Mac #3: Slim Macky & The Taylor Girls

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MBGrissom said:
I like that, Mac: Sexy When Wet! Or a play on the old Bon Jovi album title, Mac: Slippery When Wet (and he was pretty slippery, the way he outwitted the bad guys! :D)

I know what you mean I keep re watching those scenes he looks so lovely...*sigh*
We never forget scenes.. unless we're in one of those "duh" moods.

I like Sexy when Wet.

We get anymore I'll do a poll, unless we're all agreed on that one.
:cool:Mac: Wetter Is Better
:cool:Mac: Sexy When Wet

Mac: Towels Needed (...or not)
Mac: Sprinklers Wanted
Mac: Smoldering Sexiness Sets Off Sprinklers...

:lol: sorry, getting carried away... :devil: (I'm usually too shy to post much in here) At least he has a sponsor for waterproof watches, I think he's gonna need 'em...
^^ :lol: i love timezones (only) on birthday's...

you know guys I was just so drooling here because of this towel pic and I want to ask if it was a shooting(?) or what that he did this pic??... are there more of him in this towel?? :D
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