Mac #2 - Squeeze My Hand

Just to make life fun for you all... here's another new-bie :)
But no point trying to corrupt me, guys - I'm already corrupted!! :D
Well we do have cookies. :D .. but we also like to corrupt people. Its what we do.

Welcome, kiwifan.. since you're already corrupted, why not say we did it anyways :D
Welcome kiwifan!

"Come to the dark side, my pretties", she whispers, and laughs with evil glee. "It's sssssso fun here, on the dark side...Yessssss, my precioussss, we have cookies, we have Mac-adamia Nuts, but be very, very careful on your way down to the gutter...that last step is a doozy. You might never find your way out..." Bwwwwahaha... :D
Thanks guys - what a welcome.. :)
And you know, there's only one person that can lay claim to corrupting me... (and we all know who that would be!) :D
I think I'm going to have fun here in the gutter/dark side
MBGrissom said:
Welcome kiwifan!

"Come to the dark side, my pretties", she whispers, and laughs with evil glee. "It's sssssso fun here, on the dark side...Yessssss, my precioussss, we have cookies, we have Mac-adamia Nuts, but be very, very careful on your way down to the gutter...that last step is a doozy. You might never find your way out..." Bwwwwahaha... :D
:eek:im scared :eek:
well if your talking about 'Grand Murder in Central Station' i only got one pic, he doesn't look too angry.

In that episode he was really angry at the beggining..when he was yelling 'get these people down NOW!'... :lol: