Mac <3 Stella #15 - 'Cause She's The Yin To His Yang.

Mac <3 Stella #15 -

  • 'Cause No-one Can Stand In Their Way.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 'Cause It's Time.

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • 'Cause She's The Yin To His Yang.

    Votes: 16 69.6%
  • 'Cause New York Wouldn't Be The Same Without Them.

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • 'Cause You Can't Ignore The Signs.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Universal Ship.

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • 'Cause It's Her Destiny To Meet Someone Good.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • This Is How The Show Ends.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 'Cause No Fireman Can Extinguish Their Burning Love!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 'Cause You Can't Fake Chemistry Like That!

    Votes: 4 17.4%

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You must see a reflection of yourself:guffaw:

Happy Easter to all!!

So now a new episode will be aired next Wednesday
I thought we had to skip a week???
If Stella whispers naughty things to Mac in Greek, I can definitely see him smirking a little. But there had better be subtitles.

I can just imagine Mac doing his cute little laugh, his laugh tickles me so much! :lol: and subtitles would of course be necessary lol :lol:

MacsLady, You know it is always hilarious because in other threads people complain about Stella's low cut tops, and how Mac should ideally say something. And I laugh a lot at that because it's obvious Mac doesn't mind them at all! Hahah soo boooo whoo people because she is still going to where them and Mac is loving it!

I love that thought! That is a fab reason and is probably true and anyway, Stella can pull them off, no harm in that, and if it makes Mac happy...

I also agree with you all that it is so frustrating that they can't have friendships with people of the opposite sex without there being relationship implications, it is just annoying to watch... damn TPTB :shifty:

(by the way, I can't figure out how to get an avatar to show, can anyone help please??)
Happy Easter to you too! :)
Hey! You're going to make Asprine cry on Easter Monday 'cause you people keep saying his parts. :guffaw:I can't stop laughing anymore.

Debbie, I was referring to Stella's eyes when she stares at Mac and not about the picture. :lol:

Come back to our bed! :drool: :guffaw:

You know how workaholic she is :guffaw::guffaw:
Like husband, like wife. :guffaw:

I thought we had to skip a week???
Lori, I thought so too. It is only when that day I read the News Headlines in Talk.CSI saying the next episode will be aired on 15th April? :)
Hey all, I'm back from vacation.

I haven't seen the latest episode. We were still on vacation when it aired and I haven't had time to catch it online yet.

But... I wanted to add my thoughts on

It is the finale that is to take place in Greece right? I did read the spoilers for the Greek storyline. The one that Melina penned right?
Well my thoughts are first of all...
The "never realized sparks between Mac and Stella' are good news. That to me means that they never realized how much chemistry their relationship has until something really tragic happens to one of them. They obviously care for one another and are truly 'more than friends' at this point. They just need to 'jump on each other' as my friend said. :lol:
As for the Stella case. Well again, Melina wrote it and she knows that whatever happens to Stella either with her personal life at work or her personal life with her family she knows that Mac will be there for Stella no matter what. I look forward to the sparks flying.

And Stella whispering something to Mac in Greek would be UBER UBER SEXY
Oh, and no pregnant least not yet. ;)
Heather---> I'm glad you are back. Who else are crazy enough to repeat our beloved motto?:thumbsup:
It is the finale that is to take place in Greece right? I did read the spoilers for the Greek storyline. The one that Melina penned right?
Well my thoughts are first of all...
The "never realized sparks between Mac and Stella' are good news. That to me means that they never realized how much chemistry their relationship has until something really tragic happens to one of them. They obviously care for one another and are truly 'more than friends' at this point. They just need to 'jump on each other' as my friend said. :lol:
As for the Stella case. Well again, Melina wrote it and she knows that whatever happens to Stella either with her personal life at work or her personal life with her family she knows that Mac will be there for Stella no matter what. I look forward to the sparks flying.
Yes, it's Melina who wrote it :p but we will have 25 episodes this season YAY!:bolian::bolian: so that episode will be 5.24 meanwhile the finale wil be 5.25. I think it will be great not only for the "bonding moments" between Mac and Stella but because she will finally, after such a long time our Stella will discover who her mother is. Personally i think she is dead but it will be interesting if her father remains in the shadows until later. For someone who looked her whole life to know her origins (well i imagine that) it will be a very emotional moment for Stella and Mac will be there for her and i will faint!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:drool: A nice message inside the Stellarina Thread reminded me how important is knowing certain stuff for our Stella:thumbsup:

Oh, and no pregnant least not yet.

i love your "not yet":lol:

Like husband, like wife
:lol: nobody can deny they are meant to be.
Althought it's a problem sometimes because when they are Yin and Yang it's perfect. However when they are NOT they are pretty alike so the meeting of two stubborn people means planets crush!
Hey! You're going to make Asprine cry on Easter Monday 'cause you people keep saying his parts
stop talking about his parts. It's the Holy Week and i have had all naughty thoughts about him:guffaw::guffaw:

MacsLady, that would be the hottest thing in the planet if Stella would whisper greek in Mac's ear! Haha I'd be the first to decipher it in this thread
you are the luckiest girl in this thread because your primary language is so beautiful, my dear! And you would decypher for us but i am aganist the idea of knowing what she says. If someday she tells him "S'agapo" and he doesn't know what she is telling him I WILL FAINT of love :D Epharisto for learning me some words dear Mari!

MacsLady, You know it is always hilarious because in other threads people complain about Stella's low cut tops, and how Mac should ideally say something. And I laugh a lot at that because it's obvious Mac doesn't mind them at all!
:lol: i wish he complaints about Nun Stella this season. She almost forgot her sexy low cut tops and now she seems to be running some Convent somewhere:guffaw:
(by the way, I can't figure out how to get an avatar to show, can anyone help please??)

I will help you tomorrow. I promise!:bolian:

love you all!


ps: CBS changed how many times already the schedule for CSI NY? As long as they don't change May 13 th it doesn't matter but still i do want to know!
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Girls, you are absolutely crazy! I love you!:guffaw:

Okay, let's sum up things a little bit:

-Sweet nothing in Greek? Yes, please! And I want subtitles or at least, to have someone who knows Greek to translate those things for me. Oh, and I want to see Mac blush, too. I love Mac tender moments, when he ceases to be SuperMac for a second or two and he's only human. Stella makes him human and that's one of the reasons I love her.

-Pregnancy? Whoa, stop! I wanna see them breed, sure thing, but not now. We've already tried the taste of supersonic speed relationship in the show, how about something slower now? Let's not put the cart before the horse. First they need to realize what they feel (provided they're not living together *hint hint*) and then, start walking side by side, not running.

-Stella's clothes? Personally, I'm more concerned about her stilettos. Melina's already tripped and fallen, I don't want her to break her leg one day. Grumpy Stella dragging a cast around and complaining that she is perfectly capable of working even with crutches would be really funny, but let's keep it a fictional thing.

gemarrrr, you need to be a member for 2 weeks and reach 50 posts in order to have an avatar. Hope it helps :thumbsup:
Debbie! I forgot to comment about the cartoon picture of old Mac and Stella you posted. I can't help it! Old Mac Taylor looks like he's chasing after old Stella Bonasera after many years, he realize and made a big decision. :) It's like a half meets his other half and they fits perfectly no matter in what condition.

Welcome back, Heather!
Debbie, your pics of Old Mac and Stella are sweet, and hilarious.:lol::lol:

I watched 'She's Not There' yesterday (it was on Saturday night here) and I saw nothing romantic between Mac and Gillian. He was just being his usual polite, sweet self with her. As for the scene where he follows her out of the station and she tells him about her niece, Mac did look really upset but I think it was because he understands what it feels like when someone you love disappears and you don't know if they're alive or dead (he would have experienced a similar feeling for a while after 9/11) and also because just like Gillian and Stella the nature of the case, the trafficking of young girls really bothered him. Also, because Gillian was really upset, and as someone here already said about P. in Silent Night, Mac hates to see women cry, and hates when women are victimized, so the trafficking case and the age of the girls + emotional Gillian really got to him. They really seemed to interact as friends rather than anything else.
I loved that Mac was annoyed that Gillian was 'second-guessing' him on how to work the case. Hmm, he never seems to mind when Stella disagrees with him on how to work a case, he's never referred to that as her 'second-guessing' him. And Stella is techinically his employee and Gillian is his boss yet he doesn't mind when Stella fights/argues with him over how to work a case.:bolian::):)
Loved how Mac and Stella were the ones to catch Katy/Caroline at the end, and how when Stella was putting that other girl into the car, they just looked at each other and Stella nodded, they were communicating without words. Love how they do that.:):adore:
I was just remembering the episode where Reid was introduced and he mistaked Stella for his mom because of how close Mac and her are. I said to myself, here is scientific proof that they belong together...Hahaha might not be scientific but it is there. I mean an outside person like Reid even figures that out. Even people who I speak to who don't watch the show always ask me "Oh they're not together? I thought they were." Haha
My Dear G, you can bet my reason to like that episode was precisely the storyline. Very welll filmed and how emotional and touching was Gillian's storyline. I liked her then (My persona likes Brit artists ;) although not before when a romance was suggested). I liked how responsible writers were towards such delicate matter.
And that final scene was closed to PERFECTION. Inside the Stellarina Thread we were talking about S1 Stella and in this episode she reminded me a lot Old Stella, the woman who bites her lips before reacts but who is showing (if you watch her carefully) how deepely affected she was.
That last scene broke my entire heart. Have you noticed Mac and Stella were emotionally naked in front of each other showing their emotions????

It's like a certain beautiful song from some brillant Spanish singer: "When nobody looks at me i can be and not be.."
They only are themselves in front of each other. They show their mutual vulnerability in front of each other and they allow to be "naked" when they are sure only them will be there to watch

5.20 YAY! i could see the opening sequence (again that Marc Whalberg's movie came to my mind)

and PLEASE if Mac and Stella have a love scene BE JUST LIKE DON AND JESS' PLEASE
It was sexy but i really liked because it was so sweet! And i loved the song! PLEASE!

I can't help it! Old Mac Taylor looks like he's chasing after old Stella Bonasera after many years, he realize and made a big decision.
Finally he goes after his dream! with cane, fake teeth and arthritis but still in love with her!:lol:
Pregnancy? Whoa, stop! I wanna see them breed, sure thing, but not now. We've already tried the taste of supersonic speed relationship in the show, how about something slower now? Let's not put the cart before the horse. First they need to realize what they feel (provided they're not living together *hint hint*) and then, start walking side by side, not running.
as long as they are living together i guess i can wait for her pregnancy. And yes, it will be better if they have a relationship first. I have faith on Season 52:lol:

take care you all, have a nice day

i will back in 8 hours once my class is over

Debbs :)
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I loved that Mac was annoyed that Gillian was 'second-guessing' him on how to work the case. Hmm, he never seems to mind when Stella disagrees with him on how to work a case, he's never referred to that as her 'second-guessing' him. And Stella is techinically his employee and Gillian is his boss yet he doesn't mind when Stella fights/argues with him over how to work a case.:bolian::):)
Mac lets Stella argue because he knows perfect balance is achieved when they work together and choose a working path that's a mixture of both approaches. Stella doesn't second-guess him in order to say "Ha, you're wrong! I sooo told you so!", but only to show she thinks things should be done in a different way. Even when she seems aggressive, she doesn't mean to show him up.

Loved how Mac and Stella were the ones to catch Katy/Caroline at the end, and how when Stella was putting that other girl into the car, they just looked at each other and Stella nodded, they were communicating without words. Love how they do that.:):adore:
Yeah, me too! Smacked unspoken conversations are wonderful. In moments like that one is when you can really feel they belong together.

I was just remembering the episode where Reid was introduced and he mistaked Stella for his mom because of how close Mac and her are. I said to myself, here is scientific proof that they belong together...Hahaha might not be scientific but it is there. I mean an outside person like Reid even figures that out. Even people who I speak to who don't watch the show always ask me "Oh they're not together? I thought they were." Haha
Ditto. My parents watch the series, but here in Spain, season 4 has just finished, we're one year behind. My mother's not really keen on Stella, we were huge Stella-haters at the beginning, and the other day I was telling her about Smacked. She said something like "what a pain in the ass! Let them kiss at once, for goodness' sake!". As you can see, she isn't a fan of UST either, no one is in this house, which means the current Smacked situation ticks us all off.

It's like a certain beautiful song from some brillant Spanish singer: "When nobody looks at me i can be and not be.."
They only are themselves in front of each other. They show their mutual vulnerability in front of each other and they allow to be "naked" when they are sure only them will be there to watch
Alejandro Sanz's "Cuando nadie me ve", right? Kinda like it, but the guy is the biggest jerk ever. However, it suits them both. For example, when it says "don't turn on the lights, because my body and my soul are naked". When they look into each other's eyes, you can tell there are no secrets, there can't be... which reminds me Mac knows. He's not an idiot, that's why he decided to handle the Greek coin thing personally. He's risking it all for Stella, I hope she's sensible.

as long as they are living together i guess i can wait for her pregnancy. And yes, it will be better if they have a relationship first. I have faith on Season 52:lol:
There are still a few posts to go, but for the Smacked thread #16, I suggest "In season 52 we trust" and "Geriatric love, my anti-drug" :lol: Because we know they are living together and they will share a room at the old people's home! Seeing them reminding each other to take their medication will be sooo sweet I will melt.
gemarrrr, you need to be a member for 2 weeks and reach 50 posts in order to have an avatar. Hope it helps :thumbsup:

thankyou!! grateful I am! :)

I watched 'She's Not There' yesterday (it was on Saturday night here) and I saw nothing romantic between Mac and Gillian. He was just being his usual polite, sweet self with her.
Loved how Mac and Stella were the ones to catch Katy/Caroline at the end, and how when Stella was putting that other girl into the car, they just looked at each other and Stella nodded, they were communicating without words. Love how they do that.:):adore:

I watched that on Sat and I thought the same thing, I was expecting to be furiously jumping around the living room but I just thought he was being kind, and the mac and stella bit at the end made up for it :adore:
When they look into each other's eyes, you can tell there are no secrets, there can't be...which reminds me Mac knows. He's not an idiot, that's why he decided to handle the Greek coin thing personally. He's risking it all for Stella, I hope she's sensible.
at the end of 5.18 i thought he did. However, even not reding spoilers, you can tell he will be pretty upset with her when he finally discovers the truth. And now i feel he could have been suspicious but not wanting to confirm what she did.
Just like in 5.11 when he didn't want to hear her because Mac refused to listen her excuses
And 5.18 with that scene at the office just became the episode superlative because it was sadly obvious she felt guilty as hell for hiding things to him
Because, as Alejandro's song suggested they are naked only when they are in front of each other. And lying to him would be like lying to herself for Stella. Ergo! Stella wasn't Stella all this time she kept this issue from him

BTW i have been thinking , what is his reaction going to be? Is going to just be upset or it is possible he will cry?

There is something very shaken when you look at a man crying

stop talking about his parts. It's the Holy Week and i have had all naughty thoughts about him:guffaw::guffaw:
Confession is good for your soul my dear:)
Forgive my ignorance?What does this mean?

I think once "NIT" did not seem like a threat to SMACK she was O.K.
Confession is good for your soul my dear
i can't confess. Last time the priest asked me why i was so crazy:lol: (and i am not kidding!)

Forgive my ignorance?What does this mean?
UST stands for: Unsolved Sexual Tension. Somehow i feel they are afraid of being awared that exists between them ;)
I think once "NIT" did not seem like a threat to SMACK she was O.K.

ITA with you. Once any NIT appears as a threat i guess most of us couldn't enjoy a character. In special one portrayed by such rich actress as Julia Ormond !

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