Mac #2 - Squeeze My Hand

Okay, a little bit of fun, here. Since we're mostly pretty much agreed that Pissy!Mac is hot, what is your favorite Pissy Moment? (Can you even decide on just one? LOL)

I think I actually gave a meep! when he and Stella were fighting (which was also really hawt, btw). And later on when he was talking with the suspect. Scary man.

My other favorite was when he raised his voice at Messer for not following his orders to let go of that case in Crime & Misdemeanor. Go, Mac!
Sometimes even a Mini Pissy!Mac moment is huge. Case in point, in last night's "Fare Game", early in the show when he and Flack are interrogating the first suspect (who ends up being innocent), the guy is stonewalling them, and suddenly Mac gives the table the guy is sitting at a quick Shove!, and immediately the guy's eyes get real wide and his mouth falls open as he's just staring at Mac. In that quick split second, Mac commanded the guy's attention, Big Time.
I remember that!

I know I rewound my copy several times to get the full effect of his shove :D

That was where the perp said something like Mac popping his veins, right?

*now has ideas for a Mac icon*
Hmmm...I can think of several ways I'd like to make Mac's veins pop. (Oooops, did I actually type that, or did I just think it? LOL)

Another great Pissy!Mac moment, can't remember the name of the eppy but I think it was a crossover ep? When Mac tells the perp that he hopes he "...rots in hell..." Yow.
LOL...nice one, MBGrissom.

I can think of some other pleasant uses for that table, too. Hey, it's hardwood....<G>
....*can recite that exact line right here and now* .. :p One of my favorite moments. He even threw in a swear word! :lol:

I like how he got snarky and pissy with Sonny Sassone in RSRD.
Live Or Let Die was pretty hot, although there was a little bitterness and remorse thrown in with that anger.

It was still hot.
I thought his "Sweet dreams, dead man" to Sonny in RSRD was ooooh, sexy as well. Boy, would I love to hear Mac utter something in my ear (I'll be happy with just "sweet dreams", thank you)

Another thing I love about Mac is his voice. It's so distinct and soothing (when he's not angry, anyway) No wonder Vanessa Ferlito said sometimes she just gets mesmerized when she's shooting a scene with Gary :lol:

Something that has stuck in my mind: his voice/diction when he was handling the guitars with Lindsey (Can't recall what line exactly, will check later) He reminded me so much of John Malkovich I had to re-listen again and again and again. Hahaha! Must be a Steppenwolf (or Chicago?) thing.