Mac <3 Stella #18: Because she will find a way to her real love

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  • Mac <3 Stella #18: 'Cause she belongs with Mac dammit!

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  • Mac <3 Stella #18: Because It's Smack NOT ADella, stupid writers!!!

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  • Mac <3 Stella #18: Mac'll Smack ADella When/If He Finds Out

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  • Mac<3 Stella #18: 'Cause SMACk beats Adella anyday

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  • Mac <3 Stella # 18: Strong and confident beats shy and geeky

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  • Mac <3 Stella #18: Because she will find a way to her real love

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  • Mac <3 Stella #18: Because he will be strong for both

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Well, I think we ARE the majority of the audience. :) :thumbsup: And been the majority for some time. :p The only difference is in the degree of "smack-ness" - while ones are absolutely desperate to see them explicitly together ASAP, the others recognize that Mac and Stella are special to each other, but are more or less satisfied by these rare smacked hints TPTB provided up to now. :rolleyes:

The funny thing is that even though CSI is not a love drama, the most sure way to raise the ratings is to have a nice love story in addition to "whodoneit". So, it really surprises me that TPTB did not act on it yet. M&Ms is not quite the same. You cannot help it - Mac and Stella are so amazing together that it does not really matter whether TPTB meant them to ever become a couple - they just are, for about everybody watching the series. :lol: THey'll have to acknowledge it one day. :rolleyes: :lol:

I agree on simply everything you said!:thumbsup: I think maybe first TPTB didn't quite realize what kind of impact the Mac/Stella relationship would have on the fans. Even though they didn't make them a couple, from the very beginning their relationship seemed much stronger than what most couples have. They just had this special connection from the start which of course is mostly thanks to Melina and Gary because they are just terrific together and they have the most amazing chemistry. M&Ms can't compare to them at all and that's a fact, no offense.
Hey family~ Tonight is the night that CSI:NY returns. I'm quite excited for this episode *is hoping for SMACked*

Well, I think we ARE the majority of the audience. :) :thumbsup: And been the majority for some time. :p The only difference is in the degree of "smack-ness" - while ones are absolutely desperate to see them explicitly together ASAP, the others recognize that Mac and Stella are special to each other, but are more or less satisfied by these rare smacked hints TPTB provided up to now. :rolleyes:

The funny thing is that even though CSI is not a love drama, the most sure way to raise the ratings is to have a nice love story in addition to "whodoneit". So, it really surprises me that TPTB did not act on it yet. M&Ms is not quite the same. You cannot help it - Mac and Stella are so amazing together that it does not really matter whether TPTB meant them to ever become a couple - they just are, for about everybody watching the series. :lol: THey'll have to acknowledge it one day. :rolleyes: :lol:

I agree on simply everything you said!:thumbsup: I think maybe first TPTB didn't quite realize what kind of impact the Mac/Stella relationship would have on the fans. Even though they didn't make them a couple, from the very beginning their relationship seemed much stronger than what most couples have. They just had this special connection from the start which of course is mostly thanks to Melina and Gary because they are just terrific together and they have the most amazing chemistry. M&Ms can't compare to them at all and that's a fact, no offense.

I totally agree. Mac and Stella's relationship is just something that captures almost everyone who watches the show :thumbsup: They have a connection, one that's been around since the very beginning, that just doesn't compare to D/L at all. Mac and Stella know each other so well, and yet they don't sometimes. Obviously, when they do stuff out of the ordinary, it ends up in a fight. Then they make up in a brilliant way :adore: Oh, and Melina and Gary have amazing chemistry. In my mind, Mac and Stella are a couple. They've been one for years.


Gotta leave off with what happened the last time a new episode was on :adore:

Talk to you all soon. Love ya :)

Hey family~ Tonight is the night that CSI:NY returns. I'm quite excited for this episode *is hoping for SMACked*

Yau!!! :thumbsup: Can't wait. Counting hours now. :)
Yes, me too hope for some more SMacked (and god knows I NEED it :alienblush:), but at the same time I'm really scared that it will go back to what it has been in the beginning of season 6. I feel it would be such a disappointment, that I'm a bit apprehensive of today's episode. :(

Mac and Stella's relationship is just something that captures almost everyone who watches the show :thumbsup: They have a connection, one that's been around since the very beginning, that just doesn't compare to D/L at all. Mac and Stella know each other so well, and yet they don't sometimes. Obviously, when they do stuff out of the ordinary, it ends up in a fight. Then they make up in a brilliant way :adore: Oh, and Melina and Gary have amazing chemistry. In my mind, Mac and Stella are a couple. They've been one for years.

Yes!!! My thoughts exactly. So, what do you think, when do we get from TPTB the acknowledgment of what's a fact for everybody? I so hope we'll see at least some developments in this season.


Gotta leave off with what happened the last time a new episode was on :adore:

I soooooo loved this scene. :thumbsup: Watched it at least a dozen of times.:alienblush: Did you notice how Stella's smile changed when she feels Mac's hand on her shoulder? :) At first it was just a smile of pleasure, satisfaction, joy looking at the kids and all the party, and then it becomes a 100-megawatt smile of absolute happiness, so brilliant, you can not help smiling back while watching her. :)

I was wondering whether it was planned like that in the script? Somehow, I am not sure. Remember, the first kiss Stella planted on Mac's cheek? It was not in the script, it was just something spontaneous from Melina. :lol: Is it possible it was something like that here - one tiny step father then it's been scripted? :rolleyes:

I think maybe first TPTB didn't quite realize what kind of impact the Mac/Stella relationship would have on the fans. Even though they didn't make them a couple, from the very beginning their relationship seemed much stronger than what most couples have. They just had this special connection from the start which of course is mostly thanks to Melina and Gary because they are just terrific together and they have the most amazing chemistry. M&Ms can't compare to them at all and that's a fact, no offense.

You are right, I think they did not see it coming. :lol: And I have an impression that when it became obvious, they did not know what to do with it :rolleyes: :lol: - thus all these futile attempts to pair either Mac or Stella with somebody else. :lol:
I admit, there is a problem there. Mac is such a straight decent man with such a strong sense of responsibility that it would be out of character for him to allow himself any non-professional relationship with a subordinate. It was borderline with Peyton, even though I suppose that ME administratively is not reporting to CSI lead. Stella reports directly to Mac. So, how do you get out of this? I don't know. :confused:
They are made for each other - that's a given, but there is no way to separate these characters, no way to move one of them elsewhere, out of the crime lab and no way for Mac to just lose his head and act on his feelings - it won't be Mac. Any ideas? :cool:
Hello i can't quite remember when the last time i was here i've been catching up on Doctor Who sites so i'm sorry if this has already been asked but are Mac/Stella suppost to have scenes together tonight

Gotta leave off with what happened the last time a new episode was on :adore:

I soooooo loved this scene. :thumbsup: Watched it at least a dozen of times.:alienblush: Did you notice how Stella's smile changed when she feels Mac's hand on her shoulder? :) At first it was just a smile of pleasure, satisfaction, joy looking at the kids and all the party, and then it becomes a 100-megawatt smile of absolute happiness, so brilliant, you can not help smiling back while watching her. :)

I was wondering whether it was planned like that in the script? Somehow, I am not sure. Remember, the first kiss Stella planted on Mac's cheek? It was not in the script, it was just something spontaneous from Melina. :lol: Is it possible it was something like that here - one tiny step father then it's been scripted? :rolleyes:
at least THEY know what's going on even if TPTB are only finally being dragged into it kicking and screaming!! hahaha, i wonder if they ever get disapproving little memos about any 'non-scripted' moments!! :lol:
Hello i can't quite remember when the last time i was here i've been catching up on Doctor Who sites so i'm sorry if this has already been asked but are Mac/Stella suppost to have scenes together tonight
I believe I did see a clip with the two of them in it discussing the case.
I think now the fun for the TPTB begins...They may just play Mac and Stella normal and leave it up to our imaginations. The good news is they gave us somthing to imagine about!:)
can someone please if their scenes were any good or any/everything cause i'm not able to watch it at the moment i'm recording it but can't wait so please tell me what is happening
can someone please if their scenes were any good or any/everything cause i'm not able to watch it at the moment i'm recording it but can't wait so please tell me what is happening

You mean in the last episode? Nothing's happening - just as I was afraid. :( No SMacked whatsoever. Mac was all but absent during the whole episode, so there was almost no scenes with both of them. And even when there were short snippets, they did not interact - not in this special way they have with each other. Sorry. :(
can someone please if their scenes were any good or any/everything cause i'm not able to watch it at the moment i'm recording it but can't wait so please tell me what is happening

You mean in the last episode? Nothing's happening - just as I was afraid. :( No SMacked whatsoever. Mac was all but absent during the whole episode, so there was almost no scenes with both of them. And even when there were short snippets, they did not interact - not in this special way they have with each other. Sorry. :(

yeah bit disappointed too, but there still were 'the looks' and that little chit-chat in Mac's office about Sarah's affair...i have to admit though that since it was a Stella centric episode i was expecting more SMacked...Stella was clearly ticked off by the case and IMHO Mac should have been there to help her...she was pissed and where was Mac??? probably hiding with Sid or something...

somehow i knew/imagined that after Secon Chances TPTB would have kinda stalled the things between them for a couple of episode...i mean they cant give us all now, they have a whole season to cover ;););)

don't loose hopes 6.15 looks VERY INTERESTING under a Smacked prospective!!!!
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Hi everyone! I'm a long-time lurker, and have never posted before, but this episode had me thinking, so I thought that I'd take a walk on the wild side and actually post :)

Anyway, I know that this last episode didn't having anything "overt" happening to further Mac and Stella's relationship, but despite the lack of significant contact between them, I actually felt like the episode said a lot about the history of their relationship, and what their relationship is like when we aren't privy to it.

To begin with, I enjoyed seeing their interaction with Craig at the beginning of the episode--I had thought that Craig was going to be a personal friend of Mac's, so I was really surprised to see that he obviously had a long-standing friendship with Stella, too. The three of them interacted like old friends with a lot of history, both professional as well as personal. Mac and Stella's individual interactions with Sarah, as well as their conversation together regarding Sarah's affair, further showed the depth of the relationship with Craig and Sarah. No one else on the team seemed to have any personal relationship with Craig--only Mac and Stella. That, to me, seemed pretty couple-y, almost as if they were a couple with their own "couple" friends. Regardless, it's indicative of a social life that they share outside of work, with shared friends and interests, and I take that as a positive sign :)

Also, I thought it might have given us an inkling as to just how far back Stella's relationship with Mac might go. I've always wondered about how long they've known each other, and how they met. I've always liked the idea that they've been friends for a long, long time, even before they worked together. We know they've been working together for over ten years. But Stella mentions having known Craig for fifteen or sixteen years. Does her relationship with Mac go back that far? Or did Mac meet Craig later through Stella? Either way, it's nice, both the idea that their friendship is so long-standing, as well as the idea that Stella might have introduced Mac to a friend, and they started socializing together.

Anyway, my apologies for the long first post! I just didn't want anyone to get TOO down over the lack of progress in this first episode back, because in a way, I think it just further reinforced a lot of the things I've always liked about Mac and Stella's relationship, and the history they share. And hey, maybe they've been going out on double dates with Craig and Sarah :) If nothing else, there wasn't anything to directly refute their being together, or in the process of becoming that way.

Thanks for listening, and for always being a fun community to hang out in when I want to revel in my Mac and Stella love!

Welcome ELW!

*shakes her fist towards writers*
No happy...I am not happy. I knew it would happen but I am still not happy.
Not fair!
To begin with, I enjoyed seeing their interaction with Craig at the beginning of the episode--I had thought that Craig was going to be a personal friend of Mac's, so I was really surprised to see that he obviously had a long-standing friendship with Stella, too. The three of them interacted like old friends with a lot of history, both professional as well as personal.

Yes, I agree with that - there was that feeling. :beer: But afterwards, when it turned out that this old friend tampered with the evidence and may be even a killer, we see that it is very hard for Stella, she feels betrayed. And where is Mac? What does HE think about that? Nothing? :mad: Just no comments? Somehow it looked such a fake to me. There was a great possibility for development there - wasted. :(

I just didn't want anyone to get TOO down over the lack of progress in this first episode back, ... If nothing else, there wasn't anything to directly refute their being together, or in the process of becoming that way.

That's just it. No, nothing bad happened, and probably the episode wasn't bad in itself, but... I've been waiting for it for a whole month, so I was just SOOOO disappointed and frustrated. :(
I'm with y'all for the most part about the eppy. Although, I did rather enjoy that first scene with Craig and loved the looks passed between them. I could almost get a picture of them doing a 'double date' sort of thing in the past. This eppy had so many opportunities to be loaded with Smacked, but it didn't turn out that way, obviously.:rolleyes: I was just waiting for an end scene with them to show just how much better their relationship is compared to their so called friends' was.

I think to answer your question ELW922, I think Stella might have known him longer because in Grounds For Deception, Mac mentioned that he had worked with her for ten years. So, I would assume that it's a possibility that she could have introduced the two.
guys, hold on a second!!! i've been re-playing the ep strictly to get caps (like i always do!) and i was hit by a bombshell!!! remember how Mac and Stella arrived at the initial crime scene at the same time? well, take a look at which side of MAC's truck HE is getting out of!!!!


now, you tell me the implications of such a thing.................!!!! :hugegrin:

p.s. more caps to follow soon as i've uploaded them!
guys, hold on a second!!! i've been re-playing the ep strictly to get caps (like i always do!) and i was hit by a bombshell!!! remember how Mac and Stella arrived at the initial crime scene at the same time? well, take a look at which side of MAC's truck HE is getting out of!!!!


now, you tell me the implications of such a thing.................!!!! :hugegrin:

p.s. more caps to follow soon as i've uploaded them!

Hehe, Yes sir. Either he had issues with the other door, or someone else (*Cough* Stella.) Was driving. I haven't watched the episode yet though. But from what I've read, I haven't really been in a hurry to either. But something like this might just make my day.
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