Mac #2 - Squeeze My Hand

Ok, that works Feenx :) But we better be careful not to leave the poor boy too exhausted at the end. We don't wanna wear him out :)
feenx said:
lady's clam down, lets just tie him to a bed and we all get our trun.

OMG the mental image......*THUD* :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:
I see I missed a lot during the week :( :( :(
(I was at a camp for air rifle shooters and in the whole camp there was no single f*** PC)

Mac tied to a bed... what a image!!!
When you're done with him, send him to Germany and I'll show him German passion :devil: :devil: :devil:
Mac tied to a bed...fantastic image to start my morning out with! :p

Loved re-watching him in Run Silent, Run Deep last night. *sigh* Pissy!Mac, and Compassionate Mac, all in one eppy. And let's not forget Smoking!Mac, :lol:
*sigh* *drool* We can place him under arrest and borrow his cuffs :devil: But I wanna make sure we share with Stella, she deserves some too lol.

I loved rewatching the scene at the end and even mom was crying. And I gotta say he's smokin' even without the cig.
omg!!! mac smoking was the best thing since sliced bread....he just looked sooo hot doing it!!!
i think it was cuz it was sooo un mac like??