Mac <3 Stella #15 - 'Cause She's The Yin To His Yang.

Mac <3 Stella #15 -

  • 'Cause No-one Can Stand In Their Way.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 'Cause It's Time.

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • 'Cause She's The Yin To His Yang.

    Votes: 16 69.6%
  • 'Cause New York Wouldn't Be The Same Without Them.

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • 'Cause You Can't Ignore The Signs.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Universal Ship.

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • 'Cause It's Her Destiny To Meet Someone Good.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • This Is How The Show Ends.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 'Cause No Fireman Can Extinguish Their Burning Love!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 'Cause You Can't Fake Chemistry Like That!

    Votes: 4 17.4%

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Lori --->
mawahhhhaaaa... sorry to late! I heard that!!! By the way carefull what you do with my fireman cant have ya wearin him out on me:devil:
from all crazy chicks right here you are our Queen:lol:
It would seem TPTB have issuses in regards to getting our couple together but time is running out for them as there chemistry is undeniable.
It seems TPTB finally understood Smacked is special :D I guess they will develop (if finally happens in S6) with Baby gloves but if they are togetehr i will be more than satisfied. I guess it was Churchill who said with intelligence you can survive but with passion you can defeat. Mac and Stella are powerful if they are given a chance ;)

Mari---> AWWWWWWWW! loved that scene and that episode. Thank you my dear :D. When she explained to Mac, David (the killer) probably wouldn't make she sounded so sad and Mac felt pity for him too. Loved how coordinate they were: Mac in the interrogation room and Stella with David outside:bolian:

Thanks for the pics. I loved that episode, especially the end when they are on the phone. That short conversation did say a lot about their relationship but I wish that we could have gotten some confirmation of feelings. But Stella's look while she is on the phone with him says it all. She's in love with him. He's in love with her, now let's get to the love....oh wait, sorry gotta keep it PG-13...but y'all get my drift
you are helpless Tex:lol: but i want the same. I wonder if finally it happens in S7 how it will be sweet or passionate?????:eek::eek::eek:
And besides, since they are living together (cuz I am one of the crazy people that Debbie mentioned) they are bound to realize that they are in love and then instead of sleeping in separate rooms, they will be in Mac's room.

we talked to a friend about this in the chat room. They are not unexperienced people. They know once they started a relationship will be a FULL relationship. Also if they are living together the temptation will be stronger :devil:

Steph--->:lol: i knew what you would do if something happens to Adam:lol:
Tex, I agree with you Hun, I hope they get together soon, I'm sick of waiting, of course I don't mind waiting a little longer for them to get together if it means it's going to be done right. :D Hehe, as for them living together, I love your suggestion about them realising how they feel that way...

i'm amazed...are all of you a bunch of crazy people that you are keep saying they are living togetehr?:devil::lol: I think i need to blame Heather and Lori for that thought. They brainwashed all of you. Not me of course:angel:

I'm sorry I can't reply to everything, it's simply too much! but I love love love reading your ideas about the finale and everything else! I'm so excited and I can't tell you enough how glad I am to have found you!!

and we are very happy you have found us:bolian:
Debbie, sooo true, they DO dress like twins!! They are SO living together
It's SO OBVIOUS you belong to this Family:lol: I meant wardrobe is the minor part they have changed. It's obvious for me they are living together because now they are like salt and water: you can't distinguish them under a microscope because they are so integrated it's impossible to keep them apart :D

I mean, I know he's supposed to be a serious guy and that he's shy, but it's Stella we're talking about here
now because of you i have naughty thoughts:lol: i want passionate Mac. A guy capable of surprising her. She is as subtle as a HumVee:lol: so it would be very nice he takes the command for a change:devil:

Gio---> cardia mou!!!
Debbie, were you thinking that Miss Stella would/will help Mac relax and get more loosen up?
I think Miss Stella will be incredible trying to relax her man:devil: actually i don't think she will be able to take her hands off enough time to open the door of their apartment:devil: Mac will have to be very careful if e doesn't want his neighbourgs being scandalized by the love show:devil::devil:
I still wonder if something happend after that dinner date:D
I don't know either but she looks so deeply in love that i can feel her emotion:bolian:

"Stella, you may feel more comfortable sitting on my lap instead of the desk." Mac said with a curled lip
you shoudl included these scene in your stories:devil: It was the first time i felt something was happening between them and i jumped of joy.

hugs to all

Debbie loves you!
I agree with Vanessa hun, 5.16 was such an awesome Smacked ep. :adore: The way they acted around eachother, showed the strength of their friendship like it was in the good old days, it was so nice to see a return to that. :adore: I hope that for the rest of the season we'll get to see more scenes like that one, it kinda goes back to our old theory, that every time Mac and Stella fight, they come out of it, with a stronger friendship/relationship, it's good to see that they can always make it through such things without it putting any kind of strain on their relationship. :adore: I guess it just shows how much they love and respect one and other.

Oh, and I'm glad that we have another Adam fan in our presence. ;)

Yeah, I love him :D He's just the cutest "socially awkward scientist" :lol:

Aww and I agree with you on everything, Steph sweetie! :adore: They've got such a healthy relationship and they're always able to talk things through :) That's also what I love so much about them. Stella seems the only one to get through to Mac and he knows he can tell her anything and vice versa. I mean even when he was with the P. virus, he always went straight to Stella to confide in her, no matter what it was about, because let's face it she's in the only one he trusts completely ;)

- oh yes, they often seem to get lost in each others eyes :adore:

I also loved "My name is Mac Taylor", that phone talk was so cute! :adore: but of course Mac was too shy too say something more, poor guy *sigh* :lol:
Thanks for the caps, loooove them!! :adore:

Can I be added to the list of crazy people who think they are living together? :devil: :lol: cuz I'm definitely one of them! :D

Debbie :D

It seems TPTB finally understood Smacked is special :D I guess they will develop (if finally happens in S6) with Baby gloves but if they are togetehr i will be more than satisfied. I guess it was Churchill who said with intelligence you can survive but with passion you can defeat. Mac and Stella are powerful if they are given a chance ;)
we talked to a friend about this in the chat room. They are not unexperienced people. They know once they started a relationship will be a FULL relationship. Also if they are living together the temptation will be stronger :devil:
I'm with you, dear!! Totally!! :adore: They are not like any other couple :)

Lori, thank you so much for the sweet welcome! :D Like I said I love it here already :D :adore:

how about a few nice caps? :adore:


don't they look like the PERFECT couple?? :adore:





one of the best smacked scenes of all time :adore:

and last but not least my favourite promo pic :drool:

aren't they just incredibly HOT? :drool: :drool:
Aww, thanks for the caps Vanessa, they are adorable, especially the one from 5.16. :adore: They do make the cutest couple ever. :adore: I also love the promo pic, gosh they are so hot, we need some scenes like that one in the show... :lol: Stella needs to wear more dresses like that in the show, if she did, there is no way Mac would be able to resist her... :devil: I'm going to join in and add some more caps. :adore:


I love the look they're sharing here, looks she's telling Mac she'll meet him in his office in 10 minutes... :devil:


Where are their hands? :devil:


Adorable. :adore:

Hope you're all keeping well. *Hugs*

P.S. Debbie you know me too well. :lol: Oh, like my icon? ;)
Girls, I love you so much! You make my day! Mac the fireman was amazing, but now you're compilating "Smacked - Greatest Hits" :guffaw:

I love each and every moment you posted. I love them so much it makes me mad to know they the only thing we have so far. Just mere insinuations. Something else, please? UST is great sometimes, it keeps people interested, yadayadayada. Get new excuses, these are overused. I do not think the show would get worse or lose audience if Mac and Stella were a couple. They are adults and workaholics, they won't ruin investigations because they're smooching in every corner, they'll wait until the end of the shift, have a shower together, then go home :devil:

Vanessa, why do I feel like writing "Yes, we did it!" at the bottom of Mr. & Mrs. Taylor? I wish I didn't need to resort to vandalizing pics...

And another possible caption: take Steph's first pic and write "Hey, Mac! My place, after work. Are you game?"
Hey SMACked Family!~

Living together is really having a big influence on Both wardrobes:devil: they look as siamese twins



That middle pic always makes me think of the line from Hot 'N' Cold by Katy Perry: We used to be just like twins/So In sync 'cause when they did that, they did at the same time. Everytime I listen to that song, I put my hands on my hips :adore:

I was was the best Smacked episode so far??????

5.06 (dinner date and catfight)
5.11 (catfight)
5.12 (watching the show together Awwwww)
5.16 (coffee date)


I must say 5x16. I thought that was such a bring back to season 1. Plus there was the all telling Stella smile :adore::adore::adore::adore:

Hi all. I don't usually post in the CSI:NY section, and I haven't watched more than 4 or 5 episodes of CSI:NY, but I could tell that Mac and Stella are written for each other. I love that Mac is a normal guy. I mean, definitely an extraordinary CSI, but he's more approachable and, well, normal than the socially awkward enigma that was Grissom (don't get me wrong, I always loved Grissom to death) and the melodramatically intense Horatio Caine (I love him too, though for different reasons). Stella seems to be a really friendly, dependable, strong woman. I like what I've seen from both characters. They have lots of UST, I could tell.

Since I haven't seen more than a handful of episodes, I've gotta ask... what's this I see about them living together? Which episode(s) should I know about that hints at or directly references them living together?

My apologies for asking a silly, newbie question.

Welcome to the family Ginna! I really hope you enjoy it here. You were like me. From the first few episodes of CSI:NY I saw, I could see that Mac and Stella were meant fro each other. Granted, the second and third episodes I saw were Recycling and What Schemes May Come :adore: With me, I'm not sure if they're living together. Sometimes I doubt it. Other times, well :devil:

will hand her badget.But will he go to Greece totell her he didn't accept her dimission? will be Sinclair an issue if they try to recover Stella's job again???????? because it would mean Stella is not longer a CSI once she returns from Greece:eek::eek::eek:
That is a very good point Deb. I think he'll tell her that he won't let her quit. Maybe he'll reference to Officer Blue. "I couldn't do this job without you" :adore: Either way, Stella will SO still be a CSI. You can't not let her still have her job, no matter how much trouble she's in. Besides, Mac loves her. He wouldn't fire someone he loves.

As for holiday suggestions, what about Canada? I'm sure they'd like it her. I'd LOVE to have them here :adore:

That's all for now family! Love y'all :luvlove:


All pics above :drool::drool::drool:
Hehe, I'm really glad that you like the pics Axel and Pleni. Hehe, Pleni I love your suggestion for a caption on the first cap, hehe of course he'd be game. :devil: There is no way that he's going to turn down his Stella. :devil: I also agree with what you said about them as a couple, they're both sensible adults, and even if they were in a relatiosnhip, they'd keep things strictly professional at work, cause like you said, they're both workaholics...
Thanks *Stardust* for the pics! I love that promo one! It is HOT. Mac will probably be like "Stella, you can't leave me alone! You didn't give me a chance to explain how much you mean to me so I had to follow you!" I also agree with Pleni and Adorable_Crazy, they are two adults who know how to balance their jobs and their relationships. After a long day of work, they will have each other = Perfect ;)
I also LOVE Summer in the city, at the start of s2. Mac and Stella have this absolutely adorable flirting scene where you can see how close they are. They're walking along the corridor and he's talking about the mosquito-topsy he did. And he said something like "she had the victim's blood in her" and Stella's like "she?" and he goes "only the female of the species bites" and Stell had this big grin and she goes "good for her" and then they walk into Stell's new office and then she gets really close to him and is grinning and asking about Hawkes and stuff.
And also, at the start there's a funny moment between Stella, Hawkes, Mac and Flack.
Stella was SOOOOOOOOOOOOO flirting:drool::drool::drool:.
I agree. And Mac carried the box for her, so sweet!:drool:

first let me tell you it's a big pleasure to have you here. I have read some of your messages and it's an honor you have decided to join us. Don't worry. I understand (and the rest of the Family i think it does too) your concerns about being or not being Smacked
I know Faithful Smacked fans who, after certain events this year, have decided to stop wanting them together because they are afraid their wonderful relationship they have know can be screw up
However, slowly, i invite you to explore them from all corners (as friends, colleagues and possibly as sometyhign else). After some time you will decide if you have the same opinion or if you have changed it
Convincing you will be my biggest challenge. And if at the end i make it, will be well deserved. There is nothing better in the world that things you fight for
Besides Ask my G (Macslady) now she says i convinced her! And let me tell you that was one of Herchules' jobs
LOL, yep, you convinced me to come to the Smacked thread and to think about Mac and Stella as a couple, Debbie, and then what I read here convinced me to become Smacked.
Sophia, I understand how you feel, not too sure if you're Smacked or not, but don't worry. Anyone who enjoys them together, in any way, is welcome here.

But seriously, NOBODY in this world will be able to be compared to each other in their lives. She was there ALWAYS for him. She saved him from the pain, from the loneliness, the despair. She never let him die when shadows were threatening him with devourating him. She didn't allow it. She saved him from Emotional Death.
And He saved her too. He saved her from her Despair of being an abandoned orphan and he gave him a reason to believe she still could trust people. He gave her a reason to believe somebody could love her. He saved her from believeing she was not worth of being beloved

I am sure they coudl know other good people. But nobody else in this world.. NOBODY could make more than they have done for each other along all these years. that's why i want them together. I wish someday TPTB could understand and sees these reasons
I agree with all you say here. Stella saved Mac from completely retreating into himself after Claire died. She saved him from emotional death. Mac is much more open now, and a big reason for that is Stella. She saved him from pain and loneliness. I agree he saved her too, and that he was theone to make her feel able to trust people and worthy of being loved. He always treated her with respect and kindness, he was there for her in her darkest moments, and she for him in his darkest moments.

Hi all. I don't usually post in the CSI:NY section, and I haven't watched more than 4 or 5 episodes of CSI:NY, but I could tell that Mac and Stella are written for each other. I love that Mac is a normal guy. I mean, definitely an extraordinary CSI, but he's more approachable and, well, normal than the socially awkward enigma that was Grissom (don't get me wrong, I always loved Grissom to death) and the melodramatically intense Horatio Caine (I love him too, though for different reasons). Stella seems to be a really friendly, dependable, strong woman. I like what I've seen from both characters. They have lots of UST, I could tell.
Welcome to the thread, ginna. I love how Mac is a normal guy, not just as compared to Grissom and H (both are great, though) and also as compared to Frankie and Drew (evil) and the Fireman (an idiot). Mac is smart, tough, sweet, and dependable, loyal....exactly the type of man Stella needs. Plus he is the only one who can rein her in when her emotions get out of control.

will hand her badget.But will he go to Greece totell her he didn't accept her dimission? will be Sinclair an issue if they try to recover Stella's job again???????? because it would mean Stella is not longer a CSI once she returns from Greece:eek::eek::eek:
Mac won't let her quit, and if Sinclair tries to fire her, Mac will fight him all the way. I think Mac and the rest of the team, including Flack and Angell, will cover for Stella and protect her from Sinclair. Sinclair already knows how loyal Mac and Stella are to each other - when Stella was covering for Mac when he went to Chicago in The Thing About Heroes, he warned her about being too loyal. So he would know he'd have Mac to deal with before he could get rid of Stella. Remember how mad Mac was when Sinclair tried to fire Adam? That's nothing compared to how he'd be if Sinclair tried to fire Stella.
:cool:Hey Family! WOW This Family is spoiling me with such beautiful Smacked moments
Hopefully we will have a lot of those in 38 days :D

He only saw Frankie's corpse and I can't recall if he met that really intelligent guy who put his jacket under a dead body's head.
if you put it in that way, i am not surprised why Stella doesn't have any social life. If she dates someone is either a jerk or an idiot. That woman dones't have luck!:guffaw:
I do not think the show would get worse or lose audience if Mac and Stella were a couple. They are adults and workaholics, they won't ruin investigations because they're smooching in every corner, they'll wait until the end of the shift, have a shower together, then go home
ITA with you. They won't be unprofessionals. it would be totally OOC for them. Actually it would be interesting how they would deal with their personal relationship if they disagree in some case. Would they take the disagreement to home or they would solve everything before leaving the lab?:devil: Darn! we have expected such a long time to have them together they just can't keep them apart permanently! They need a lot of make up scenes:lol:

That is a very good point Deb. I think he'll tell her that he won't let her quit. Maybe he'll reference to Officer Blue. "I couldn't do this job without you" :adore: Either way, Stella will SO still be a CSI. You can't not let her still have her job, no matter how much trouble she's in. Besides, Mac loves her. He wouldn't fire someone he loves.
mmmmmm that's when the line between personal and professional starts. He must do his job no matter how much he loves that another someone.(and you know i love Stella more than anything else) It's the same that it happened with Adam: it was painful but it was something he should have done. Only Providence and Stella's friend in the Union helped him:p

"Stella, you can't leave me alone! You didn't give me a chance to explain how much you mean to me so I had to follow you!"
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH it sounds so good!!!!!!!!:drool: There are some moments will be the "key": This one is one of them because he will have to explain why he is there. I'd love to watch his face:drool:

my dear G--->
LOL, yep, you convinced me to come to the Smacked thread and to think about Mac and Stella as a couple, Debbie, and then what I read here convinced me to become Smacked.
i think they convinced you. I only showed you all facts together;)
I agree with all you say here. Stella saved Mac from completely retreating into himself after Claire died. She saved him from emotional death. Mac is much more open now, and a big reason for that is Stella. She saved him from pain and loneliness. I agree he saved her too, and that he was theone to make her feel able to trust people and worthy of being loved. He always treated her with respect and kindness, he was there for her in her darkest moments, and she for him in his darkest moments
i think except for the sex side they have been a couple all these years. They trust each other, they react and they protect each other's butts as if instead of friends they would be a married couple. Even in their catfights they sound married!:lol:
Mac won't let her quit, and if Sinclair tries to fire her, Mac will fight him all the way. I think Mac and the rest of the team, including Flack and Angell, will cover for Stella and protect her from Sinclair. Sinclair already knows how loyal Mac and Stella are to each other - when Stella was covering for Mac when he went to Chicago in The Thing About Heroes, he warned her about being too loyal. So he would know he'd have Mac to deal with before he could get rid of Stella. Remember how mad Mac was when Sinclair tried to fire Adam? That's nothing compared to how he'd be if Sinclair tried to fire Stella.
i am a lover of not easy situations. I want Stella's job in danger and Mac in position of saving it:drool: It would add dramatism if they become a couple. Or even it could push together quicker and they could become a couple earlier in S6:drool:

Oh, this is a bit OT but I just gotta ask, does anyone else just LOVE it when Stella talks Greek?? It makes me melt...
i DO. She can talk forever in Greek and you will have a happy fan here :drool: and i can't wait until the day she will say to Mac "S'agapo":adore:
Stella seems the only one to get through to Mac and he knows he can tell her anything and vice versa. I mean even when he was with the P. virus, he always went straight to Stella to confide in her, no matter what it was about, because let's face it she's in the only one he trusts completely
I wonder if he ever talked to She Virus about Reed. Because it was obvious he talked to Stella but nobody else knew until S4 where the team also knew about him. It was very funny because that season was strange: he was with Stella and the next episode with The Virus. it looked like they alternated "mac's ladies". of course that season alienated me:lol:

Can I be added to the list of crazy people who think they are living together? cuz I'm definitely one of them!
of course you can! :D Actually later i will post something about it because something from Forbidden fruit 5.11 called my attention:bolian:

Ladies, i was downloading pics from several S5 episodes and i have noticed something that could be used as proof they are living together:lol:

Do you remember the last episode from s1 where Mac was in that coffee store in the morning. Rose had watched him and aparently Mac went there every day to have his breakfast because he said he liked oatmeal from there.
Well, meanwhile i was downloading pics i have noticed something: Chewck the beginning of Forbidden fruit. If you check Mac's basket you will notice everything inside it look like things for a breakfast when supodsely he eats outside home. How is that possible if he is not living with somebody else?:lol: I thought i was crazy until i read the "CSI NY in UK" thread and gals there made a comment on Mac's shopping (i stopped when i read something about Mac's bananas:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:) I kid! i kid!:lol: But it's truth his shopping is not like the Old Days from S1. i wonder why:cool:

Warning: these pics will alienate some of you;) I post them as a proof:lol:

BTW i can't remember i have watched this scene in 5.19:confused::confused::confused::confused:
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Steph, even if they're both workaholics, it would be the first time in the show in which we'd see them counting the minutes to leave the lab and go somewhere else. Their efficiency would skyrocket only because of this.

Thanks *Stardust* for the pics! I love that promo one! It is HOT. Mac will probably be like "Stella, you can't leave me alone! You didn't give me a chance to explain how much you mean to me so I had to follow you!" I also agree with Pleni and Adorable_Crazy, they are two adults who know how to balance their jobs and their relationships. After a long day of work, they will have each other = Perfect ;)
*is dead* I wish Mac had the nerve to say that to her sometime. Stella would have a hard time trying not to squee and I sure she'd kiss him right away. Geez, I want French kisses! I want them even if cultural issues make me giggle at that name (NC-17 stuff, I'll explain one day).

I agree. And Mac carried the box for her, so sweet!:drool:
Did he? I thought in the end she said no and they had the mosquito talk. However, I didn't like the fact that Stella didn't know only female mosquitoes bite. I knew it and I'm not exactly an entomologist. She should have known.

Mac won't let her quit, and if Sinclair tries to fire her, Mac will fight him all the way. I think Mac and the rest of the team, including Flack and Angell, will cover for Stella and protect her from Sinclair. Sinclair already knows how loyal Mac and Stella are to each other - when Stella was covering for Mac when he went to Chicago in The Thing About Heroes, he warned her about being too loyal. So he would know he'd have Mac to deal with before he could get rid of Stella. Remember how mad Mac was when Sinclair tried to fire Adam? That's nothing compared to how he'd be if Sinclair tried to fire Stella.
This has reminded me of yet another thing I wanna see: Mac going all protective over Stella! You can't mess around with her without messing around with him. He'll probably go ballistic if someone tries to do something against her... which suddenly makes "All Access" so OOC.

if you put it in that way, i am not surprised why Stella doesn't have any social life. If she dates someone is either a jerk or an idiot. That woman dones't have luck!:guffaw:
Yeah, the poor thing is an idiot-and-psycho magnet, isn't she? Plus, nobody can measure up to Mac. No matter how hard TPTB try to pair her up with someone else. The fire-nit wasn't exactly the brightest lightbulb in the world, Forrest Gump was a rocket scientist compared to him. It's great we have Lt. Dan's twin around ;)

Ladies, i was downloading pics from several S5 episodes and i have noticed something that could be used as proof they are living together:lol:

Do you remember the last episode from s1 where Mac was in that coffee store in the morning. Rose had watched him and aparently Mac went there every day to have his breakfast because he said he liked oatmeal from there.
Well, meanwhile i was downloading pics i have noticed something: Chewck the beginning of Forbidden fruit. If you check Mac's basket you will notice everything inside it look like things for a breakfast when supodsely he eats outside home. How is that possible if he is not living with somebody else?:lol: I thought i was crazy until i read the "CSI NY in UK" thread and gals there made a comment on Mac's shopping (i stopped when i read something about Mac's bananas:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:) I kid! i kid!:lol: But it's truth his shopping is not like the Old Days from S1. i wonder why:cool:

Warning: these pics will alienate some of you;) I post them as a proof:lol:
*is dead again* Some PCR here, please? Today I'm feeling fairly optimistic, maybe because I feel like going shopping and I'll leave as soon as I finish this post, but, Deb, I've had an epiphany. What if...
..."they are so living together" equals "special bonding"? Man, I would be the happiest girl in town!
Steph, even if they're both workaholics, it would be the first time in the show in which we'd see them counting the minutes to leave the lab and go somewhere else. Their efficiency would skyrocket only because of this.

Uhm , I'm not so sure my work efficiency would improve knowing i was gonna see Mac "after hours";) and I seriously doubt Stella's would either!:p Stella is a professional but I think she may forget to dot a few I's and cross a few T's on her lab reports...:guffaw:
jwells, good point :lol: However, I think she'd do everything quicker in order to finish earlier so that she could help Mac with his tasks. Something like "I'm done, so I was thinking I may give you a hand with all that paperwork. Shall we share the desk? It's big enough for the both of us :devil:" I've just realized that last sentence sounds terribly naughty! I have such a perverted mind, but hey, curtains were invented for a reason.
jwells, good point :lol: However, I think she'd do everything quicker in order to finish earlier so that she could help Mac with his tasks. Something like "I'm done, so I was thinking I may give you a hand with all that paperwork. Shall we share the desk? It's big enough for the both of us :devil:" I've just realized that last sentence sounds terribly naughty! I have such a perverted mind, but hey, curtains were invented for a reason.

No No, Mac would never let it happen in the office(Mr. Rules and Regulations ...NEVER!)....But I doubt they'ed make it past the elevator! hehe :devil:(joinsPlenilunio in the gutter)

Now quit encouraging MY perverted mind...shameful.:shifty::lol:
Hy family :D

OH MY GOD, girls I LOVE all the caps, thanks so much for sharing!! :adore: I agree with you, Steph, we need more promo pics like that! :D and the caps you posted are SO adorable, too!! :adore:

Debbie - your theory on Mac's shopping habits doesn't sound crazy at all!! :D I love it!!! :lol:
Aww and that is so cool that you also love Stella talking Greek :adore: It makes her even more attractive and I think Mac likes it a lot, too ;) :drool: (how couldn't he?? :adore: )
I don't think he talked to the She Virus about Reed... it didn't seem he talked to her much about ANYTHING. It really doesn't surprise me that Reed thought STELLA was Claire.... cuz even though Mac was with the She Virus he was STILL always much closer to Stella emotionally. And when even a stranger can see that it must be more than obvious to anyone who really knows them.
oh and thanks for "adding" me to the crazy list! :lol:

Pleni - I totally hear you, I love them like crazy too!!! Sometimes they're all I can think about (I know I'm nuts! :lol: ) Yesterday it took me forever to fall asleep cuz I was thinking about what might happen in the finale so much and I can't WAIT for wednesday when we finally get a new episode!!!

jwells - :lol: uhh yeah, the elevator is dangerous... I wonder what they'd do if they ever got stuck in there together? :devil: :drool: NOBODY can tell me they'd be able to keep their hands off each other... I mean, you know it's getting hot in there pretty soon and they might have to remove some of their clothes... just because it's hot, of course... :devil: :lol: ;) gosh, I'm glad I'm not the only one with a dirty mind here :lol:

*BIG HUGS* to all of you!! :D
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Ladies, I feel so bad for not replying sooner, but I am so sorry that real life stuff kind of got in my way.;)

I only wanted to dip my toe into this thread and yet you have all be so lovely and welcoming, scared that I might forget some of you but my thanks to, in no particular order, Steph (and for my avatar), Kara Mila, Tex, Axel, CSINYAddict, Rachel, Lori K, Shell Kikii and giovinazzo<3 , for the lovely welcome! :)

Forgive me if I have forgotten anyone but this thread is huge!!:)

Pleni so agree it is hard to keep up in here but I will try in the future.

MacsLady Hello hun, how are you? I am so going with the flow. Who knows given time I will be a fully fledged member of the smacked family. If you can be persuaded then an old bird like me might be!!;)

Ghawazee, Debbie, thank you for your welcome and your very nice words, it is an honour to be here too. :)

Welcome also to newcomers, jwells 2472 and Ginnna.:)

I love all the Mac and Stell pics, (love it when Mac calls her that!) they are very persuasive, and so are you ladies, I do still agree they have that certain something.Time will tell and one thing that I do agree on is that Gary and Melina will still act perfectly together, I agree on that.
My best wishes
Sophia x
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