! why why oh why do the US tempt us so with getting every ep like 3 months b4! Teasing could be an appropriate word. lol :p damn you america having mac b us. :D i feel like tht women in the triogomous csiny ep. you always get to have ur way with mac b4 us. Not that i mind having sloppy seconds! :devil: :rolleyes:
Sloppy slip.....*splash*.....damn back in the gutter.... :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:...
Weeee-hooooo! A rerun of "Snow Day" tonight! :D *MB does a Happy Dance around the living room* More Wet Macky... be still my foolish heart!!!
MMmmmmmm that top pic LMH!! :devil:

Did I here the words 'Wet Macky'!!.......................................................................................Sorry just having a look to my left and below there!! I love Snow Day (Nooo not just because of Macky!)

Hunt Macky you say- I got the rope! :devil:

11Days?!?!? I thought it was less than that?!?!?