Mac #2 - Squeeze My Hand

feenx said:
^^ I like the tie, especially if it's just the tie.^^

:lol: Good one, feenx! I definitely like the way you think!

ETA: Oh, wow! I just realized I made "Police Officer" with this post! Yee haw! :D
Oh, I can't decide which one I like better.

Ties make look Mac more formal and forbidding (yes, I have issues :p ) that you just wanna pull it and play with it and lead him around with it. I'm talking about ties, TIES! Honest! Heh.

OTOH, tie-less Mac shows more of his delicious neck, so *swoon*

Congrats MBGris! And welcome to the newbies! (or new delurkers)
Ummm... but I think feenx and I were talking about him wearing only a tie. :D (Um, that is what you meant, wasn't it, feenx? Or am I the only one here with a dirty mind tonight? :lol:)

Aaaw, thanks for the Congrats, guys! I could't have done it without out you! (Seriously, I couldn't have! I woulda been here all by my lonesome talking to myself, and that wouldn't have been any fun, and I never would have made Police Occifer! Oooh, I'm feeling so "Mac-ish" tonight! :lol:)
MBGrissom said:
Ummm... but I think feenx and I were talking about him wearing only a tie. :D (Um, that is what you meant, wasn't it, feenx? Or am I the only one here with a dirty mind tonight? :lol:)

Aaaw, thanks for the Congrats, guys! I could't have done it without out you! (Seriously, I couldn't have! I woulda been here all by my lonesome talking to myself, and that wouldn't have been any fun, and I never would have made Police Occifer! Oooh, I'm feeling so "Mac-ish" tonight! :lol:)
i did mean just the tie execpt not around his neck if ya know what i mean. :devil:
Ohmygezzzzzzzzz :eek:

Mac is looking really, really effing well!


Thanks fruitbat!

*swipes droolage*
ranma said:
Ohmygezzzzzzzzz :eek:

Mac is looking really, really effing well!


Thanks fruitbat!

*swipes droolage*

me drooling to,there is 1 pic there where he's squnting but he lookes constipated but still the others are amazing he looks well like he's been on holiday and so does melina......... mabey they went grease together and rubbed olive oil over each other and thats why there so brown ....the sun has burned them lol
sorry i have a dirty mind lol