Mac <3 Stella #15 - 'Cause She's The Yin To His Yang.

Mac <3 Stella #15 -

  • 'Cause No-one Can Stand In Their Way.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 'Cause It's Time.

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • 'Cause She's The Yin To His Yang.

    Votes: 16 69.6%
  • 'Cause New York Wouldn't Be The Same Without Them.

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • 'Cause You Can't Ignore The Signs.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Universal Ship.

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • 'Cause It's Her Destiny To Meet Someone Good.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • This Is How The Show Ends.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 'Cause No Fireman Can Extinguish Their Burning Love!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 'Cause You Can't Fake Chemistry Like That!

    Votes: 4 17.4%

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QUOTING Ghawazee:
And 5.18 with that scene at the office just became the episode superlative because it was sadly obvious she felt guilty as hell for hiding things to him.

I was just remembering that episode as well. It was really sweet when he said "I'll take care of this," and the way he smiled when she said thanks. Aw! He would do anything for her.

You're definately right, people do get annoyed when UST is constantly throwed at them with no resolution. Just hurry up and hook them up! I think Melina realized that the characters had something that's why she is finally going to make them confront their UST.
Deb, whatever happens afterwards -I'm still convinced TPTB have chickened out, so we'll get nothing, as usual-, their argument will be an epic clash this time. Mac can't overlook the fact that she's being intentionally lying to him. He knows she's lied, jeopardized both her life and Angell's, broken every possible rule and, most important, betrayed him. I was surprised he didn't confront her right away in 5.18. I wonder why he played dumb and let her walk away. Could her lies be any more blatant? Hardly. Yet, he did nothing, he didn't even try to talk to her. I wanna see them fight... and make up (and out :devil:) afterwards.

Lori, Gillian was not that bad. However, Mac's "she turned. Nice! :devil:" made me go "WTF, man?" I didn't feel any chemical, sorry to say. Julia Ormond did a great job, like she always does, but never was I able to imagine Mac and Gillian together in any possible way.

Mari (that your name, right? I keep forgetting names and dates, bear with me), I think Melina has always been a Smacked shipper. She cutely kissed his cheek in season 1 although it was unscripted. If she did that, it was because she felt there was something between Mac and Stella even back then and because she's sweet and crazy. I hope we get a break from UST, it's getting more and more repetititve. Just pair them up for good, damnit! The Smacked foundations are so solid you don't really need to make any change in the characters' development and storylines. You only need a few suggestions here and there, things like "I'm taking the beige shirt to the dry cleaner's. That lipstick stain won't go away, you should switch to subtler colors!"
Hi guys!

Just came in to say this

*that spoiler site* has posted promotional pics for 5x24.

Aw sadly there's no smacked in it. Not even Stella's in it... :(:( :confused: :rolleyes: :wtf: :scream::scream::scream::scream::scream: aw you TPTB I'll sue!!! Grrr
Hey Family!!!!! :)

I was just remembering that episode as well. It was really sweet when he said "I'll take care of this," and the way he smiled when she said thanks. Aw! He would do anything for her.
Maybe in the way Gary delivered his lines but he made Mac sounded so sweet, so really worried for her that it touched my heart. Actually, Stella was so touched too that it made her feel guilty as hell

Deb, whatever happens afterwards -I'm still convinced TPTB have chickened out, so we'll get nothing, as usual-, their argument will be an epic clash this time. Mac can't overlook the fact that she's being intentionally lying to him. He knows she's lied, jeopardized both her life and Angell's, broken every possible rule and, most important, betrayed him
As much i love Stella and i want to defend her by any means, i think you are right when you talk about a MAJOR quarrel. And it will be as painful as it will be for Mac. Probably he will be very upset because she lied to him but i don't know if the word betrayal could work for describing his feelings
At some point he knows her more than anyone else in the world. He MIGHT know she wasn't going to be calm until she got whoever is behind the Greek Coin case.
But there has been a subtle change in their relationship because usually she would have made a step back. But not this time. She didn't obbey him so FIREWORKS is a subtle word to describe what is going to happen in 5.24 :D

Rach!!!!!!!!---> where the heck have you been? *runs to hug Rach* i am in the cage and i can't read you outside ;)

Pleni used the word "chicken out" above. i would use "chicken out" to explain the fact we didn't get ANY smacked pic from 5.24

Thanks TPTB, you become my favorite minute after minute:scream::scream::scream::scream::scream:

Formerly Dear TPTB:

You @#$%&! I don't understand (and I don't WANT to understand why you didn't give us just ONE PIC of that eppy! I mean, when DL got married you posted The married pics , first tiny ones and then the bigger ones, and the fanvid.
But now you didn't give us not even a little image of SMAC :(
I do understand DL is your fav ship. It's obvious! But why do you have to be so " mementingkan diri sendiri " and "Kejam" with us? :(

Debbie :(
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*can't feel face* Actually I can and it really hurts.:( I got my wisdom teeth out Monday so I look like my sister's pet hamster right now.:rolleyes:

Man, I'm never in here enough to know the discussion we're having and it is really frustrating.:(

But i have no idea what to expect here for 5x24. I'm always up to surprises but the way they worded it in the TV guide made it seem like they are going to make readable to non-shippers. Which means that for those who are non shippers yet and haven't seen the huge great blue heron chemistry chemistry in their faces yet, it should be big! (Now that i think about it):)
Mac chose not to confront Stella right away because he would do the same thing she did if he was in her position. And confront her means he call her a liar. He cares and trusts her so much that the confrontation would really broke both their heart. He'll take care of the case personally means he's taking her back and he would minimise the damage.

I love all the pics you posted. You should keep posting caps that would help you relax and keep you happy. :) No expectations; no disappointments. Forget about the evil TPTB. :shifty:
As much i love Stella and i want to defend her by any means, i think you are right when you talk about a MAJOR quarrel. And it will be as painful as it will be for Mac. Probably he will be very upset because she lied to him but i don't know if the word betrayal could work for describing his feelings
At some point he knows her more than anyone else in the world. He MIGHT know she wasn't going to be calm until she got whoever is behind the Greek Coin case.
But there has been a subtle change in their relationship because usually she would have made a step back. But not this time. She didn't obbey him so FIREWORKS is a subtle word to describe what is going to happen in 5.24 :D
You can't defend her in this one. She screwed up big time. When she got that dead rat, instead of hinding it from Mac, she should have gone to him, put the box on his desk and told him "Do you still want me to step back? Well, you'd better explain how to do that." Mac would have understood. Maybe he would have told her to step back officially, but I think he would have let her help him with the case.

Fireworks? M'dear, fireworks are a colorful, happy thing. This will be hand-to-hand fight. They will both be devastated and furious.

But i have no idea what to expect here for 5x24. I'm always up to surprises but the way they worded it in the TV guide made it seem like they are going to make readable to non-shippers. Which means that for those who are non shippers yet and haven't seen the huge great blue heron chemistry chemistry in their faces yet, it should be big! (Now that i think about it):)
*hugs Vave* Poor thing, I hope you feel better soon.

I don't think we can expect anything unusual. And if something new happens, people won't be happy about it. *sigh* Impossible love is impossible, that I can get. But there's so much UST, unwanted or not.

Mac chose not to confront Stella right away because he would do the same thing she did if he was in her position. And confront her means he call her a liar. He cares and trusts her so much that the confrontation would really broke both their heart. He'll take care of the case personally means he's taking her back and he would minimise the damage.
Maybe that was his train of thought, but he was wrong to postpone the argument. He let the problem grow to a point where he can no longer ignore it and he'll have no choice but to confront her.
Hey guys, sorry I haven't been around much, but I've been away on vacation, and I'm only just back a few hours ago. I hope you're all keeping well.

I've been reading over what's been said about 5.24 and I'm still looking forward to it, personally I don't think we need a kiss to have a great scene... I think that a scene with Mac and Stella, all they need to do is speak to one and other and it has potential to be great... Besides if anything is going to happen between them, I want it to be gradual, I don't want TPTB rushing into things and messing them up... I think the simple fact that he is following her to Greece has potential in itself to make a great Smacked scene... I think that in itself is showing that maybe Mac is starting to realise how he feels for her, and hopefully she'll be able to see that through him following her half way across the world...

Well, that's just my 2 cents...
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You can't defend her in this one. She screwed up big time. When she got that dead rat, instead of hinding it from Mac, she should have gone to him, put the box on his desk and told him "Do you still want me to step back? Well, you'd better explain how to do that." Mac would have understood. Maybe he would have told her to step back officially, but I think he would have let her help him with the case.

Fireworks? M'dear, fireworks are a colorful, happy thing. This will be hand-to-hand fight. They will both be devastated and furious.

Well I think hand-to-hand fights with Mac and Stella are interesting to see:D. I think the more they have "fight" the more they realize they have something more then just friendship.

I think Gary Sinise did an interview about CSI: NY and he said he wouldnt get together with Stella in order not to jeapordize their friendship. Maybe this was a while a go. But you never know.

I cant wait for the 5.24 to see (if thats true about the whole Greece thing).:drool::thumbsup:
lol lol Gawazee I like your Spoiler pics. :guffaw:

I do want Mac and Stella together. EVEN babie someday, but I think if they ever do get together (and I hope they will:scream:), they will take baby steps in their relationship. They wont rush things, and just savor every moment. but thats just my thinking :). Mr. Zuiker showed us many times that he got his own mind working:cool:
Steph, ITA. I want something gradual, something that moves at a slow, rational pace, nothing rushed or too sudden. That would be OOC, cliché and boring. This is not the usual "guy meets gal, guy and gal go to bed, guy and gal get married... all in 24 hours" story. They have had this relationship of theirs for quite a long time and even if it seems to be slowly turning into something stronger and deeper than friendship, they're not a couple of teens with crazy hormones. Plus, they're both so perfectionist they'll want to do things right when the moment comes (if it hasn't come yet... remember the "they're so living together theory"? I think it's sweet)

csifan112, welcome! I love their fights too and I agree with what you say: whenever they fight, their relationship deepens. And I love to see them making up afterwards. Their hand-shaking at the end of "Officer Blue" was so cute :adore:
Welcome CSIFan112, it's always nice to have new Mac and Stella fans. :D I'm Steph by the way, I see that you're new here, so you won't know the rule about double posting. If you post, and need to add another point to your post, before anyone else has replied, can you please click the 'edit' button at the bottom of your post and add your point, rather than posting a new post, as this can be considered spamming. Also, when you get a chance, can you please check out the shipper central rules? You can find them here. Thanks. :D

Aurora, I'm glad that you agree with me, I also agree with what you've said, what they already have is a deep relationship, and therefore rushing into some kind of whirlwind romance isn't going to make things before for them, if anything, rushing into a romantic relationship would ruin what they already have and anything great which they could have in the future... You're also right about both of them wanting anything is going to happen between them to happen right, they aren't going to want to ruin what they have because they rushed it...
Hey Family!~ Sorry I haven't been around in forever. I had this huge History project due! But I'm back!!!

Deb, your "spoiler" pics made me laugh SO hard :guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:that would be awesome though if CSI:NY lasted that long!

Well, I'm hoping for the best. I haven't read about the episode, just heard about it from you guys and I want to keep it that way. I always end up spilling it to my little sister and then she tells my mom and my mom gets mad 'cause she doesn't like spoilers and...yeah, I'm ranting. Anyway, a fight between them is sure to be huge. Even bigger than Forbidden Fruit, and that was a big fight. I still think she's in love with him and he needs to get that into his HEAD! Once he does, beautiful things will happen. Oh, and are there any pics yet?

THEORY! Everytime Stella wears green, SMACked scenes happen.

Proof #1: Summer In The City (This is a cute scene :adore: and her top is greenish).


Proof #2: Snow Day (Does it need explanation?)


Proof #3: Right Next Door (Note: This is the first scene which is SMACked in it's own right, but the best scene isn't until later. I really hate this picture but it proves her shirt is green :adore:)


There's probably more and I'll find them.

Well that's all for now! Keep believing guys!


P.S. Welcome to all newcomers :adore:
Welcome aboard CSIfan112!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

I just love having new members here!!!! Usual Speech: we are crazy, we don't have a cure. Smacked is in our blood, yadda, yadda, yadda :D Join us, post all that you want, follow the rules, don't pay me attention and have fun :D

My sweet Kikii--->

And confront her means he call her a liar. He cares and trusts her so much that the confrontation would really broke both their heart. He'll take care of the case personally means he's taking her back and he would minimise the damage.
Pleni and i talked about this in the chatroom. As i told her i did believe when i watched 4.18 the first time he did know Stella was working in the shadows. BUT if he did know, why are they going to have a MAJOR CATFIGHT in 5.24? I mean, a strong lecture would have been more than enough. Besides he has known Stella long enough to realize she is not the "calm" type and it's useless to ask her to stay quiet. I believe the only time she followed his command was in All Access when he refused she would skip over the therapy she received because of Frankie's attack.

I love all the pics you posted. You should keep posting caps that would help you relax and keep you happy. No expectations; no disappointments. Forget about the evil TPTB.
you are a sunshine . But i am saving the great caps to celebrate Thread #16 . I have the strange feeling will be a very lucky Thread for all of us!But it's not that bad to have expectations. Expectations are dreams. Yes, it's complicated to live with unsatisfied expectations or dreams that become into utopias but if they become true you understand all that rocky path was worth :D And certainly i have my own dreams about CSI NY: Mac and Stella and a family for them (Thanks my dear for William and Sophia)

You can't defend her in this one. She screwed up big time. When she got that dead rat, instead of hinding it from Mac, she should have gone to him, put the box on his desk and told him "Do you still want me to step back? Well, you'd better explain how to do that." Mac would have understood. Maybe he would have told her to step back officially, but I think he would have let her help him with the case.

Probably i can't defend Stella but i can understand her (lol i would defend Stella even from Melina :D ) Certainly she wasn't "usual Stella" when she decided to go on her own. But she suffered a high stress situation when she was attacked and then when she went to the "lion's cave" (The Greek Embassy). She was literally in panic trying to go out of there. Facing her own Nemesis (Diakos) wasn't easy for her because she was alone in both ocassions she met him (when he attacked her and later in the embassy).
She can't live with the idea of being in danger, not being able to catch the guy because she simply can't have a normal life in that way!
She did tell Mac about the rat (if my memory doesn't play tricks to me she mentioned it in 5.11) but i think she was afraid she wasn't understanding how frustrating and scary was to be under "surveillance" by that jerk (i mean after all he did sent her the rat)
At some point he made her feel so defendless as Frankie did years ago

And yes, she should have done a lot of things, trusting Mac would have been the first one. But i can't blame her

Fireworks? M'dear, fireworks are a colorful, happy thing. This will be hand-to-hand fight. They will both be devastated and furious.
Wouldn't they need a catch fight ring????? :guffaw:
Plus, they're both so perfectionist they'll want to do things right when the moment comes (if it hasn't come yet... remember the "they're so living together theory"? I think it's sweet)
yes, i DO :D I love that theory and i do think it's the right moment for them. It's time for them to start a healthy, tender, mature and INTENSE relationship:drool:
Their hand-shaking at the end of "Officer Blue" was so cute
Officer Blue is like the Smacked anthem here:drool: I was touched by Stella's words: she could see the "old Mac Taylor" the one who used to put his heart out of his chest time to time. It told me Stella didn't forget important things. Especially because those things were related to old "alive" Mac and she did care for those two Macs: the old one alive and happy and the new one sad and broody but as sensitive as the first one:drool:

I think the simple fact that he is following her to Greece has potential in itself to make a great Smacked scene... I think that in itself is showing that maybe Mac is starting to realise how he feels for her, and hopefully she'll be able to see that through him following her half way across the world...
ITA with you my dear! Just going to Greece is showing us he loves her. I don't know if he will *know* why he does it so. Actually i don't know if even Stella will *know* why he does but we know he will help her with many things not only to go throught the Greek Coin case resolution but when Stella discovers Mamma Stella. I wonder what her name will be:cool:

I think Gary Sinise did an interview about CSI: NY and he said he wouldnt get together with Stella in order not to jeapordize their friendship. Maybe this was a while a go. But you never know.
I have to check the Melina Forum but as far i understand he said (when S1 was finsihed or just a little before the end) their relationsip was "only professional":guffaw:but "you never know" So he left the door open for something could happen:bolian:. I forgot to transcribed that to here!:alienblush:

Well I think hand-to-hand fights with Mac and Stella are interesting to see. I think the more they have "fight" the more they realize they have something more then just friendship
well, hand-to-hand sounds as a Sumo fight for me. Mac likes Japanese things so it could work:lol: i was daydreaming with them (at somepoint in Season 52 of course;)) having a major catfight and Mac pushing her against his body and kissing her in a rage....of passion!:drool: Besides since 4.20 they argue as a married couple and that's why some of us think they are living together ever since:drool: (i mean, after all, Stella lost her apartment and her realtors were killed by the cabbie killer. I wonder if finally we will know where the heck she is living now
I do want Mac and Stella together. EVEN babie someday, but I think if they ever do get together (and I hope they will), they will take baby steps in their relationship. They wont rush things, and just savor every moment. but thats just my thinking
i just LOVE so much your thoughts:bolian:. i admit i want baby steps in their relationship and i would be able to wait all necessary to a marriage and even much more to a baby Taylor (awwwwwww!) but i need they START! As far as i knew they were together i wouldn't care the waiting. Actually i would enjoy the waiting :D But i would like to know when are they going to start!:p

I had this huge History project due! But I'm back!!!
and i'm glad you are :D I trust you will do great my dear:bolian:
Anyway, a fight between them is sure to be huge. Even bigger than Forbidden Fruit, and that was a big fight. I still think she's in love with him and he needs to get that into his HEAD! Once he does, beautiful things will happen

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my legs melt just thinking on their great fights (probably we are the only crazy shippers who love watching a fight:lol:). I was just thinking how their meeting will be in "Helenika" once he goes there. Will she realize HIS real feelings? OMG :drool:
(say Hi to MT for me)

stay vertical all of you

love y'a


ps: Btw Axel check 2.02. She wore in green again;) LOVE those pics :drool::drool::drool:
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I agree with you Debs, I don't think either of them will really know why they do what they do, I think it's going to take some time for their feelings for one and other to become truely apparent, even if it seems obvious to us as viewers, clearly it doesn't seem obvious to them, but you know what they say - love is blind. I guess that's true in the case of Mac and Stella, they can't see what's right infront of them... :adore:
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